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Everything posted by SVX_commuter

  1. I am looking at a 95 Legacy 2.2L and the coolant expansion tank has a very dark residue on the inside of the tank, all over the tank, can't see any plastic thru it. There appears to be a coating of something black in color all over the inside of the tank. The coolant also looks very dark not green. It has oh about 196k miles on it. If I can find out about this coolant thing it might be okay to buy. Is it some kind of additive? I would appreciate hearing from anybody with experience on this. Thanks
  2. Well I started to disconnect the fuel pump to kill the engine and thought I was on to something, fuel injectors. Then I hooked a pressure gauge and even after the pressure dropped to 13 psi a half hour later on hot engine, it still started. So then the check engine light started to come on. It was thowing a code 21, temperature sensor. It took the ECU an awful long time to start showing the code and the engine light would only stay on for about 30 seconds. Replaced the sensor for about $21 dollars and all is well. Unfortuniately, I replace the starter and alternator before that. I was relieing on other peoples discription of the problem and got in a rush to fix it. Oh well it runs great now. The idle speed is lower also.
  3. If you suspect the calipher, then all you need is a flat bladed screw driver to move the pads and calipher to check it out. There is a slot in the middle of the calipher. I use the screw driver inthis slot and leverage it against the pads/claipher to move the piston back in. It should move with a moderate amount of force all the way to put the piston into the calipher. If it does not move, well then it's stuck. Check that your fluid reservoir won't over flow when you do this.
  4. Oh this is one of favorite Subaru tests. Is the AWD working? Easy to find out if you got some time. Put it up a lift or on jack stands with all the tires off the ground of course. After it's off the ground, step on the brake, turn it on, put into gear and release the brake. Just let it idle. No gas. If rear tires spin the AWD is working. Step on the brake slowly and smoothly before turning it off. If the ABS light comes on it will clear after it's driven with all the wheels on the ground.
  5. Yesterday the Impreza would noy start after sitting fro 40 minutes. Got it running by holding my foot to the floor while turning it on. IT coughed and rand rough and then smooth out. I really think an injector is leaking. Today I turning off the engine by disconnecting the fuel pump and letting it run out of gas. Then I turn off the key and reconnect the fuel pump connector. I think this will help get it started. I found out the 93 1.8L fuel injectors are the same as 97 2.2L injectors. I got four of those in a used engine so I think I'll give them a try.
  6. I bought a 97 Impreza, 2.2L about 2 years with my son. We knew it had a head gasket leak and planed on replacing the engine. Before the replacement was done, we drove it around for awhile. It would not use any coolant in local driving. It pulled strong and had no indications of a head gasket leak. None of the “tests” said it had a bad head gasket. Out on the highway it sucked coolant like crazy, about ½ gallon every 20 miles or so and it still ran great. Well we replaced it with one from a salvage yard. I also had a head gasket leak in my SVX. That showed up CO in the coolant test. I replaced that engine too. The point I am trying to make is that sometimes the leak is so small it is not detectable. Sometimes these engine will run great with a head gasket leak under certain conditions and then other times no so great.
  7. Well I cleaned out the air control valve that sits on top the throttle body and I checked the fuel pressure regulator. That seems to be working okay. Does anybody know how to check injectors for leaking?
  8. The viscous couplin is on the manual tranny and yes you have to get a new one. A subaru rebuilt tranny may b the best way to go. However, Have you tried synthetic fluid? How many miles on the unit?
  9. I got a problem with my Impreza. Sometimes it won’t start. I was looking at the trouble chart for the SVX that I think is very helpful. I think it’s the fuel injectors. I think that the injector stays open sometimes and after the car sits for about an hour and a half, too much gas has leaked into the cylinder. When it does start it runs very rich and bucks until the gas clears out. Do the fuel injectors make sense? The car runs great all the rest of the time. No CEL codes or anything. I think it is not the ECU power supply or the fuel pump or pressure regulator, or ignitor or coil or plugs because I think when these items break they stay broken and don’t start working again. Does anybody know if it could be one of these items?
  10. I found the thread: FAQ's Why did you do this modification? My front diff was going out and I needed my car so without spending heaps I figured if I can allow the front Diff to spin freely it will be fine. So the Idea of building a RWD SVX was born How did you do the modification? I took the output shaft out of the transmission removed the drums and clutches and welded the shaft solid removed the front CV axles kept the cups in the wheels to support the bearings. How much did this cost you? So far nothing but It was a lot of work. I am going to split the shaft in 2 balance and reweld the shaft which should be about $100 If you now have a new transmisson why is it still Rear wheel drive? Well the Outback trany has a low gear ratio which would cause the SVX to run high Rpm at high way speeds Can I do this my self? Disclamer: NO I do not recomend anybody try this at home it can ruin your transmission or seriously damge it if done wrong! What kind of power diffrence did you notice? well the gain was signifigant I can't think of any mod to a SVX besides nitrous turbo or supercharger that would make as much of a power difference. Can you do a Burnout? Piece of cake BTW the car handles as well if not better being RWD but a heavy right foot at the wrong time can spin you in a circle Also I will be changing My SVX to 3.700 gear ratio in plac of the stock 3.545 ratio
  11. There is a guy with an SVX that has done this. Welded up the transfer clutch basket and removed the front axles, disassembled and left the part thru the hub to hold the bearings. He burns rubber with his rear wheels now.
  12. I used to get about 23 in a 95 a/t Leg Wagon, combined driving, the first Subaru we owned. 27 in a 97 a/t OBS mostly highway, the only new Suby we bought. 23 in a 91 a/t Leg wagon combined driving and about 26 on the hywy. 32 in a 97 Impreza m/t on the highway. The manual got better MPG in the winter compared to the a/t's.
  13. Hi you guys. Does anybody know how to read the CEL codes for a 93 Impreza with a 1.8L? Thanks
  14. I like the SVX. I have one. Very nice car for the highway. Not real quick off the line. Everything is very fixable on it so I do my own work.
  15. Well I was looking for threads about rough idle. Your problem sounds similar to one I saw in another thread about rough idle in gear. Search on this "idle vibration--in gear only" and see if it helps you. (I am not sure how to copy a thread title from a search page.)
  16. Well my wife ran the car fro about 20 minutes and then it shifted fine into gear. I think the lock solenoid is sticking. I plan on changing the fluid and adding Lucus transmission treatment.
  17. Hey, I have the same problem with my 92, 221k,. As soon as I shift it into gear it dies. I got code 12 which is the lock-up solenoid "B". I also got 24 which is the "C" transfer solenoid. I guess my problem is the TC is locked when I shift into gear. How hard is it to change the solenoid?
  18. Okay I found the info thanks to Josh [Legacy777] on his web site surrealmirage.com/subaru. That's a very nice write up Josh. I didn't know I had a newer Subaru. Sorry.
  19. Hi I am new here. This my first post and all. I got a 93 Legacy with about a gazillion miles on it and the 'check engine' light comes on once in a while. I tried to read those codes but I am not sure I have disconnected the correct connector to activate the "U-check mode". I found one on the right side of the steering column that is black. If I disconnect that the fasten seat belt light flashes. Oh well..... There is also a blue one inthe same general place but I haven't gotten any response from that one. Any help would be great. Thanks
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