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Everything posted by iamtheq

  1. While I had it, my 1987 SPFI 3 speed AT 2wd GL sedan got no lower than 25 MPG, no matter how I drove it. I would average about 27 MPG and get at least 350 miles out of a tank of regular. This was combined city and highway driving. Stock tires. ECU light constantly on complaining about the EGR solenoid. My 91 Pontiac 6000, 3.1 V6 has gotten me 21.5 MPG average, with my low being 19.1 and my high being 24.3. I'll average around 300 miles per tank. Mostly back roads/city driving.
  2. Can I ask which JY it was so I don't go there? I see you're in Pottsville. I'm in East Greenville, so it's possible that we'd frequent the same yards.
  3. On my 87 GL with the 3AT I would consistently get 25 MPG no matter how I drove it (even if I flogged it). I would frequently get up to 28 MPG and once got 32 on a long highway trip). My trip ODO would be at around 340 miles when I noticed the needle approaching the "E" What size tires on are the car? Is it possible that you have the wrong size tires making the ODO inaccurate?
  4. Wow, I'm famous :cool: Anyway, I've moved since I was dealing with Paul on the EGR switch. My new address is 219 W. Sixth Street East Greenville, PA 18041 As soon as I have your address, I'll send you the manual. See ya!
  5. Hey guys, since I'm Sub-less these days, I have a Haynes manual covering 1980 - 1989. Free to a good home. Just pay for shipping (from 18041). I know that I should post this in the marketplace, but it seemed on-topic for this thread Email or PM me if interested.
  6. Great recommendations - That special brake tool is available as a universal one (looks like about a 1/2 or 3/4 inch square cube with different points on each side for different manufacturer's brakes). It's a 3/8" drive tool and sells for between 5 and 10 bucks at Pep Boys and other auto stores. I second (third, fourth, etc.) the endorsement of PB Blaster. That stuff is awesome. A can of brake clean spray is good also for cleaning the grease, mud, etc. off your brake parts after an emergency repair. Finally, in case nobody mentioned it, a supply of cotter pins because you know you're going to break or lose them when you're dismantling the axles.
  7. It just unscrews (lefty-loosey), You might need to put channel locks on it to get it moving at first. It's holding back whatever ATF is still in there, so make sure you're quick about it or have a catch pan under it. I'm not sure if the 90 part will fit, but I don't see why not. If it doesn't, the Fram replacement is around $15.
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