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  • Birthday 07/30/1978

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    I Love My Subaru

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  1. My SUB temp gage is getting a little on the hot side wile driving her. On the free way its a little over half way. In town it goes a little farther. I leave the heat blowing on high to help her out. Just changed thermostat for water flow. It did help because it was even hotter before I changed the t-stat. It has an even amount of radiator fluid. Flushed it 6 months ago. Any other ideas. Don't anter to have to put on another fan if I can help it. Radiator seems ok. When I flushed it. Not eating a dangerous amount of much oil, she's old but good compression. Any other Ideas? Thanks SUB PEEPS for all for your help SAYLER
  2. I had my SUB die on the freeway. It was the timing, got it timed right, but It still wont start. Check everything from distributor cap and roder. It has spark on all the plugs, everything is good. Now I don't know why but the gas pump relay and fuel injector is priming on and off. 5 times and then a pause. The diagnostics computer reads #5. Maybe fuel injectors bad? Its getting gas but fluding piston 2 and 4. What you all think SAYLER
  3. Ok I had some help and figured out that the timing belt broke. I thought is was electric problem but it is not so...... I have replace the timing belts in the past but, I cant remember do I rotate the crank shaft first 360*. Then line up the mark for the drivers side belt then put on the passenger belt. OR 1st 360* rotation on the crank shaft pulley 2nd Line up drivers side belt mark. Loosen belt on drivers side. 3rd Line up passenger side belt mark. Then tighten both belts. so that drivers side mark is up and passenger side mark is down or visa versa when your finished... YIKES!!! I know one you sub-peeps out there has a manual. The one I have sucks
  4. Heartless,


    RE-Responding from post 88 SUB DL Coil problem 7/2/11

    Subaru 88 DL Wagon died on the highway. Just shut off and light on the dash board lit up. Car turns over but doesn't want to start. Electrical problems with the coil. I got an new one but this is whats going on. If you test from the ground side of the battery to the terminal you have voltage, if you go to the negative terminal to the possative side you also have voltage. Relay working and pulsating along with the fuel injection system. As it pulsates light under the dash board is pulsating 5 times and then a pause. All dash board light are on when key is turned to the on position. I pulled fuel filter hose off just for fun. Located under the hood of the car and watched gas squirt out of hose as I tried starting the car. Fuel pump and relay are good. Checked fusses in fuse box, all good. Don't know what other fuses to check besides box.

    Thank you for responding to my post.


  5. Ok I am reposting this with some of the same info and more info. Subaru 88 DL Wagon died on the highway. Just shut off and light on the dash board lit up. Car turns over but doesn't want to start. Electrical problems with the coil. I got an new one but this is whats going on. If you test from the ground side of the battery to the terminal you have voltage, if you go to the negative terminal to the possative side you also have voltage. Relay working and pulsating along with the fuel injection system. As it pulsates light under the dash board is pulsating 5 times and then a pause. All dash board light are on when key is turned to the on position. I pulled fuel filter hose off just for fun. Located under the hood of the car and watched gas squirt out of hose as I tried starting the car. Fuel pump and relay are good. Checked fusses in fuse box, all good. Don't know what other fuses to check besides box. I removed the panel below dash board and looked around. Not sure what else to check other than looking at wires.
  6. Subaru 88 DL Wagon, no current going to coil. Relay working and pulsating. Car wants to start but nothing. All dash board light are on when key is turned to the on position. I pulled fuel filter hose off just for fun. Located under the hood of the car and watched gas squirt out of hose as I tried starting the car. Fuel pump and relay are good. Checked fusses in fuse box, all good. Don't know what other fuses to check besides box. I removed the panel below dash board and looked around. Not sure what else to check other than looking at wires. A little red light located right below steering column blinks as relay pulsates. I dont know, what else to do..
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