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Everything posted by niles24

  1. I made sure the washer was facing the correct direction, with the letters "out" well, facing outward. I will re-torque the axle nut today and see if that makes a difference. I replaced the driver side axle about 35,000 miles ago and have had zero issues with that one so I feel like I am installing this one correctly. Thanks for the suggestions
  2. Nope, no lift all, maybe someday after it is not my daily driver....but the clicking and knocking is only getting worse and for the first 100 miles or so it was silent. I dont think it will "settle in" but we'll see. Thanks
  3. Hey guys, I have a 94' loyale, 5sp with 130,000 miles on it. I replaced the passenger side half axle about 4 weeks ago, after about 300 miles it started clicking and knocking really bad and only got worse, it also made the loyale pull to the left pretty bad. I figured it was a bad reman because I have heard that happens. Not a huge problem, I took it back to auto zone and they warrantied it. So I threw the new one in there last weekend, it was fine for about 100 miles or so but now with about 200 miles on it it is doing the same thing just not quite as bad, yet. Do you guys think it is just another bad reman? Is autozone notorious for having crappy remans? Could something else be causing the axle to fail like that? Any help would be awesome, I don't want to keep doing this every couple weeks.... Thanks
  4. thanks for the list. I recently replaced the o2 sensor so i am pretty sure that is not it. Would a bad VSS possibly cause the symptoms i described earlier?
  5. Hey thanks. took it out, tested it and it is fine, read 38 on a ohms meter. i checked the engine codes again and now it reads 32 and 33... (when i was taking off the solenoid i noticed that the hose wasn't all the way on so that is probably why that code came up...) now on to the next one...my car runs fine until i start to go up a very long hill then the check engine light comes on and it is like the engine is choked and it looses a lot of power and bucks a little bit. so that is why i am chasing codes
  6. Found it and removed it. How would i go about testing to see if it still works?
  7. Awesome thanks guys. Pulled a code 35 so i am going in to check it out
  8. Where is the purge solenoid located on a 94 loyale? spfi 5sp 105,xxx miles Thanks in advance for the help
  9. Alright got the codes (thanks for the help on the location of ecu). The numbers are 11, 13 and 32. So 11 and 13 are the crank angle sensor or circuit and 32 is the O2 sensor or circuit. I am guessing codes 11 and 13 are from when i replaced the plugs a couple weeks ago and didnt plug in one of the wires all the way and tried to start it. code 32 seems is pretty straight forward, i'll check out the o2 sensor and replace it if necessary. Sound good or is there something i am missing? thanks again for the help
  10. Hey guys thanks again for the help, unfortunately i am having trouble retrieving the codes. The check engine light stays on (along with my other dash lights) and does not flash or turn off at all. I have two white and two green connectors that plug into each other under the hood. I assumed the two white ones were the black ones that you mentioned. I tried plugging in both sets of wires and nothing, the light just stays on and constant with the key in the "on" position. It even stays on while nothing is connected (along with the other lights. Any advice from here would be awesome. thanks
  11. I've covered all the basics for the most part i think. Cleaned air filter, replaced the rotor, cap, and wires as part of regular maintenance very recently. Replaced fuel filter and spark plugs about 30,000 miles ago. I was also thinking fuel starvation, possibly the fuel pump. I actually tested it and the pressure was at 21 psi and i believe it is suppose to be at 30-35. But i jerry rigged a inline air pressure gauge with a t valve so i am not sure on the accuracy of that test. where is this throttle position sensor that you're talking about? any other ideas? thanks for the reply!
  12. I have a 5 sp 94 loyale with about 100,000 miles on it and am having some engine problems and am in need of some help. When going up any sort of pass or very long incline my engine light comes on and there is an immediate loss of power. I can push the gas pedal to the floor and kinda almost pump it and that helps a little bit, but the light is still on and there is a definite lack of power. It feels as though the engine has the choke on all of the sudden. As soon as I get to the top of the grade and shift into 5th gear (or let off the gas completely) the engine light goes off and the car returns to its normal minimal amount of power. I have some ideas on what it could be, but I am not an expert and would really appreciate some other ideas. Any help or thoughts of what it might be would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
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