hello there,
I am fairly new to the subaru world... (I got the subie bite after doing an engine swap on a loyale for a friend). Long story short I have an 86 GL Wagon carburetor 1.8 and my head gasket just blew. After doing a bit of research it seems that I have a few limited options for how to continue. Any suggestions, opinions, or alternate ideas would be greatly appreciated.
1) Sell the car AS IS with the blown head gasket and hope for a couple hundred to make up the cost.
2) Take the time and Part out the car for a bit more cash and scrap the remaining shell.
3) Buy a junkyard or used motor from the same model and due a direct swap and hope for the best.
4) Buy a donor Legacy and do an EJ22 swap, much more involved and costly, but an over all awesome outcome.
Let me know what you guys think, and thanks in advance.