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Everything posted by two85s

  1. Yeah thanks Rugby, I wish webers were an option for me, I've got two 32/36 DGV, I think that's what they are, on a 240z that are going to be sitting around when I put that cars original SU carbs back on it. Anyway, for now I will just start being my own mechanic for the wagons. I can save labor $$$ for parts $$$, and have the satisfaction from doing it myself. Thanks Aaron.
  2. Thanks again Rugby, I will be posting pics soon to document current status of cars and as repairs as they are made. I just yesterday received a 1985 Subaru parts catalog that I purchased on ebay. It is sweet. California wants the smog done every two years I'll make a list of parts I think I need and then see about availability and price from the places you mentioned. Thanks, Aaron.
  3. Thanks Rugby! I appreciate your feedback. I'll look into it more and hopefully find what I want is available, otherwise it will be harder to keep the cars. Thanks Aaron
  4. OK for 80's era parts your recommendations please. Online or Dealers? I need to get mainly routine maintenance parts for two 1985 wagons. I think online would be better. Who should I buy from? Thanks for your help. Aaron
  5. Hey Heartless, I like your etchings! Very nice work and a great idea. Aaron

  6. Thanks very much GirlwithaLegacy and heartless, that should help me a lot. I'm planning on doing some photos of the cars as they are and then as I work on them. They both are very much stock cars, and I have driven the D/R much more than the Automatic. Any way, once I get some photos into photobucket, I'll start posting here with questions. I'll check out your galleries too. Very cool. Yes, I am a Subaru fan for sure, my D/R has earned it, with all the off road trips and crazy places it has taken me. I have never owned any of the newer cars or older ones. I sure wish you all the best! Thanks Aaron
  7. Hello all, for maintenance parts (air & oil filters, pcv, egr, fuel pumps/ filters, emission-carb valves/ canister, belts, odd and end fasteners, etc.) for my 1985 wagons, both very stock. 1) Should I seek a local dealer for these parts or 2) Which parts supplier(s) do you all like to work with who can ship them to my door. Thanks for your help. Aaron
  8. Thanks very much, I'll be doing that soon. It's is pretty easy to post pics on here right? Is there a limit to the number of pics in a post or some rule that I overlooked? How about size of picture, i don't want members to have to scroll to see the whole photo, you know what I mean? Thanks for the welcome!
  9. Hi Kid, I am a new member here too but have had my 85, since about 1994. Your in Fort Collins? I was new to Colorado when I bought my Subaru and I mainly bought it due to all the Subarus, some really old and charging along fine, they had out there especially a lot in the mountain towns. Anyway, I have two 85s now and have gone through one parts car. Before I bought my first having never owned one, I took it to a mechanic I found in the phone book, at the time I was living in west Denver. He checked it over took for a short drive and said it was in sound shape (I'll post picks soon of both), then he said remember three things: 1) use a Subaru oil filter, 2) always keep a close watch on the oil and coolant levels, and 3) never shift in a out of 4 wheel drive on a turn. BTW, that mechanic is in your area, I am in San Diego area now, and he and his wife are way, way, good people. Others on here have way more experience than me and may add more tidbits, but congrats on your new wagon. Aaron
  10. Hi USMB members, I own 2 1985 4x4 wagons, one dual range and the other is auto. I'll will be posting picture soon. I'm trying to keep them on the roads as best I can. A local mechanic said I should put a bullet in my dual range a while back. I stopped going to his garage, and now I want to do a lot of the work myself to save on labor costs, cause I'm broke, but also so I know it's done right. I bought the D/R (brown) while living in Colorado about 1994 and have had many great outings with it. I bought the Automatic (tannish color) about 2004 and put in a spare transmission it needed and I had from a third parts wagon that has since been disposed of. So, anyway, I lurked here many times, watched build threads, seen your videos, tried to look up random things. Thanks for being involved in this site hopefully I can help in some way too. Aaron
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