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Everything posted by Bociba

  1. Crank pulley was loose! I must have turned it 1.5 to 2 x around. Don't know how that got loose. Now I have to check the tightness by somehow securing the pulley and tightening that bolt to torque specs. Holding the belts firm against the pulley only hold so well... can get some tightening. Not sure enough. I need to find out just how much torque to set the torque wrench for and then maybe it will be right. What I did tighten though ended the knock!
  2. Actually a $0.02 solution appears to be what worked. The bolt was loose holding on the main pulley. I just need to make sure that the pulley is adequately tight now. You can't beat those "2 cent-ers"!.
  3. I appreciate your response. Found out that the main pulley was a bit loose. I don't know why and hope that I have tightened it adequately. I need to recheck that pulley because it is hard to tighten it (turning clockwise) and hold the pulley still at the same time. I tried holding the various belts against the pulley but that only works so well. Now to find a way to "lock down" that main pulley to get / verify that the main pulley nut / bolt is tight enough.
  4. Well Dr. RX...just about had the pink signed over to yah and then I decided to just put a torque wrench onto the main pulley and whoa... did that think turn? Yep, now I wonder how that got loose? A few more turns, click, click. Ah, torque wrench says tight enough. Start up. Hot Dog ! No Tap! Whew.... Can we say CHEAP? Think I'll just take that pink back..fer now, ok?
  5. I should be able to check today. I do not see any distinctive wobble from the pulley though - of course once it gets that bad it's really dangerous anyway. I don't want something to wobble and fly off.
  6. As I start it up the knocking sound can be heard. Increasing the rpms you can hear the knock increase - I would say proportionally - same knock just faster -perhaps not as loud. No shake or shudder to engine. It sounds like something is attched to some reciprocating device and taps something "on the way around" if that makes any sense. This past weekend I drove it fairly hard and I thought the sound went away. This morning I noticed it was still there. Belts are tight, no noticable wobble to any of the pullies. Again, the sound is somewhere between the main center pulley and the alternator. I used a piece of pvc pipe to try locating the source of sound. It is not low in the engine - it is up high. Yeah, I can't tell whether this noise is coming or going. Sometimes it is there and other times you really have to listen for it. Sometimes it is no louder than the ticking from the fuel injection.
  7. I have a metallic knock I am hoping to discover what is causing it with your help. It is right in the center of the engine - in front. It is below the alternator right about where the "main" gear is...the underpully? Starting the engine when "cold" the knock is very pronounced. It doesn't sound like a lifter/tappet knock. It does not go (mostly) away until the engine is warm. It is a metallic knock/rap that can be heard (I used a plastic tube to narrow down where the sound is coming from) underneath the alternator to some point at or near the pulley. It does not seem to be on either side (idler pulleys) nor the alternator, nor down where the water pump is. It is not a clump-clump deep knock but sounds kinda like a waterpump knock on a domestic V8 just before it goes out. There is no squeeling - like loose belts. No apparant idler bearing going out. I don't know what it is - so, here I am. I appreciate your comments and will heck out what you may suggest. The car runs fine otherwise. No trouble codes, no CE light, nothing other than this knock which like I say tends to go away as the engine warms up. Thanks. Bociba
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