I thought I'd add my two-cents of info here.
Type of Wrenching: Maintanance (for now =P)
How long doing it: Just started!! After a really bad breakdown on my way from NM to FL, I decided I'm never again going to drive without knowing what's going on in my car. Since then, with massive amounts of gratitude to my friend and his garage, I've been doing a lot of reading, and minor things myself. I haven't got any type of mechanical past, but enjoy it tremendously.
Learning how to drop my tranny and change out my clutch this weekend.
I love my baby (when she works), and am seeing her seemingly constant ailments as a way to educate myself.
Cars: My own '02 WRX 5spdMT
Other skills: I train horses, do handstands and acrobatics, put up drywall, and teach ESL and Russian to immigrants and high school kids respectively.