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Everything posted by Moosen

  1. Will post a pick of our fj40 tomorrow. Prepare to eat yourselves.
  2. Oh god the infamous clunk. can't figure mine out. Might be ponying up to buy new struts and see if that fixes it.
  3. Okay okay getting on this bandwagon. Looking to do a 2" lift soon and redrilling 6 lug wheels to fit. Now the only thing I am confused about it the wheel width. What can I go to? 7inch or 8 inch? For example what about these guys? http://portland.craigslist.org/clc/pts/3029585521.html
  4. Well then might as well get the bighorns. saving up to get big horns, 14" wheels, and a boss 2" lift. How hard is it to cut the fenders?
  5. Would these fit on 14" pugs? http://www.tirerack.com/tires/tires.jsp?tireMake=BFGoodrich&tireModel=All-Terrain+T%2FA+KO&sidewall=Raised%20White%20Letters&partnum=975R4ARAKORWL&tab=Specs the 195/75 r14? and witha 26" sidewall I wouldnt need to cut or trim right?
  6. Where did you get your tires. What is the ratio on them? like 175/85r13 or whatever
  7. Ooooh extremely tempted. Looking for a laptop? I would trade a fully working dell d620 for a kit. And would this be fine on my 87 gl? You said extreme angles on cv? Does this mean they will go bad easily or what? How can I avoid this? If I put bigger tires and wheels on should the angles go away?
  8. Wow ummmm you have had some interesting cars
  9. http://www.webercarbsdirect.com/32_36_DGEV_p/22680.033b.htm
  10. cost me a little under $300. $200 for carb, filter and adapter was about another $50. Then miscellanous parts to get her working right.
  11. Yeah i am getting 12v when it is cranking. and I only hear it pump once.
  12. part 1: part 2: part 3: Thinking about getting some off road lights like that on my roof!
  13. Just one more reason right there. Mostly I am just tired of carb's. I want fuel injected for living up at such a high elevation in such cold weather.
  14. Not really. I dont know if it is the fuel pump actually, i dont know what the front right knock is still. and stuff breaks by the day.
  15. mine has the same issue. just found out that my fuel pump is going bad.
  16. Way more power. Sounds beautiful... especially when that second barrel opens up Greater power band, from about 1500 rpm to 4500 rpm Increased gas mileage from 23 mpg to 27 mpg on freeway. and stuff still isnt hooked up or jetted right. Easier to work on removes a lot of bull************ conversation starter
  17. Found out my fuel pump is going bad and not pumping fuel! ahah that explains a lot. Also finally got my pcv system hooked up correct. (I think) haha now once i get the fuel pump (assuming it fixes the problem) I am deciding if I want to sell the car and get a newer impreza wagon. Or keep it and dump more money into it
  18. So my fuel pump is bad on my weberized 87 gl. No fuel comes out when i crank it. Will this guy right here work fine? PERFORMANCE ELECTRIC Part # P11K
  19. Figured it out I think. The pump delivery screw was loose
  20. My EA82 will catch on the very first crank when I turn the key but then die instantly, then I have to keep it cranking over until it will lightly start to catch after about 30 seconds and then it will idle for around 2 seconds then just die again. Now when I actually do get it to idle, when i step on the gas pedal too much it will just stall out gasp and die. And this is when i just push it in 1/4 of the way. If i floor it from idle it has no hope at all. So basically I have to very lightly touch the gas pedal to get it to rev enough to where i can actually hit the gas. Now when I pour gas straight into the carb barrel it will catch and start way sooner. I have tried messing with the idle jets, as well as all the others. and nothing seems to be helping? Could my distributor be too advanced? or too retard? Or could my battery just be shot?
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