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Stubies Subie

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Everything posted by Stubies Subie

  1. I really want one of those back bumpers but I can't get HTi to contact me, I'm less then a month out from getting our new camping trailer and I still don't have a hitch for the wagon.
  2. I don't normally do this, but kinda felt compelled for some reason, and after clearing it with my little woman, and getting her ok, here's the deal. you show beyond question that it's either a bad alternator, or a bad regulator, and I will buy you either part and have it shipped direct to you so you can get your car back on the road. you can PM me your address, and I'll have the part drop shipped to you. no charge and I expect nothing in return, only that you pass on the favor someday for someone else.
  3. are you sure it's the alternator that went out and not the voltage regulator? I'm no expert on the matter, and not sure I'd go to the trouble of doing a swap like that, I think I'd rather try to come up with a way to either fix or replace the one that broke with the same type alternator. but that's just me. now, having said that, I did a google search for "swapping an externally regulated alternator for an internally regulated one" and got all sorts of hits and how to's, from what I read, it sounds easy. you might want to do a google search, in a case like this, google is your friend.
  4. I had that happen before, I replaced 3 bad ones, and never messed with this one because it was tight at the time, I should have replaced it when I did the others. it's amazing how much noise a bad cone washer can make, it's unbelievable. you would think the whole dang axle was about ready to drop out of the car. from now on, I'm gonna make sure I got spares. I torque them to 150 ft-lbs, then give them another additional little crank to get the cotter pin holes to line up with the castle nut, then insert the cotter pin. it's kinda one of them, "learn as you go" kinda things, but I've noticed that my cone washers came loose during or shortly after an off road 4 wheel drive run, both times they have come loose has been right after I either drove down a nasty logging road in 4WD, or went Baha-ing out across a friends pasture to get to his pond for a fishing adventure
  5. yeah, if I would have pulled the wheel and drum at work, I would have seen that it was the axle nut, but I didn't have a spare anyway, going to make sure I got spares now though. I replaced all the axle nuts on that car a few months ago, except that one, at that time, it was the only one that was tight, so I didn't mess with it. oh well, it's leaving me enough money to get the Legacy fixed, I'm going to tow it to GD's tomorrow for a transmission replacement. that wheel was really loose, that's why i thought it was the bearings, it went clank, clank, clank really loud driving it down the freeway
  6. it turned out to be a bad cone washer, it took all of 10 minutes to fix and about $10.00 a stupid cone washer, I went through all of that because of a stink'in cone washer, $10 bucks and 5 minutes of work and the old wagon was back on the road.
  7. My solution to my wheel bearing problem, call a tow truck, then call GD, and tell him it’s on it’s way ….problem solved …..
  8. it's gonna be interesting to see what's left, I'll get pictures, it's not going to surprise me if it took out the axle as well, I'm sure there must have been warning signs, but I missed them or something. Ive never seen a wheel bearing blow so badly so fast
  9. jacked up the right rear and that rear tire dances all over the place, looks like the wheel is about to fall off, rear wheel bearings are completely gone. it's weird how it went out like that all of a sudden, maybe there were warning signs, but I never noticed them. need to have it towed to General Disorders place for repair.
  10. I'll check that when i go to lunch, but a quick glace at that axle a little while ago didn't look like anything was wrong with it
  11. This just happened on my way to work today, so I haven’t had a chance yet to really look into it, at the moment, I’m looking for ideas as to what to look for: The car is question is a rock stock 91 Loyale wagon it's a 4wd 5 speed with 155,000 miles on the clock. It’s a hot day, temps in the 90’s I’m on the freeway doing about 60mph, enjoying the ice cold AC when I start hearing a clunk, clunk, clunk, coming out of the rear of the car, at first I thought it might be a flat, so I pulled over, checked all the tires, their all good. Once back on the freeway, the clunk, clunk, clunk returns, it’s very prominent, very loud, sounds like something broke or let loose, like maybe a broken axle or something. As I exit the freeway, I notice that the clunk, clunk, clunk gets slower as the car goes slower, gets faster as the car goes faster, but pretty much maintains the same tone and loudness when driving in a straight line, but get’s unbearably louder when turning to the left, and completely disappears when turning right I can also make it go away completely for a short period of time by lightly tapping the brakes, once I got the car to my place of employment, in the parking lot the clunk, clunk, clunk disappears completely when in reverse. I took a quick look under the car when I got to work and didn’t see anything out of the ordinary, there’s no play in the rear wheels, there’s no slop as would be found with a bad cone washer, and giving a quick twist/turn/tug on the rear axles didn’t show anything out of the ordinary either, the axles seem tight, with no play or slop. The exhaust as a pretty good leak to it and it kind of looks like the exhaust might be rubbing up against the drive line as I do see some fresh scrapes on the drive-line, However looking at the exhaust and the drive-line, even if they were rubbing, I don’t see how that would make such a profound clunk, clunk, clunk, it’s just a smooth round drive-line in close proximity to the exhaust pipe. If I can come up with a coat hanger or some bailing wire tonight, I’ll try pulling the exhaust away from the area of the drive line and see if that does any good, although from my viewpoint, they may look like they are close together, but they don’t look like they are rubbing At this point, I don’t believe it’s the exhaust rubbing the drive-line causing the problem. What’s your opinion? I’m going to try to take a closer look at the car when I go to lunch tonight, although I won’t have much time to really get into it, and with the clunk, clunk, clunk being as loud as it is, I’m more inclined to leave the car at work rather than drive it home and risk further damage.
  12. I just watched your video, that button in the video is the wrong one, so apparently I was wrong what I said that all the buttons are the same, apparently they aren't. I can take a picture of the button that came with mine and post it up here. as for getting the pillar trim off, I haven't done that yet so i don't know, how ever, from doing some radio cable running over the weekend, I don't think it's going to be a hard job, but as with the button, "I've been wrong before"
  13. I buy a lot of stuff from harbor freight, most all my tool collection came from there, they got some low cost stuff, and the quality ain't to bad. there's a few things I wouldn't buy from harbor freight including but not limited to: Parachutes, Fire Extinguishers, Pacemakers, Vaccines, Birth control devices, Bullet proof vests, and Scuba Gear. other then that, it's a great store.
  14. we need to fill up these fields on September 22nd, or I'm going to be faced with looking at a bunch of new BRZ's and nothing else. bring out your car, show it off, have a fun day
  15. I really hope this is ok to post here, I sent a message to ShawnW but he never responded and we're running out of time. On September 22 out at our little farm, we're going to be holding a benefit to help a fellow co-worker, the name of the benefit is the "Mario Recovery Benefit" you may not know Mario, but we do, he's a fine young man with a wife and two small children, he works for Tri-Met as a Mechanic. Mario has been Diagnosed with stage 4 Lymphoma, he's exhausted his vacation time going through treatments., and has many more weeks of chemotherapy. we want to help Mario and his family by lessening the financial burden that's been placed upon them by this unexpected illness. we invite you to come join us for a day at the farm to help raise money for Mario. there will be live music, a Barbecue ($5.00 a plate). a raffle or auction for some very neat items including a weekend on the Oregon Coast, and car repair at a reputable garage, also a rummage/garage sale with all proceeds going to Mario and his family. and last but not least, a car show, yes. that's right, we're inviting all our Subaru friends out to attend, and for $15 you will get a special parking place and the opportunity to show off your car. we have a nice 5 acre field freshly cut just waiting for you to park your ride on it. parking will be $5.00 a car, uless your bring that special ride to show off, then it will be $15 to park and you will get your own special little spot for your special car remember this is a benefit, we're doing this to help a friend in need, this is going to be a non-alcohol event, with all proceeds going to Mario and his family. contact me for our address. PS: we also need volunteers to help with different segments of the event, if you can help out in any way, please contact me. we are also looking for donations, whether it be something to raffle or auction off and just a cash donation at the local bank (account number in picture)
  16. these are the ones I bought for my car, 10,000 miles so far and they have held up fine: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Qty-1-6207-RS-6207-2RS-Sealed-Bearing-35x72x17-6207-RS-C3-/370620204013?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item564aaf83ed#ht_1357wt_1133
  17. here's a 2 lb hammer at harbor freight for 6 bucks, I can post up a 20% off coupon that will get the price down to $4.80 http://www.harborfreight.com/2-lb-engineers-hammer-6747.html here's a punch set that would drive the bearings out for 11.00 bucks, 20% off that would be $8.80 http://www.harborfreight.com/12-piece-industrial-punch-and-chisel-set-4885.html so if you have a harbor freight close by, for 13.20 plus tax if your state has it, you can buy the tools you need to get the job done. that's what I do, gotta luv harbor freight.
  18. you have to drive out the old bearings and races, I wouldn't trust the seals to use them over again, and their cheap anyway, if your going to the trouble to replace the bearings, I'd replace the seals as well. I had GD help me with mine, he drove out the old bearings and drove in the new, it's an easy job if you have something like a 3 pound hammer and a punch
  19. sealed bearings offer less chance of something contaminating the grease and ruining the bearings. like water from a creek crossing for example. as for me, I'm sticking with the sealed bearings, no problems in 10,000 miles and a lot cheaper then the alternative.
  20. I'm running the sealed bearings on my 91 Loyale, have about 10,000 miles on them so far with no problems, the seals were also replaced at the same time and we use a little bit of grease when we re-assembled the steering knuckle. if the cone washer is grooved or damaged in any way, replace it, if it's not damaged, you can use it over again, when I did mine, one cone washer was ok, so I used it over again, the other one was bad, so I found a good used one out of a wrecking yard to replace it with.
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