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Wayne Boncyk

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Everything posted by Wayne Boncyk

  1. Thanks!! I still am not near enough to my car to have a look at it (I've been driving our van to work until I get this issue resolved, and last night I got home after dark -- not a good time to work with your head behind the dash), but when I do I will post a message either confirming that my '96 Outback is the same as shown in your book, or if it is different I'll detail those differences. This forum is INCREDIBLE; I only wish I'd found you guys earlier!!!
  2. avk - Just so I'm sure I have it (and so I don't risk frying electronics in the process), let me try to re-state what you said. The illustration in the "locations" file shows a Diagnosis connector (Ill. #11) and Diagnosis terminals (#12) basically on the same harness. All I have to do is connect Pin 5 of the connector to either one of these terminals. Is that what you think this means? And you are sure that the two terminals are just connected straight to ground? You can tell that I'm not near my car at the moment, so I can't verify that I've got the exact same configuration, but I'm guessing that they'd have had no reason to re-engineer this one between '95 and '96, especially since they would have been busy designing the Phase 2 TCU at that time....
  3. AVK - This is great! This is exactly the data that I was looking for, and there appears to be no difference between the '95 and my '96. No surprise there. But I have another question. On page 13 of the Diagnostic Chart (section C - Onboard Diagnostics) it says to "move select lever to D and connect the diagnosis switch to ON." I don't have any idea what the diagnosis switch is. Whatizzit?? Is it the Diagnosis Connector 11 and Pins 12 from the Locations file? OK - I guess that's two questions. I'll stop now... :-)
  4. Fascinating! The price of replacing all these seals seems to vary all over the map!! I had mine done at a KC, MO dealership, and paid ONLY $2600!!! I was held hostage at the time, since I'd been nursing the leaks for several thousand miles and then had a massive oil dump happen when I was crossing the middle of nowhere, Kansas, a few years ago. All I can say is, take the previous poster's advice, and take a really big stick!!!
  5. Greetings, everyone! I'm new to this forum but I'm a confirmed Subie owner having had an old Brat at one time, and now driving a '96 Outback with the 2.5L engine and a 4EAT. I bought it new in South Dakota and have driven literally from coast to coast & from Texas to North Dakota, and after 197K+ miles I'm just getting her "broken in." But I'm now getting one of those annoying ATF Temp flashing light messages from my TCU. Trouble is, I don't know how to interrogate the thing, so although I know something's wrong, I don't yet know what. This is a version 1 4EAT, having been produced early in '96. I've seen a handshake procedure elsewhere on the forum for interrogating the version 2 tranny controllers, but I don't know how to read a verson 1 box. What do I do??? THANKS!
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