The squealing is noticeable a low speeds, particularly in parking lots and near things that reflect the sound, both while braking or just rolling. It probably does it at higher speeds too but the road noise drowns it out. It's not super loud, just enough to be annoying. The pads are pretty new. I don't think they'd have worn down to squealers yet. The tires I got the car with were a mismatched set of all no-name Chinese brand tires. They wore funny and seemed to have become not quite round anymore. A replacement set of some Japanese brand whose name I forgot wore much better and lasted 30k maybe. Now I have Hercules and I don't notice any unusual wear on them. I plan to check the caliper movement, the pads to see if they've worn evenly. It's just turned bitter cold and snowy in New Hampshire, so I'm going to put it off for a bit. Thanks all for your input.