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Everything posted by Spedtess

  1. Thanks for the info Monkeybus. I'll check out the pads you mentioned. I'd like to do it right for once. I thought I'd done it right the last time. I've heard that about warped rotors - not really warped, just heated pad material stuck on. The last time I replaced the rotors I looked at them expecting to see pad material stuck to the rotor, but no. It was nothing but shiny alloy, to the naked eye anyway.
  2. The squealing is noticeable a low speeds, particularly in parking lots and near things that reflect the sound, both while braking or just rolling. It probably does it at higher speeds too but the road noise drowns it out. It's not super loud, just enough to be annoying. The pads are pretty new. I don't think they'd have worn down to squealers yet. The tires I got the car with were a mismatched set of all no-name Chinese brand tires. They wore funny and seemed to have become not quite round anymore. A replacement set of some Japanese brand whose name I forgot wore much better and lasted 30k maybe. Now I have Hercules and I don't notice any unusual wear on them. I plan to check the caliper movement, the pads to see if they've worn evenly. It's just turned bitter cold and snowy in New Hampshire, so I'm going to put it off for a bit. Thanks all for your input.
  3. I have 1995 Subaru Legacy Wagon (non-Outback model). About a year ago I replaced front calipers, all the rotors, and pads to deal with a "thump thump thump thump" when braking down a hill for example. A rotor or rotors must have warped somehow I thought. The new stuff smoothed out the braking. I was happy. A year later the "thump thump thump thump" is back, along with an occasional squealing I notice when I'm rolling around next to walls or other cars. I'm stuck. Why does it keep doing this? I'm pretty sure it's the right front (both times). Do I really need to replace the rotors again? Are the brand new calipers I put in sticking? I'm not that hard on brakes. I don't ride them. When I first picked up the car with 60k, it tore up some tires which cupped badly on the outer edges. I concluded they were just cheap tires and I haven't noticed that on two subsequent replacement sets. I'm bothered that something just seems slightly unbalanced and wobbly about the car and is beating up my brakes. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
  4. I give up. I checked fuses, reassembled everything, and no heater control backlighting. I must have damaged it. I have to say, this job sucks - trying to replace a tiny little bulb by prying the heater control unit open less than a half inch to access it. I wish it came apart more completely so I was not working is such a tight space. I was using tweezers and a magnifying glass and flashlight. I hate this kind of work. I wish I'd never attempted it.
  5. I replaced a heater control unit backlight (1 of 3). I got the Radio Shack equivalent some people recommended and put it in there. I haven't reassembled the dash yet. I just plugged the unit back in and tried it. Now I have no backlighting at all in the unit. The fan still turns on. Did I damage the heater control unit prying it open to remove and replace the bulb? I'll try the following in the morning: I didn't plug the the hazard light switch back in yet, which appears to cause the turn signals to not work. Same circuit? I didn't check the fuses yet. I'm having one of those "what the h*$# did I do?" moments. I won't sleep. 1995 Legacy Wagon
  6. How do I get it out? It threads in right? It's a yellow rubber/plastic capped thing with a ring on top. I was told I'll probably break if i force it, and should have another on hand. I need to drive the car so I don't want it to be out of commission for much time. 95 Legacy 2.2L 4EAT
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