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About bork

  • Birthday 06/06/1956

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  • Location
    western md
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  • Vehicles
    1999 impeza sedan L E2.2

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  1. Anyway of getting this link to work? I get a message stating, "invalid IPB path"
  2. nvu, thank you!!! but can I access everything with only the throttle body removed? That would be much easier. Or does the entire intake need removed? Are the hoses special? Any forms or bends?
  3. I can barley see the spray. Looks hard to access. Any advice how to replace that little 6mm ish size hose? It looks like it come down from a little straight barbed fitting. I tried a search but after 5 pages, my eyes starting to get heavy. Any other little nuisance leaks or known problems, like this I should also be addressing?
  4. Thank you all so much for answers. Does look doable but I'm a little worried my big fat arm, wrist ,fingers wont contort enough to get that lower fastener, with the hoses in the way. I noticed some search replies were referring to a relay mod , but links are so old they dont work. I didn't see anything in the stickies. Anyone have any good link?
  5. My kids 1996 impreza wagon might need the starter replaced. I'm going to check connections and relay in morning. I have an old spare starter somewhere, but how hard is it to change out? Special tool combo set up or any other things need to be moved or relocated? I was hoping to replace in parking lot instead of having towed. I did the beating on starter and the starter would grind over slowly. The battery already been swapped out and voltage checked ok and cables look good.
  6. Thank you all ! Funny I did squeeze the upper hose an heard a crunch & thought maybe there's an old rusty spring in there. I think I best change them both & be done with it. Should I go OE Subaru or aftermarket?
  7. Looking to do a flush out since I got this car approx 2 years ago with only 52k miles on it. Do I refill with green prestone or special Sub blue stuff? Any supplemental additives need added?
  8. I saved this to my pc file. I don't know who quoted it? But do most of you agree with the statement below? 05-09 would only leak oil externally? So I might be ok buying a 05-09 with 250k miles on it and not worry about coolant getting in oil and ruining engine? Especially if no record of HG change. Quoted by unknown "the whole thread and what everyone has said is pretty bunk. we are talking the 05-09 here, and they leak oil, not coolant, this is WIDELY known. While we are at it, and an educational, here we go. 89-94 EJ22 really had no head gasket issue, the early EJ22 was the BEST engine Subaru ever made, this era included the 91-94EJ22T, the BEST OF THE BEST Subaru right there in the "T" version 95-99 EJ22 not really issue 92-97 EG33, not an issue until after 300k, about the 2nd best engine subaru ever made 3.0, they eventually showed some issue of headgasket, but a good engine all the same EJ25 to 99 DOHC leaked exhaust gases, into the coolant chamber via a bad design block/head/headgasket-the E25D (dohc) is about the WORST Engine Subaru made, albeit maybe the Justy engine and the 360 engine…… 00-04 EJ25 sohc leaked coolant out the block and would run low and overheat if not kept an eye on and run low 05-09 leaked oil, out the bottom. keep oil in them, you are mostly good run oil low, not good 10+ I am not really sure I don't like the new ones and don't usually deal with them at least not yet. 85-94 EA82- it sucked, it had 2 timing belts, and the headgaskets eventually gave out after 100k-not a good engine at all for MANY reasons, including having 2 t belts, and bad gaskets, and low power.. 81-87 EA81, not much of a head gasket issue, these are about the third best engine Subaru EVER made"
  9. My kid is looking for a used subie & I keep asking the seller if any maintenance records? Hoping to find head gaskets already changed out at a dealer. Am I thinking right? Would a change of head gasket at a dealer be a long term fix? How long?
  10. Sorry if this has been asked, I tried a search but didn't find what I was looking for. Is there such a thing as certain models & years to avoid? (in the range of 1996-2003?) I know the HG are an issue with the 2.5s but what about transmissions etc...? Are they all the same or some lemons out there? I was thinking of trying to get a 2.5 cheap & put a 2.2 in it?
  11. Sooooo would be prudent to have a dealer do head gaskets, if I could purchase a 98 legacy cheap enough? Is there such a thing as an average dealer flat rate fee to do 2.5 HG?
  12. OK, I know what you mean by jumper, & flashing dash light because I must do this on my 1995 Honda Odyssey.
  13. I see you mention 96-98 the easiest EJ22 to swap in. ( what about the 1999? )My kid has a great running 1999 EJ22 rusted out, Impreza 4dr L model. Could this be put into a 1998 Legacy? If "yes", is there such a thing as an average price to pay to have someone do this? It's going to start snowing here & I don't think I can pull it off myself in time, & outside, since I've no experience in this. And I imagine it will need to be run through inspection, in MD.
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