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Everything posted by bork

  1. My kids impreza L 1999 runs great, but once in a while it will not start when its below freezing, in the morning before going to work. Today was the 1st time this season, and only 30 degrees. Last year it happen 3-4 times, and then seemed to go away. I did verify there is spark. Now the temp is up to approx 33-34. And it started. I'm starting to suspect water in tank or lines. What's the best solution? I hate adding additives but is there any that are good and really work? (for water) If this no start occurs again, what other diagnostics should I do? I see some say verify fuel flow? Is this done by loosening fuel line at filter? or install a "T" with gauge? or is there a hidden port? Does this engine have a MAF, because I see where some say to pull plug to see if it starts. Where is it located? Should I try ether? if "yes" where is best place to induce it? I did try a bit right behind filter at big hose clamp, but when I cranked, the engine did not actually start but did crank easily and faster rpm. Shouldn't it start momentarily? Any help is appreciated. Thank you ahead of time.
  2. The reason I asked, was on my kids 1999 impreza L, I was chasing a clunk that seemed to happen only when the car was traveling up off the bump/dip in road. I thought for sure it was the strut, but all looked ok. almost to the point of replacing both. Long story short, I had a guy working on the car on his lift, & I told him of clunk noise, & he said, sometimes a rock can get wedged up onto cross member up on frame.(back by the trunk over rear diff) He looked and took a big long screwdriver & pryed some 3/4" ished sized rocks out of the area. I didn't think that would be the actual cure, BUT the CLUNK IS GONE!!!
  3. I didn't see any drain holes in plates, & I was worried about knock sensor getting wet & therefore cooling a tad, expanding & contracting, possibly causing premature failure.
  4. The guy I bought hood from drove without the block-off plates and they were handed to me. I want to put plates back on to keep water out. BUT I was wondering, when the car is parked, & pouring rain, do the plates pond up & leak a bit? What about when rain freezes in there? Any issues?
  5. I found a 2000 hood with scoops I'd like to get for my plain Impreza L. In the pics, it is not the long station wagon, it looks like the hatchback style. Will it swap? Because the description in the new hoods for sale on the net state "except L" anyone know why? http://www.autopartswarehouse.com/search/?searchType=global&N=0&Ntt=1999+Subaru+Impreza+Hood
  6. Which is more reliable? I would prefer a plug n play OE, but only if they are known to hold up. If aftermarket is better, anyone have recomendations for a unit that has a good history, and easy to install, & easy to aquire harrness adaptor for 1999 impreza L .
  7. The shifter selector light bulb is burned out & since I have things apart for radio, good time to replace. I'm all the way down to the 2 square black panels, around shifter which are loose, but cant raise up because knob is in the way. I took out 2 tiny screws on both sides of shifter knob, but still wont slide up/off. Does the release button on side need to be disconnected? Sorry to ask these questions, but could not find in a search. I hate it when some post have a title like,"help". These make seaches difficult!
  8. So after reading all this thread, I still dont know what year 2.2 will fit into what year 2.5? any limit? Or all 2.2s will fit into all 2.5s? My kid has a good running 99 impreza L (rusted out) and saw a clean 2001 suabaru legacy L with a blown motor. is this a doable easy swap? plug & play? Thanks ahead of time.
  9. I believe I used the Gates kit, as someone told me about, & its been in 20k miles so far no problem.
  10. My impreza is an 1999 with screw on filter. I dont think an EJ18 will work, on my 99?
  11. If I find the right transmission & gear ratio, is it best to find an impreza tranny? Aren't they made in Japan? Or are all the trannys made in Japan? Or maybe Legacy is from USA? Are they better? etc...
  12. Approx 1/2 qt too much. Is there a vent? What is the worst that would happen? We only use car to drive to work approx 6 mi one way. 1999 impreza L
  13. Well I hate to pull out old thread, but I also changed out seals without knowing better, or did the passenger side blindly. So after about 5000 miles, front diff started acceleration growl & now its leaking. tiny hole punched out, in bottom, from inside. (drain oil & found tooth). Will back off ring two notches, but I'm sure it's for only buying time for a tranny. Anyone have a good recomendation for junkers in western MD. & maybe labor. Not sure if I want to attempt swapping out trannies.
  14. The hole is from inside out. When I checked fluid when hot about 2 months ago, it was still clear. (when I got the car a few years ago, changed all fluids) I'll be pulling the drain plug tomorrow.
  15. My daughter came home & told me of a drip, upon cleaning well & checking drain plug, I found a small punched out crack/hole about 4" behind the drain plug and a fin or two towards driver side. What wouild cause this? I did notice approx six months ago a slight whine/growl upon acceleration only. No drip back then & I did check the fluid level & it was clean & full.
  16. Sorry, maybe I should of told you why I was asking. There is a guy that specializes on SVXs, & I was thinking of asking him, if he can or if he is capable, to adjust (preload) my front gear box, in hopes of saving gears. When I first got car (2 years ago) I had to fix a bunch of stuff, & I think I unscrewed the big lock ring to change seal without knowing where it was positioned, from the start, IIRC. Mine is starting to growl up front when throttle applied & silent when coasting or deaccelerating.(gets slightly louder the faster car goes, approx starts above 25mph). So I'm thinking, I may have messed up. oil is still clean, & no metalic sparkling. So it sounds like the boxes are simalar except ratios,
  17. Are all the auto trannies the same in subies approx 1995-97? My 99 imprza L front gear box (diff) seems to be getting louder. Is a SVX the same?
  18. So the goove in metal, goes all the way to the bottom base of winshield & conveys water travel?
  19. On my 99 impreza L, the two black plastic/hard rubber inserts on roof that run front to back & rain gutter? do these channels that hold plastic, run all the way down beside glass on the pillars? Or do they terminate at top of windshield? Does the plastic strips have a purpose or just cosmetics? Do they pop out, when pried on?
  20. So whats the best filter to get? The speced bypass on OE that big of a deal?
  21. I set to 2000 ohms scale, because I thought reading should be 580ish. oops. maybe if weather warms up a little I could recheck it. & maybe catch the old one at auto parts store to recheck. Thanks again! on edit; took another test ride & runs great & still no CEL. Thank You! Update; went to auto parts store to measure old knock sensor. Read 546k.
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