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Everything posted by Skylar

  1. Did Nathaniel's car ever get lifted more ? I'm ready to do some wheeling !!
  2. I've had an idea for a sticker or emblem for like the back of 4wd wagons . Ea81s or ea82s. Just throwing this out there for **ts and giggles ... I don't have anything drawn up or anything I was just thinking while driving one day but I think it'd be cool to have a emblem that said " 4x4cylinder " or even 4x___ and put like 4 horizontal pistons or something haha
  3. Damnit Brian, you would quote that haha:rolleyes: Thanks for the tip though !
  4. I'm using the exact same hammer, I gave up last night. Sprayed some pb in there and left it over night. Went back at it like an hour ago, heated it up. Smacked it, rotated it , smacked it, rotated, repeat. Came off in like 5-10 whacks lol FINALLY !! I broke that damn aluminum 5 lot housing that goes around the stub though Subruise is gonna hook me up with one though
  5. Ahh ok well, I had a bit that fit the one on for the stub bolt but had no luck getting it loose. Ill shoot ya a text tomorrow .
  6. What times your lunch break ? Might head out there during your break, also what size drive is this e10 for ?
  7. Well I hit the cup so many times that the center cap fell out and I now have full access to the stub bolt. I got the cup to move a tiny bit to the point where I can't fit my pin punch through the roll pin hole, but that's it lol :cool: Might have to stop by tomorrow rob and grab that bit and see if that'll work
  8. True, if I were to pull this motor apart and rebuild it. It'd be a lot more reliable but it's an ea82 and I don't feel like tossing all that money into it for a rebuild when I could probably find another for the same price or less. Scott from SJR has one with 100k on it I might be picking up . Today I stuck a flat head in one of the holes for the flywheel and moved my crank around and heard it go " clunk clunk clunk " on the inside of the motor so I'd say those thrust bearings are shot .
  9. I won't give up lol I need to get this off eventually. And unfortunately, a drill is like the only tool I haven't invested in So I can't do that, but hopefully this can of PB blaster I just picked up helps ....
  10. Alright I'll run back to the store and get some PB lol And yes roll pin is out, I've been putting my torch through the roll pin holes trying to heat everything up .
  11. I've literally been hacking at this thing for like 4 hours with no luck whatsoever. Haven't got the damn thing to move a mm Been heating it up with my torch and hitting it with a 3lb hammer, pried at the inner part of the cup, and I've tried punching a hole through the middle of the cup to get to the stub bolt, not happening. I've taken those 5 bolts off around the cup and that didn't help either. I read that pb blaster has helped but heat works better ? Anyone had luck with pb blaster ? I just wanna put my passenger side rear disc brakes on for cryin out loud !!!
  12. Oh no I'm not just gonna give up on it I'm open to more suggestions. And nothing in the oil, I literally did an oil change the day before this started happening and it was clean, well kinda black but clean LOL But when I got my motor out and before I took off the flywheel, i could move around quite a bit, I'd say around 1/4 inch or so. But when I was moving it around it got kinda stuck/jammed and didn't really move that much anymore. I went to the Home Depot after that to get a 1/2 in 14mm for my impact gun and took the flywheel off
  13. Ahh makes sense, well my flywheel did indeed move back and forth quite a bit, even with just one bolt missing. So I'd agree with you that the thrust bearing is shot so therefore I'm just gonna get a new motor and use this one for a spare :cool:
  14. I kind of have an understanding of axially, so since a crank spins I'm assuming if it moves up and down at all the thrust bearing is bad ?
  15. I don't think I'll be doing any work to the bottom end, I don't really want to tear into this motor I've put so much money into it getting it to run right and replacing parts that if I took it out and rebuilt it now it wouldn't really justify it, might as well ej it ... So I think I might just get another Ea82 and slap it in there. I don't want to leave a bolt out because that's probably what was causing my flywheel to clunk around, but one bolt being gone seems like it should not have that much of an impact on the flywheel and make it move that much ?? I might consider re threading that hole once I find out the pitch and get another flywheel bolt. And hopefully that'll work, this motor still ran good and had life left in it. My plan was to literally run it until I couldn't no more. Being its my first Suby lol
  16. Well it looks like that bolt that was there got ripped out or it just slowly backed itself out and fell off. The threads are still kind of there but when I went to screw one of the other flywheel bolts into it started getting tight really soon and eating the threads on the bolt So should I just re tap a new thread and put a bolt in there and call it good ? It's the hole in the middle: Rear main could also be replaced lol
  17. Well I got my motor out last night, I did the ol 2x4 trick and it worked, had some troubles cause there was only 2 of us and my cars lifted 6" so yeah it was a little hard to get up an over the top of the car lol But I pulled it out to find this: After I took the clutch off. Looks like a flywheel bolt broke off, and I can literally grab my flywheel and move it back an forth to make it go " clunk clunk clunk "
  18. Crank pulley and bolt are not loose, I was turning the motor over with my socket and breaker bar to see if I had any broken teeth on the flywheel. So that's not the problem. Motors pretty much ready to come out besides 2 bell housing bolts. Pulling it tomorrow with my buddy, probably gonna do the chain and 2x4 deal, seems easy as I've wiggled that motor back into the x member myself when I did my lift . So hopefully I find out the problem tomorrow !
  19. Well, if there wasn't something in there, there is now :cool: My dumb*** just dropped my little led flashlight into the hole where the bracket goes for the clutch cable. My cars an 88 gl D/R btw forgot to mention that. Anyways I'm just gonna pull my motor so has anyone ever used one of these ? Reviews seem to be good on them and I know my ea82 does not weigh 880lbs so this one should do fine http://www.harborfreight.com/880-lb-electric-hoist-44006.html
  20. I stuck the end of my breaker bar in the timing window and set it on the pitch rod and pulled back, flywheel does move back and forth a little but not much. Can't really get anything in there or behind it to see if it'll move more ... I guess the only way to find out is pull the motor, which I don't wanna do but seems to be the only option. Unless someone else has an idea of what it could be ....
  21. That was another one of my thoughts that a bolt from the clutch or flywheel had gotten loose and fallen into the housing. I checked behind the starter and saw 3 bolts still in contact and I crawled underneath and stuck my hand below the flywheel ontop of the x member and felt around. Didn't find anything. Ill go out to the garage in a bit and see if I can move that flywheel around, it's too early still haha I guess it would be a good time to pull the motor, at 236xxx and a cracked head for the past 10k it could use some work only thing wrong with that is I have a small garage and no cherry picker :/
  22. Could my starter be bad but still have enough teeth left to push the flywheel and fire up the motor ? Or could my starter not be disengaging so it's constantly hitting the teeth on the flywheel after it starts up ?
  23. So I pulled my starter to just check it out and my teeth look like they have been rubbing against the flywheel teeth or something. And there is some shaft play on the starter but not much , can wiggle it around a little. Anyways so what gives ? What could the problem be ? Here's my starter:
  24. LOL there's no way. It wouldn't even fit in there, and it would've fallen to the ground before making its way back to the flywheel hole
  25. I'm starting to lean more towards transmission problems. I just got it towed home through my insurance company, got it off the truck and I drove it 10ft into my garage. When I was driving I could feel the noise/rumble pretty well in the clutch pedal. I know my axles are bad but that's obviously not the problem because it moves ... Bad flywheel ? Could the flywheel have moved because I didn't shut the car off immediately after everything cut out from the alternator ? I don't see how alternator problems could turn into trans problems but what do I know I'm still Learning
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