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Everything posted by FlatFourFrenchy

  1. Loaded up the wagon and took two 10 year olds fishing. We caught a small throwback size channel cat and of all things....a backpack. It was still better than a good day at work.
  2. Very often under load and more noticeable when just started? (cold?)
  3. That must have been where the ATV orange flag pole mounted.
  4. You could just run one from the 12 volt side of coil. Coil on, choke on.
  5. Installed newer "working" cd player. Now for a commercial free ride to work and back.
  6. I just lifted mine this way. The rear is very stiff now. Should I take the pre-load off of rear control arms to soften ride? Some vibration on accel but understandable with new driveline angles.
  7. http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p8/hotrailz/2012-05-05_08-53-01_327.jpg Donorwagon is losing engine this morning so I can get it to shop for reseal out of vehicle.
  8. I used the 15 degree offset suggested in the low dollar lift page. . I drove it again and didn't let it startle me this time. It did it just as you stated yours did. Now to get the now goofy looking 13's off.
  9. It feels like the front wheels are gonna fall off but they are tight. Nothing was changed but height. Any solutions other than lowering b:-pack down?
  10. Thanks. After 30 miles it started shaking badly on acceleration. Gotta give it a look.
  11. A little slow at work today so I made good use of my rack and inatalled my 2 inch lift.
  12. Today I knocked out a couple studs and checked fitnent of the free 15 inch wheels that I scored. They are off a two-wheel drive Chevy Colorado. I have lift parts built and just need to score some rubber. Getting stoked.
  13. Got a set of these 6 hole chevy rims today. Free of charge. They are 15's. I am gonna experiment with fitment on the donor wagon first before I spend any time and $$. I will keep you posted.
  14. It appears to be a thermal vaccum switch. It looks like the ones GM used during the smogged late carbed models.
  15. Has anyone considered the adapters from the 140 mm subaru to the wide vw 5 bolt pattern offered by I believe SJR? I found a few 5 hole Jackmans out there as well as a whole slew of other steel wheels as well as aluminum.
  16. Good day so far. Got paid to fix wifes Pontiac door locks at work under warranty, remachined the front rotors, and gave it the Mobile 1 oil change. She was then very happy and said I could enjoy the rest of afternoon working on the Loyale. The Donorwagon gave up both good front interior door panels as well as the hidden newer door speakers, the non-leking headlamp, the non-rustred out front lower valance, and the left front fender that is without rust unlike the one I took off. It may be different colors now but not with large rust holes. Still gotta yank drive-train, rest of interior, and some chunks of sheetmetal so I can get it gone from behind neighbors house. Thank you Donorwagon.
  17. Thank God for donor wagon. First the fuel pump donaton got me on the road the other day, today I went out to check fluids and the hood release cable snapped. Luckily it had popped open at the same time the cable broke. The donorwagon was happy to help out my daily driver.
  18. Today I drove to work in my Loyale. Left work early for dr. appointment. As I entered highway car died. My brother gave me a quick tow back to shop where we checked spark...good, sprayed brake cleaner in intake where it started right up. Came directly home and pulled fuel pump off parts car. Maybe running out of gas last week helped finish off the 200K mile pump.
  19. Believe it or not, my axle rebuilder always recommends checking and cleaning the body grounds. If they are not good system will use the engine ground via the axles causing arcing in the joints causing premature joint failure. just a thought.
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