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ivans imports

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Everything posted by ivans imports

  1. I set the clutches by useing different thikness steels to set clearance have done thiss job over 50 times have boxes of awd clutch packs of varying thickness . some have thicker steels than others so i pick and choose with ones i will use to get the clearance i whant. The output seals are where the tailshaft go's through the trans tail houseing two nylon sealing rings that seal the output shaft theese like to wear into alumiunium and cant seal properly and bypass awd
  2. The sealing rings are internal where the output shaft go's trough the aluminum tail houseing the rings like to where into the aluminium and bypass awd
  3. timing belt is a bit tight had to use older tensioner and shave the end of the addjuster a bitt but whent together well slight mod on headgasket had to slot one hole tiny bitt
  4. thiss car is nuts passed me at 200+ on hyway what a sight thinken brakes a bitt to small for it
  5. Got a pile of 1600 heads and 4 or 5 compleate engines
  6. Is everyone afraid to work on awd clutches i fix them all the time takes two hours or less and fixed evry time thiss is not a diffacult repair test soiliniod check resistance of wire harness setup clutch pack check tail shaft output sealing rings and set clutches less clearance it has the sooner it comes on.Have only ever seen one sheard basket was from neutral droping. I bett you have a damaged output sealing rings or faulty soiliniod. Thiss all can be repaired in car
  7. Narrowed that dealy down to bad orings on input shaft where it seals to turque converter takes a bitt to biuld fliud preshure your addatives sweled the orings and fixed the problem
  8. I move cars through my shop fast engine job 2 days headgasket job 12 hours it takes to long to get parts. And i can just send my customer to pickup box at dealer no fuss no gess i'm very good freinds with both local dealers and there parts guys work with me. Internet parts are cheaper but somtimes a shot in the dark. I have to remember its not me paying for parts. I save my customers so mutch money on jobs by doing things properly. The bugger is that the subaru factory parts are almost 1\2 price in usa.
  9. The mainshaft end berring go's alot noise gos away when clutch is pushed ? or nosiey on hyway at speed ? have done five or six of theese berrings thiss year if trans was out you can pull on input shaft and check the end play and how smoothly it turns
  10. If the drive hud was striped if whoud have fallen off or been loose on shaft only grabs by a mm and the snap ring blows off when that happens makes a mess you whould see damage for shure
  11. Over 2000 subarus fixed one bad diff very rare to go bad only if low on oil or abused
  12. Clean home shop must be bored lol putting a 2.2 into a 04 impreza 2.5 today so let you know how it works out. Have two of the exact 2.5 imprezas here today so i can compare the power differance if any will let you guys know
  13. the one taht was giving me problems was two stuck lifters on #4 exhaust i took all the lifters out bled them down and reinstalled them just lightly lubed i dont pump them up because they get pummped up to far and hold valves open on startup. So let them tick takes about 10-30 min to shut up or somtimes a good drive. Also lets me know if theres a bad one if they dont stop ticking. Had to replace two were sticking when pushed did not come back up. Good thing i have a pile of heads.
  14. Had one come back with lifter stuck out held valve open just enuff to burn theese lifters can stick out just as easy as they can stick in make shure they can move before you put them in
  15. Have two cores with good heads mine misfired because pistons were broke between ring lands. looks like ran out of oil on that one crank ok ?
  16. Crapy diodes they never did fix that problem seen it even on old cars sounds like one diode gone makes them charge a bitt low 13-12.75 but still charge barly
  17. I have put 2.2 and early 2.5s in place of the phase 2 2.5 if you use a 96-99 phase one you must use the thick headgaskets and with a 2.2 must use a phase 2 2.2 headgasket no valve interferance or problems. The 2.2 short block seems to be cheapest and most reliable. Oh and you only use 4 bell housing bolts and have to hili coil lower starter bolt and put stud in
  18. Spilt the case the low range is expanded has to come apart its a good trany to learn on ive done a cupple hundred and there a ***************. Take note of how the shifter interlocks go they are hard to put back together
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