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Everything posted by knoxuni

  1. I really love your car! what roof rack system are you using?
  2. Ill post a PIC of my DD the 92. It got the roof basket back and i am working on putting 2 HELLA 500FFs
  3. Hello, first post. I have a 1992 Loyale FWD with 89K with power everything, Its my DD and its got 2 dines and the paint is burnt off, I have done alot of mechanical stuff and I got 3 things left to do to it, Paint, Wheels (cant find any) and 2 Hella 500HID sitting in back of car for it. so my question is what color is 222 and I cant find wheels other than steelies. I also have a 1989 Loyale 4wd with dual range. I take the 1992 down alot of dirt roads and stuff. we did a 300Mi round trip yesterday so it gets driven often. I am wanting to lift this one 2-4in so is there any kits i can get or is it just do what ever i can find?
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