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Everything posted by KrakkenSkullz

  1. Yo, Asked me to PM you, Whats up?

  2. Check a fuel sample see if you have some water or other contaminates in the fuel, metal portion of the fuel filler neck rust through and let water into the fuel system on these especially if you live in areas where they salt the roads in the winter time.
  3. If you have the MPFI Turbo, like an RX you can mount a newer model topmout intercooler from a 2.5L Turbo or WRX in the spare tire area and modify the hood.
  4. Give the filler neck to the tank a good inspection, ive seen alot of these rot out in the metal portion of it and debris goes into the tank.
  5. Are you working on a SPFI or MPFI engine? You can pull the line from the output of the fuel filter where it connects to the intake, put the end of it into a container and hit the key. If the pump is working properly you should have flow from it while the pump operates. If there is no flow then you know you have an issue with your pump. If you have flow then id check the fuel pressure.
  6. I have a 1987 RX that im building and im looking for a body kit for it, I know that they are a bit hard to comeby and ive been trying to find one for the last six months. Anyone, have one that they would be willing to sell or know where i could find one?
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