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Everything posted by turbosubarubrat

  1. i like the seats there alot better condition than the (original have 200k basicly on them) and the new ones seem more comfortable:headbang:
  2. first off disconnect the battery if u haven't i had cover off and didn't fill like putting back on all the away the plastic piece in front of my finger tends to break easy and u don't need it(if you don't want to hear the bell also pull the wire with it.) see i broke the plastic piece pull the wire thing out next right above the center of my thumb nail is where the pin you drill out is with a 1/8 drill bit after drilling the hole take off the electric ignition switch i could only find 2 numbers on it so your best bet is to buy a new ignition like i did(the ignition shouldn't be to hard to find because there for subaru and dutsun) and when u re-install it u use a screw but dont make it very tight because the tighter it is the harder it is to turn the ignition switch learned that one on my own.
  3. don't know what they came out of but they look good in my brat:D
  4. has it been repainted? it looks like it because the beds looks silver and the brats tan, so i guess its been restored or at least repainted and got new brat decals, more pics please:headbang: doesn't matter to me if its been restored looks great and cant beet how awesome these little trucks are have 4 1/2 at home:cool:
  5. i have a extra steering wheel ill show u how to take the ignition off after i take some pics or video
  6. u know how there are so many silver wagons that ea82 we where at home depot once and we open someone else's on accident, but any way the key might open the door from it being worn but it doesn't mean the ignition will work with the key because if the key doesn't line up correctly it will make the key stuck and once u get it out it will break the pin that lines up the tumblers making the ignition completely useless but subaru only made like 20-30 keys so u have a high chance that it would work but its not really worth the chance if u break the ignition
  7. brats with ea81 82-87 (some of the older body style came factory with them in 81 but 77-80 where ea71) u want this body style for a brat might as well show off mine:D 81-88 subaru hatch back 4 door sedan 81-84 2 door sedan 81-84 4 door wagon 81-84 be careful some in 81 have the ea71(1600cc) but most of them did have the ea81 also be care in 83 they did a turbo line of these that went from 83.5 to 84 but there was only a few of them (300-500 turbo brats made just to give u a idea and subaru couldn't even count how many they made:banghead:) basicly all the ea81's where non-turbo but (if u dont want to buy buy turbo dont buy it if it has a t at the end example ea81t)
  8. johns in gaston oregon(subaru only junkyard:Dhe has stuff like 1400cc to the new ones but last time i went it was mostly ea82's:headbang:) would have them not sure if this is his number but 541-232-9958 if it is tell me if not ill try to get it sometime but its a pain in the rump roast how he's closed saturday and sunday:banghead:
  9. another guy here in sandy has a 83:Dand i talk to him once in awhile he took out the ignition when it broke a long time ago and uses a flat head screw driver he said u see a light show when u start it:lol:,the local lock smith actually had the right ignition for my brat subaru made two of them(ones smaller and ones bigger) and the lock smith had one of each:headbang:so we bought one and brought both home chose the correct one and gave back the one we diddn't need
  10. ok i know how to take out the ignition there a little pin in it when your looking at it upside down on the floor its toward the middle of the ignition and u drill that out its only like 4mm so be careful and then u pull off the ignition cover thing that says "start, ac, radio ect." with a hammer and flat head screw driver or ice pick the use a ice pick and pull the ignition out (i had to replace my 85 brats ignition when my dad put in a key out of a 87 subaru gl wagon:banghead:and it broke the pins so it will make it not work at all because subaru made the ignition to only be able to work with the right key the lock smith told me this so its true but the stupid key worked on the door!) quote WoodsWagon "Grab a handful of older jap car keys. Chances are with gentle wiggling another key will work." can't stress how stupid of a idea that is if it does the same thing that happened to me if you read what i said above
  11. the tall bikes dont fit on the max's that well in portland i watched a guy try and get one in(i was going to the far west show with my dad, basically a nursery convention to get your stuff to sell, my dad owns a nursey) it got in barely and he had to hold on to it because u cant hang on to it be the hook but there super cool
  12. your subaru was the best one there:clap:
  13. found the exact steering wheel on ebay(expensive:eek: but its a 10 inch steering wheel;))http://www.ebay.com/itm/VINTAGE-SUPERIOR-500-10-1-4-INCH-STEERING-WHEEL-STREET-ROD-CART-CAL-CUSTOM-NICE-/170725116538?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item27c0028a7a&vxp=mtr personally i would get this one only $22.99 http://www.ebay.com/itm/5890-10-in-diameter-steering-wheel-/280548802235?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item415202febb
  14. thats nothing those are just little scratches in paint compared to stuff i've delt with, see if they wont total because because thats not enough damage to total it those doors cant be that hard to find in that color(it cant possibly be as hard to find one than a door for my 85 brat!) doors are not that hard to put on i put them on on my own and im only 15:Dand if the pillar is bent it comes right out with a come along
  15. the bed liner seemed prity hard to me when i was walking around on it today:lol:i was doing touch up to spots i missed
  16. finished up the bed took a lot of time but it was well worth it, i had to grind down the spots where someone cut out the rear seats:mad:wire wheel all the rust off, prime and paint it, and rubberized bed liner in a can worked and looks awesome:headbang: awesome handle right:cool:used a extra subaru bolt i had after i broke the other handle after all the grinding made i look better metal shards primed it flat black spray paint made it look nice but prefer gloss rubberized coat looks nice and don't have to worry about scratching paint
  17. this week i stripped the bed of my dads brat out wire wheeled it, primed and painted it, and sprayed on the bed liner in a can need to do some paint on the out side of the bed but it looks great:headbang:
  18. im running 195/75/14's on my peugeot's:Dalmost forgot theres a tire calculators on line heres two linkshttp://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=tire+size+conversion&source=web&cd=3&ved=0CH0QFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.miata.net%2Fgarage%2Ftirecalc.html&ei=bjIUUPSlLonerAGhxoHgBA&usg=AFQjCNFLdp1Atx5V5hurhonpNArOY9eXLw http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=tire+size+conversion&source=web&cd=4&ved=0CH4QFjAD&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dakota-truck.net%2FTIRECALC%2Ftirecalc.html&ei=bjIUUPSlLonerAGhxoHgBA&usg=AFQjCNFN9fgw1hIza4SGzve0eP0uf-D9iA
  19. now that looks familiar so glad my dad got a tire machine and changes my tires for me:headbang:
  20. my brat got about the same mileage when it was still driving and not parked to wait for my dad to help remove the motor with a forklift and put the jap import back in (i can put the motor back together by my self ive done it before same with taking it out) i think these things can get anywhere from 18-30mpg but im not quite sure on those numbers so dont count on it, my dad had a ea82 dual range 5 speed and it had the lower gears in it thats factory (very rare) and it only got 18-20mpg not very good but it was a beast in the snow:headbang:
  21. it says 12702 N.E 15th Place Bellevue, WA 98005 then it has two phone numbers 205-462-1717 and 800-444-8824 my dad bought the motor from a friend when i took off every thing on top the engine and took of valve covers then heads, once my dad came to look at what the engine looked like he said where not using that motor, because it was really ruff on the inside, but ivan i do know from my dads friend that these motors are japenese imports so they will have lower miles on the car then u think u do
  22. didn't get to do anything today on the brat:(it took me all day to clean my dads geo metro i did it very thoroughly interior and exterior its still a little dirty but need it looking goo to sell on craigslist heres the add to explain why http://portland.craigslist.org/clc/cto/3165714842.html and heres my pic updated from the last few days:headbang: now this was a pain then primed that area need to do the reast of bed but that comes after sanding, wire wheeling, and grinding(grinding the things down from when some cut out rear seats:mad:but now have bolt on:cool: someone replace the panel sometime when this was new because it looks like a pro-job or dealer when u look carefully at it u cant tell till u take the cover off put on some pray on bed liner need to go get some more to finish the bed and undercarriage sanded a little sanded a lot rear bumper took off wheel to prime and paint and also for extra support primed some spray painted a little because dont want more rust
  23. that is a great rattle can job:clap:i have the grill, head light grills, gas take door, the side lights, hatch chrome piece/and lights, and windshield wiper cover if your interested:headbang:i only wish i tore more stuff of my dads friends 76 wagon/or bought the whole thing:o
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