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Everything posted by monstaru

  1. There is all kinds of non termination in your tube work. You need nodes. I suggest looking at more design aspects before you waste more money, and /or hurt yourself or family. Just because there is room for more travel does not mean you will get it. The axles literally stop before you get there. Just in case hadn't thought of that. You simply will not get more travel than a couple more inches out of this suspension unless it is totally rebuilt. With all different components. Been beat to death on this forum. And your shocks will break that bolt being single terminated as it is. cheers
  2. Awesomeanother person that cant' type and use the proper punctuation hey ;I have an idealets stop even capitalizing antyhtingthen wee can stop using spacesandthenitwellbeeallgoods
  3. .095 HREW would be fine for this. But do not put faith in the strength of what you are using. You will be highly disappointed. AND FOR FUuCKS SAKE use some PUNCTUATION!
  4. Well, things are evolving again..
  5. Planning and doing are two different things. Lets git it rollin! Post some more pics. How ya gonna lift it? I bet your one of those DIY'ers huh? CAn't wait to see your awesome Roo. ...........
  6. WTF does this have to do with offroad?
  7. Those parks are the ONLY thing keeping offroading alive! Please don't go into what you did as a kid. It was most likely illegal to be where you were, and it gives bad press for the liberals to use. I grew up in Texas, and did a lot of offroading myself there. But we had public land to do it on. cheers
  8. It takes a very slight temperature rise for Galvanizing to turn poisonous. Just saying. If you see that little yellow smoke, its too late. You already inhaled it. And depending on how long the weld is you can have breathed it in for a more than a few seconds. It WILL codswallop you up. But the negative effects can be surpassed by drinking milk, and or having a larger lipid count in your system. However , it is like Carbon monoxide, once it has built up in your system their is a saturation point.And it wil kill you. cheers
  9. Just put an Auto in with a lockup converter, and use a switch panel. This makes it a Semi auto. This is a good start. http://www.importperformancetrans.com/catalog/subaru-complete-performance-transmission/4eat-performance-transmission-4048.html They used to make a Manual shift/ auto console that would not be hard to emulate for the right person.( Eulogious ) lol Oh yeah, don't forget the shift kit valve body work. It would cost about as much as the R&D, and machining for what you are talking about. And is doing the same thing. cheers
  10. There is really no need. Just because your guage said things were running a bit hot, does not mean they were. Unless you shot it with a temp gun and Know for a fact it was running at the indicated temperature. You are over thinking it. Cross that bridge IF you get to it. It is really simple to go to a yard and get an extra fan.... just start building already. cheers
  11. I commend you on the DIY nature. But I hope your not fooling yourself thinking that electrical conduit will stop damage. LOL Is that galvanized? If so, weld outside!! As far as losing weight, using plate material was a bad start if you wanted to do that.....lol Keep up the Go FOr It attitude! cheers
  12. I do not know...... lol EDIT: I just watched his 13 minute video on assembling the product. Basically just listening to him tells you everything you need to know. cheers
  13. Sweet! Did you have to wallow out the starter hole? MyLATE MODEL Ej starter snout I tried didna fit the hole. I have not looked at the instructional disc Bill sent me,so excuse if it is in there. And your gonna have a rough time winning up against the Subota. Cheers
  14. Get your own thread spardnubbin AND, Damn.....That's awesome.
  15. Using the above piece for the Main ON/OFF , then the button for start, and a socket and voltmeter to boot. Maybe a power light or two. I looked through my relays , and switches. Plenty of relays, but random switches. I am going to try and find a pack of switches. Mine are just to random , and who knows what works and not. I have the battery terminals, been collecting large guage wire for a while now. Should be able to get this wiring together quick once a plan is in place. I think I need to find out if the battery I have been hoarding will power spoob up. I have to get the large wires sorted out. I am on the road to running, running.. cheers
  16. In true me fashion I found something pretty awesome to use as a start on/off switch..... It came from a 12V Jump pack , so it is already wired for 12V application. I am on the hunt now for a waterproof fuse block, and about a 6 gang switch setup. I also have a mini inverter that came on the back of it that I may wire in eventually. cheers
  17. I got everything labeled. Except one wire. Yellow/red coming from the main relay. It is off of a triple split, the other two go to the intake harness, And the Air thingie. I think it was meant for the cruise control from studying the FSM. I think I am going to mount everything in a box of some sort. I have several to choose from. Most of which can be made waterproof. Welp, i'm off to find a Toyota fuel wiring harness schematic. cheers
  18. Dual fans are pretty much the norm on relocated radiators
  19. I still have my pieces I would lend. I dunno where you are , but....Just sayin.
  20. Just look for a defunct strut top at the yard. Unbolt the strut with a hood in front of it and you don't need a strut compressor. Thats the point.The strut top cover can be found at any junkyard in the back of IMPs and Foresters. The whole point is the ease of finding those pieces in yards to use as templates.....
  21. I tried just linking it. But I was having probs from my phone. But teach someone to slow down and look more, and they will look forever more!! Yeah , it is not complete,but it gives a damn good idea .cheers
  22. That's how I figured on doing the fans!!!cool. Thanks for the link. Always good to drool early in the morning over badass buggies! I will be looking at gauges , and a multiswitch panel for ignition on, start button, fuse block, and toggles all in one. The 12voltguy has awesome stuff.So I will probably go to that. cheers
  23. Eulogious was thinking of wiring the fans in stock, and having an interrupt switch. So we will find that when we get there. I will skip the Fuel switch. That sounds scary. lol I may want to just do basic gauges. oil pressure-mechanical voltage- water temp-
  24. Fortunately, the ONLY Alt. I have is newer. lol Did you put fans on a completely different circuit? or run them on their own circuit switched? I am thinking about running them independent. I am also thinking about putting a fuel pump switch . whatcha think Mattie? cheeers
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