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Posts posted by monstaru

  1. i have a '79 245 dl that is about 245000 right now(i would know exactly but the odmeter works when it wants to).the engine is strong but i almost had to pay 200 for an alternator a week ago,luckily i found one in the yard.things that go wrong with volvos may be few and far between but when they do go wrong it is way to expensive.i was a subaru owner before i got her and am replacing her with one as we speak.subarus are diehard cars.the headgasket issue is the only thing you will probably have to deal with at all.i say ,as has been said before,get a roo........

  2. hey patrick.....i say that if you really like it ,then do it.the mechanical aspects can be worked out through time.look at my brat....lol.what does your heart tell you.is this car yours and you just don't know that yet.or do you want one so bad that you are willing to settle.hopkins has a good rep for mechanics.brian over there is an excellent one.he would not steer you wrong i believe.the actual salesman is kinda sherky, but the mechanics are cool cats .

  3. ok, i am trying to understand this.ami correct in thinking that you are going to get a lower ,wider ,more stable stance from this setup?i am just now starting to understand the caster/camber stuff.i mean i know what each looks like.the degrees are what i would like to understand more .what centerpoint are the measurements from?btw mucho congratso on your mods.

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