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Everything posted by monstaru

  1. tire fixed, axle gets picked up today,and a spare driveline is on its way...(I hope ) she and I will probly head up Sat.morn.....Convoy from down south? cheers
  2. EGGZACHARY,I knew YOU would understands Wheelin on the 22nd?:-p
  3. I just asked her,she said yes. I should have my rear axle,new driveline, and rear tire fixed:-p come up Saturday morn. cheers
  4. I miss Lily..... But Stella is pretty fun.I need to adjust the lift blocks, and this time I think I will weld them to the carriage.Need some cross bracing, and integration... I knew that before.But at first I really needed to drive her alot.Now I am trying to make it so I do not have to drive her as much.Which means I am THIS ************in close to putting a solid axle in the rear.:-p not gonna happen, but....Thats the next step. cheers
  5. one of my favs from that weekend: http://www.poirier-arts.com/Cars/WCSS-14/24851728_Pkvr9p#!i=2034444206&k=wjLdW8K&lb=1&s=A Lot of other cool ones from then are on that website: http://www.poirier-arts.com/Cars/WCSS-14/24851728_Pkvr9p#!i=2034400627&k=2q8VjWs cheers
  6. SAS!SAS!:clap:SAS!SAS!:clap:SAS!:-p AWESOME it runs....... cheers
  7. They were not broken when I first tested it out.The center diff mod works ************ing excellent. cheers
  8. So, I broke a front axle bearing cage, a rear axle bearing cage, and a u joint on my drivelene(Yes the one I installed.The cap came off because i tacked it to soft.) Changed the front axle sunday morning at the show, drove home on the rear making hella racket.Drove around the next day, Then driving to work on Tuesday I got on to I-5 and BAM... wompwompwompwomp....couldna drive faster than 30 through town to go get my truck.Driveline u-joint.... I think that I should have her back together here pretty quick.And I need to start looking at other axle options. Maybe STI ************ .... But I really need to start looking at my buggie again..... Oh , and damnit, I think my rear axle was broken before I took my Mud Drag run:mad:Possibly my front to.....which really means I was one wheelin She is fun but I am tired of breaking axles.This is what made me stop wheeling Lilly... cheers
  9. Also, you could search for "The " weber thread. All the information you seek is in there. REad it.Learn it.Love it. cheers PS, offroad, almost top rung... http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=29778
  10. I really am just flipping ************. But that statement was from my heart. I spent the ENTIRE day in the mudpit area aside from bathroom breaks.Literally needed more help. Tosh helped out alot, and a few others were around at different times.I really, really appreciated all the help I DID get. Folks were kind enough most all day long. Just need more help sometimes. :-p Love it and will work it until I am not needed/wanted... cheers/me
  11. just use a longer bolt.put a nut on it. You can remove some material on the joint head and it will work with either you have tried.just find the wear mark and relieve it cheers
  12. If you want more room, start making up the judging team.All of you want to show but some of you have been showing the same car forever.:-p Toatally valid complaints, but no action behind them.I ************in love you guys but some of the older(as in time known) should step up .Damnit. As far as the show goes I think that it went well.No true "fight" situations really really really ************in pleased me. I hope that everyone enjoye3d themselves.It was a good mud pit for sure. Enjoyed seein everyone ! cheers
  13. I think that the show went very well.All of us staff members had a lot to do...I did the bobcat workon friday afternoon, we started wetting dowwn friday afternoon, had to check out the mud run.I believe Tosh(good to meet you man, thanks soooooooo much for the help) For all tastes . I won 2nd place in GC.Thats kinda a big deal , because their were alot of GC's there.And they were ALL street cars in comparison to my car. REally glad to meet all of you that i hadna met before.Really stoked to see my old school flavors, and excited for next year. Oh yeah.************ the right lane.Congratulations to Mr BRAT for winning the /Mud drags. cheers
  14. Well man, you never got that other motor from me.I kinda feel like I owe ya 150 bucks...That was all kinda confusing, so ........Whassup?

  15. I'm full of excuses:Flame: But I seriously worked until like 2 in the morning.I was doing much more than the mudpit for sure.Had to be dedicated. HOpefully I get a chance again:-p It was good to see you man.Oh by the way,Dave won Best old school swap....so see ya next year? cheers
  16. We will be leaving shortly.We will be on the 101. channel 13 if ya see me. cheers
  17. NOt bringing this stuff if it is not wanted....:-p cheers
  18. I am totally down. I have some responsibilities with the show, But I am not ************ing missing this......:cool: cheers
  19. Welp, Got alot , and I mean ALOT done these past two weekends.I'll posty pics after the show.:)I am workin on being the bad assest at the show for offroad.SO..We';ll see ! cheers
  20. I'll let Eulogious tell ya what he did LOL....It's got resistors and stuff that I don't get I WILL be doing stickers today!!!!!!!! cheers
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