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Everything posted by monstaru

  1. well, I could get started as early as like 0800,I'll be here.If there is a few of us, we could BBQ some beef frankage.I am broke as hell, but could provide the gas, Q, and ancillaries. cheers
  2. r200, custom CV axle, STI outers.(bigger better brakes)
  3. jdm 4.44 4eat suzuki axles w/ locker 3.73 umm.,....SURE i will add more cheers
  4. SoI will be at it again this weekend.Feel like stoppin by?Let me know! cheers
  5. Ok, So the countdown for the show is on!!! I have replaced an axle, rebuilt the rear section of my driveline , and started a rear bumper...thats the mechanicals. I have to get my "box" in the back filled with goodies. mount the hi-lift finish stickering umm, I know there is more. I will be back at it this weekend,going gangbusters. This just past weekend Eulogious came over and did a crazy center diff lock install for me.Resistor bank and everything.We also got the first set of lights in.Have more lights , but who knows if I will have time to install them for the show. Damn.I have not cared about bringing a car to the show in a few years.This is stressful!!!LOL:headbang: pounding in a u-joint(click for vid) makin a rear bumper that I may not even be able to have on by the show... some weld love random front axle/ball joint change pic.Looks sweeeet!! cheers
  6. You could be hitting your steering rack splined section at a certain point in your rotation. cheers
  7. They could be worn out, but more than likely you need some BFH love.Pound the inner well to clearance the spring. cheers
  8. Heck ya, if you wanna help lay down some sticks I am down!! cheers
  9. Yeha man!give me a buzz.I want to wire in that switch too.Maybe I can bribe you to do some electrical stuff while i wrench.(I know your poison:)) cheers
  10. Very nice!!I likes ! cheers
  11. DOH!!!It was supposed to say SAT.-my house(saturday):-p cheers
  12. Saturday(4th Aug.) my house, just gonna be tooling around on Stella , aedding more stickers.Getting her ready for the show.If you have something minor you need to work on, I haves the tools I am sure.:-p Interested?Pm me for details. cheers
  13. Old hat.....Been talked about a bajillion times. The market is still not strong enough.They have demographics analyst for this sort of a thing. The last time I talked to a rep in person he said that the way they look at it , the nissan market would be the institution of this locker in the states and they did not have any luck the first time it was available in the US. That markeet has a larger following than offroad subies does, and if it is to small then there is not even a point. As far as cost/affordability analysis, this locker is worth every penny they ask for it.It not only has rave reviews in the racing world, but in everyday joe schmoe land as well. They have stated before that they would need about 1000 units presold to think about it. If you really want one, you will end up paying upwards of 1500 US , and thats if you have an Aussie friend. The oz members on here have not the time, nor patience usually to deal with customs. Much less spending that much on a locker when you can just go buy a rough looking Toy for around the same amount. Just sayin....your not the first to find it, not the last , and not the only one that has hoped/desired aimlessly for such wonderful fortunes of locked-ness. cheers
  14. Damnit man... Is he the one that took your dog?Came wheelin with us at Tahuya? Sorry mang, Hope your time gets easier. ************ man....When I heard it on the news I was taken aback.Now I just don't know what to think.. sorry mate,strength be with you. cheers
  15. DO NOT PUT COOLANT INTO YOUR GROUNDWATER!!!!!! As a Hydrologic Technician I can tell you that it can take as little as 5-7 days for oil that gets spilt onto the ground to reach your water supply/aquifer/spring .(lots of factors here)Coolant takes less time.If you pour your fluids into the street you are just adding to the problem. Some places have different systems.Most are NOT combined sewer overflow, some are.If they are then it really doesna matter.IF IT IS NOT THOUGH, you should do the toilet trick.please, save your water supply by educating yourself further on these points. cheers This is not a subject that will have the same answer in all areas of the nation.
  16. ttiwwp (this thread is worthless without pics):-p:popcorn:
  17. Jes, It is shiny.I'll take a pic after work today:clap::cool::brow:cheers
  18. Badf idea.Plethera of reasons .Just do a 4" if you want one,not only from an engineering standpoint, but also peace of mind. That being said, It is possible, but I would def. go above 1/8th if you are going to use it at all.Many have tried going lightweight before, didna work. We use 12 ga steel at work ALOT.As strong as it is, it is not meant for such structural pieces that will be getting continuous stress like these blocks do.Even engineered properly it just to thin of a material. Cheers
  19. I would love to mate a turbo 350 or 400 to the back of an EJ without a plate, but bellhousing......No mas dinero though
  20. It would be rad if there was a plethera of different combinations.....but I am not that rich
  21. Talked to Wild Bill yesterday.... He seems well. I emailed him for an invoice cheers
  22. I want this body style pretty bad...... damnit.....
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