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Everything posted by monstaru

  1. very noice!!!!!!!!!!!!1looks good mang.cheers, b
  2. that scoop on the hood actually works............ granted , going slower it will leave a skosh to be desired...but , whatever...not trying to go fast here so.....cold air, when at speed, little less cold when slower.(gonna happen anyway)at least thats what i was justifying to myself when i was building it with absolutely no direction in mind, and using all stock pieces.... cheers, b
  3. that one^, or this one?\/ i'll show the rest of that shtuff tomorrow.... need some more clearance here and there.....gotta start somewhere wanted to get her breathin better....i know , i know.. i need a better filter :)that'll get fixed.i just happened to have that one layin around.and after a while of figurin and cussin i found a little something that would work... and it was out of stock pieces , and a little junkyard score love. now,go get your own thread to talk about trannies:).........cheers, B
  4. its all good, thats just a golden goose...the Ej DR cheers, b
  5. well, if i had the casings i would use the EJ stuff.but i don't , thanks for rubbing it in , some more...... i am well aware of the benefits of an EJ clutch........ however, i am not to worried about the clutch.takes half a day to change of need be. i have a couple of adapter plates sitting down stairs that i have not used for years......so , i might as well put one to use.it is a proven layout and works well with an xt6 clutch setup. i am going to pick some rims up today.then i can mount the tires and see what strut perch issues i have to deal with. the rear is figured out, the front could possibly be done the same way.... we shall see today i guess. its raining , so.........blehhhh........ i'll have some pics by the end of the day at least.... cheers, b
  6. your local driveline shop should be able to source it. if not, i used the stock suzuki driveline, and u joint to match to a subie u joint.it is 1 thousandth off according to measurement.it fits. and spins fine. cheers b
  7. very cool.that jeep guy is a puss....... i'd love to rock that area.............:cool: cheers, b
  8. if you don't add bigger tires, how do you expect to get the clearance?cheers, b
  9. workin on it brother , workin on it......cheers, b
  10. yep. like 5 or 6.....but i think you misunderstand...."MONSTARU" is a theme....not a particular name. and you will be posted..... cheers, b
  11. so how many miles on the trans then?cheers, b
  12. welp, it starts again... here she is.. the usual suspects... the new strut top plates for the rear.... rear disc knuckle swap.... a stack of axles ... figure i might need to do some figurin some RX tranny love... this one will take a minute...gotta get her legal first, then gather a small parts list for the swap... some tires i luckily picked up because of price, seeing as how the other tires fell through literally like an hour ago... It's all junkyard parts, so i don't expect to much out of it:rolleyes:but like the last few i have had i will keep up with the boys in it...not worried a bit. can't wait.....more pics to come.. i had to weld a new bung for the missing O2 sensor today. she should pass smog tomorrow. then i can tear into her. got some other exhaust pieces today as well... still gotta get some 15 inch steelies, some driveline it will all come with time.... cheers, b i recieved a bunch of parts today from a cross state courier. props out to him and the other folks that helpd him get my parts.you know who you are , and it was ************in rad of ya!cheers!
  13. eggzachary.......you have to know your limits... i keep tryin to tell people to know their limits and they keep taking it wrong...like i'm telling them to NOT push it.... which is not the truth at all.....
  14. dude the proof is in the pudding. well, ifn ya wanna have an attitude about it. i'd rather build it myslef with ************ from a junkyard, than have someone else build it for me.... built not bought....... to bad too, i was gonna buy your tires.good luck selling it now with a ************in hissie fit and deleting your post.grow up man..... cheers, b i am well aware of the cost of things.. like the full hydro setup in my basement(sans lines), and the fuel cell, and the FOX AIRshocks(12"&!$"), and the transfer case gears,and, and, and.... anyone can buy parts man, and anyone can build it for you.but your the one that has to get it out of the woods when it breaks...good luck in general with that attitude..
  15. not raggin... just be smart about it. thats all. thats alot of dough to throw at a car that will be completely specialized and ONE ?GUY is gonna know the ins and outs of it? just sayin. get it done right or your gonna regret it.cheers, b edit:you can't expect to post up something like this with no scrutiny.or a a real parts list...don;t be so sensitive man...
  16. for 12 grand, you better be doing full hydro!and chromoly everything in the axles.and, and , and.....i'd make sure the guy doin this knowa what the hell he is doing. a can of worms can be opened up and not closed just as fast......... just sayin.for 12 grand, there are some way more capable wheelers that you could buy outright....... AND, family rigs at that.say you love your subie all you want.but if your droppin that kind of dough, i would be buyin used built 60's,an atlas, and fabrication to make a crazier adapter than bill is doing up. you should do some more research...i think your gettin took.cheers, b
  17. http://www.economysuperstar.com/milesfox/subaru/service/service.htm this kick rump roast chart might help...thank the FOX......... cheers, b
  18. B, maybe you kept breaking your subi because you asked way too much of it OR you didn't know how to drive your subi in rough terrain while also preserving the mechanical health of your vehicle yep, evidently i have high expectations of everything i do.well, mostly anyway. don't get me wrong, i LOVE these cars.but i know there limits for me.i am not a bad driver....but, i have also had nicknames like WFO(wide ************in open) and UMM(ultra mad man) my entire life...because thats how i live it........:)and when it is time to move on, it is time to move on... years ago i was trying to build a super badass offroad rig out of one of these cars....broke some stuff, bent the ************ out of some other stuff, and decided it was time to move on. now i build them for the kind of wheeling i can afford to do now....which is pretty impressive from these little rigs.but i do not push them past their limits TOOOOO much........:grin:well, kinda, but whatever.i know what to expect now... cheers, b
  19. you relax for one minute, and Murphy will screw ya....literally! i have sold more good dashes than i have had.....and pretty sure i've sold like 4 of 'em........pictures smictures..... monstaru's believe it or not...... cheers, b
  20. EGGZACHARY..........hence the thoughts of something different in my mind for that particular idear......more of a u joint style axle, with thick rump roast shafts.....but anyways.....cheers, b
  21. Twitchthe main point is that the as pieces get smaller, they get a bit more weak due to mass. realism states that one moves on. yes, people here generally want a bolt, or drop in solution.JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER AFTERMARKET. the sad truth is that most folks think things like this are so easy.i invite them to put there money where there mouth is. Scott, i could probably pull of what you have (thanks though).however, i just don't care.these cars are what they are.i have movedd on with my deepest desires. they lay in a buggy form with subaru motors, and solid axles. i can't drive one of these and not break it for some reason. just like those hippie stickers state"farther".....thats where i want to be. anyone and there mom can talk ************.i do it well, and with past experience, thats all:grin:......cheers, b
  22. hey 91loyale....i realize they could be retrofitted, at that time i called them , and they would not sell an individual unit.they stated they could not agree to sell a unit that would be used on a vehicle they do not recomend for towing. stated that if i wanted to tow one to get a vehicle dolly (for an 86 brat)...i stressed it was not for that reason.....no go... and it is a little more involved anyway.it's not just cutting an axle in half and welding it together.i mean , i guess it could be.but ....i would think heat treatment and such goes into it...... people get so wierd by having to take an axle out....it takes 5 minutes. the hub idea is pretty cool in person, he did not use just the outers though...he used the knuckles with welded mounts to the subie swingarm.....which not all can do easily like scott did. the whole ************in point is that the question has been answered,no, no one makes a locker .LSD, and Lincoln locks are the norm. you want one, make one. cheers, b besides the lincoln and LSD ,the cheapest most viable option is a complete axle assembly from another vehicle.prove me wrong........
  23. still no threats.not one.simply inviting you to meet someone before you judge them.if you can handle that then please do.your offended from another thread where obviously i picked on a friend of yours.and are sick of it.the thing is that i have met him personally and he bugs me.and am not afraid to say it.he should fight his own battles.and not offend poeple when he goes to there house,or be ready to take care of a deal when someone arrives at his house from hours across state to take care of something and he is not....... here you attack me trying to discredit me.i could care less what you think.much less anyone else.i have not personally attacked you because i do not know you.however, i am not opposedd to meeting you so i can make a personality judgement in person. if you feeel threatened by that , i would take personal inventory . i know who i am.no need for you to take it upon yourself to tell me.i am well aware of how i treat people.i am fair until you disrespect me or my friends.and he has, so drop it.not gonna change, not gonna change at all. now, that being said. until you come up with a solution. weld your ************ if you want a locker. cheers, b
  24. thats an awwesome picture of the strut........cheers, b
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