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Everything posted by monstaru

  1. the only 3.9 diff you will find in r180 came from the early trucks.period.the trick is to get an r200 from a mid 90's z car with the nismo lsd package in it....cheers, b
  2. and 45th of all, it might teach you to be complacent and not learn how to read.
  3. so, how much will the remote shifter cost , in conjunction with the bellhousing?cheers, b
  4. used astrap to hold my y pipe to the engine when studs came out and the oil corridor was compromised.with a sock in betweenxt them.man was that a good fire by the time i got home...oil soaked nylon wrapping and a cotton sock.from north spokane.thata was a crazy ride home in the middle of summertime afternoon traffic......LOL....
  5. go ************ing measure!!!!!!
  6. EPIC?you people need to get out more.............
  7. go to the junkyard and take a tape measure...........
  8. when wires start to burn up , it is some sort of short usually.trace back that wire, and replace it back to where the good wire is. the alt should be replaced just as a measure of good will to the car.then you can put a multi meter on it and start checking things out.cheers, b
  9. monstaru

    lift pics

    your gonna have to bash and cut WAY more to be effective with those tires.cheers, b
  10. when i looked into it, i think that i envisioned a second entire handle and downward facing steel strut to the opening mechanism.and instead of having one spot on the opening mechanism for the strut, rod, bent peice of long rod make a plate that had two holes or drill another...for the second strut to mount to.( i am only calling it a strut because i lack another terminology for it)...... cheers
  11. if you double tubed it , it might not look to bad.but it is kinda small really. depends on what YOU want it to look like.just for reference , the cheezy smittybuilt bumpers you see on toyotas and jeeps arre usually like 3"(which is overkill in my book, seeing as how it is thin as ************ anyway)cheers, b
  12. all of that changed now.....it was a futile project the has morphed into long term thoughts. it will run 37" tires at first.the chassis is built to the inside specs of the hatch itself.i will try to reskin as much of the original hatch as possible.i been looking for some 1 ton axles, but will probably just run chromoed toyota axles.they have an amazing amount of strength.etc, etc, it will have linked suspension with fox air shocks, i have 6.5-1 samurai transfer case for it, ummm ej22 with 5 spd d/r at first.then eventually a toyota trans t-case with doubler........ i will be getting it going here again real soon..with more pics and such , as i lost a bunch of the build pics somehow.
  13. run through these photos .start from page 15 and work your way back.there is alot to look at, but it shows progression throughout.to where i am now.cheers. b
  14. i have had several exhausts on ea81 vehicles, and i have to say that a factory setup with gutted cat factory out,netted the same for me that a crossover dual setup at same tubing size. i have also had gutted cat, 2" out from there, and had improvements.... had duals with crossover at 2", umm, had gutted cat, no cat, clogged cat:-p i think it really depends on the condition of the engine as to what you should put on there.if you are rebuilding, go new crossover dual.an x is not really needed. gonna stay carbed?or go spfi?there are a alot of factors i think.... complicated to hang is not true in my opinion, if you always base your crossover on the tranny hangerr that comes down.i have even made a few beefier mounts like that and bolted them to the tailhousing of the trans.there is room for some thin plate in there. cheers, b
  15. the point is, the OP is a troll...
  16. can people use their own heads anymore , or are we simply regurgatators?
  17. take a bolt out, measure it, then add an inch or two for thickness of metal.answer your own question.
  18. search Godzirra...that one is close enough to you, it might behoove you to try and visit the guy.. and i have some pics i can load up later from when i was designing a setup using EJ items...... I am a beginner as well, just come across alot of folks that seem to have big dreams without any knowledge of how much it will take to achieve them. nice 'busa.... the 1.25 120 wall is a bit small for cage work by basic standards.way more triangulation would be needed i think.which adds more weight , etc, you know the drill......if it was DOM it would be strong enough though..i have been using 1.5 120 wall DOM for my stuff.....alot of pro competition buggies use 1.5 120 wall DOM nowadays.... cheers
  19. so, just out of curiousity , what other fab type projects have you done?cheers, b
  20. not really crazy.been thought about , done with, and built with different components before , and currently being worked on as well....... but, there is not a class for it in the 1000. and, if you can't afford to do it right, it can turn into a nightmare really fast.just sayin.cheers, b
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