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Everything posted by monstaru

  1. right now we are sitting on about 8 inches so far in spokane.cheers
  2. now it makes sense.......************in sweet.i went this way then turned tail and ran.mine was all out of ej parts.and subie diffs though.i TOO would love to back to it.are they doing the same thing we do by putting a rear up front?or.......... anyways , badass...i too have the tire conundrum.way to much to spend.you should be looking on local 4x web sites, craigslist, blah blah , stuff you probably already go by...but anyways.cheers that pic almost made me um, well. yeH:banana: makes me wish i had the money for a Cornay joint setup. one day...one day....
  3. picked up a toy front axle for it.have been gathering small parts here and there as well........now i just need somewhere to work on it.:lol:i am to the point that i have to have room to build with the axles up so.........which is how i should have started.but did not have the room then either.....and wanted to get going. i have been in school for a couple of quarters now,and will not have much time to work on it next quarter either.but, i AM making progress here and there. i can get rid of all of my zuki stuff(two complete sets of axles, one disassembled, front 5.13 third from tracker , rear to match that.some spacers, etc...)now.so i will be able to get this going. i have no need for upgraded parts for the axles right now because i will be running small 33" tires:lol:.then when i get up the road a bit, i can upgrade axle internals and rocket up in tire size. the zuki axles had upgrades but the max was 35"tire i think.....if i remember right, anyways......that was with full on chromo axles. i was either looking for a full size set of axles.....or some toy axles, and i have the rear axle in my sites from one of my brothers old rigs., as well as a couple other things.SO, that is about an update.cheers
  4. thats the only one you need!!!!cheers
  5. i have bought tools of the crafstman brand from pawn shops SPECIFICALLY to go and get a new tool from sears..... whats wrong with that? it's their warranty..
  6. you literally need a long rectangular frame.if that car is as flat on the bottom as it looks.even if it is not, keeping a flat profile will serve you for your lift. i mean a long rectangle.with some mounts off for the engine , trans, and the front of the rear diff. kinda like this, excuse the crude drawings....the truck link was good,but for you it is even simpler... cheers,b
  7. you could just go to the FAQ in the OFFROAD forum and read for a bit.......then ask questions.
  8. my point being, not always does the modification need done.cheers, b
  9. it almost makes me want to puke i am so excited.........
  10. check the FAQ in the offfroad forum. there is a huge write up in there about lsd's
  11. i have done several of these now.and i have had them slide right in as well.it is a generic statement to say that the inside ears are present in all non-lsd cases.some of the later cases have definitely lessened ears too.as a matter of fact, the two 4.44's that i had were very easy to get the diff chunk into.it is a matter of finesse as opposed to making it fit.cheers , b oh, we are talking about inserrting the chunk into the case.you know, just like it shows, and says in the FAQ.
  12. i bought persuader one from a paqwn shop, no name chrome vanadium cause i knew it would work for just that once. it lasted like 6 years.......and trust me, when i broke it ,i gave it all i had.and it happened on a legacy bearing job.never did get that bearing changed.best damn 5 bucks i ever spent.cheers
  13. hrmmmm, where did he get h and r springs for ea81 struts?cheers, b
  14. i have several sets of EJ ones.....ifn you wanna try that. i'll be around this weekend tossing about in the garage.come on by. cheers, b
  15. hey man.i think we go to school together.most people call me hawk, if you have any questions i'd be more than willing to help if i can.i have had a couple of brats.cheers
  16. ************ing DUH!!!!!those mounts are the goodness .......just like the tranny mounts i made a while back.super simple and damn easy.good call. it's hard not to let your head get away with yourself........verry easy to overthink........ what angle will the tube stays be when you are done?my tranny mounts were 90's.but i need to move them, and am thinking about a compound angle from behind and off to the side.that probably does not make sense , but anyways. cheers!
  17. the last i remember lookin into the clutch kit it was kinda spendy, and it got recommended that i have a pro rebuild it if that was what i was after.it was factory parts only.but i never really got into the nissan side of it. that was from a subie dealer.cheers
  18. 315/70/17's arre just a skosh under 35".they can be had as good retreads from this company.20 plus years in biz says something. http://www.treadwright.com/shopnow/product/tabid/61/productid/79/sename/31570r17-guard-dog.aspx https://www.treadwright.com/ShopNow/Checkout/tabid/59/add/true/Default.aspx?ReturnUrl=/default.aspx/shopnow/product/tabid/61/productid/79/sename/31570r17-guard-dog.aspx just sayin.cheeers, b
  19. monstaru

    Lift Kits?

    14" sendels on a lifted rig!you slut.....i love it.nice ride. cheers , b
  20. the rear seal on any of our trannys is super easy to replace JB.cheers, b
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