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Everything posted by monstaru

  1. actually, you are supposed to use your right hand, cupped perfectly over the bottom of the can......it allows the bottom of the can to sit right on the shifter ...voile' no cup holder:grin: but seriously, cup holders in a wheeler?are you gonna have sippie cup lids on cans or what?thats just asking for trouble:lol:cheers, brian
  2. a rod bearing is alot differnet than a rod.here, http://lmgtfy.com/?q=what+is+a+rod+bearing%3F
  3. so, your gettin eds brat huh?nice!i wish i could go to the brat meet!buy a piece of 1.5 tube, and i'll make you a rollbar............... cheers, brian
  4. gimme your address......cheers, brian
  5. this is not where this goes, it should be in whatever corresponding year area your vehicle is.....
  6. monstaru

    Half doors

    i wanna wheel that when i come over:grin:.....
  7. maybe you should read a bunch.........
  8. they are not all interchangeable...........good luck.:)cheers, brian
  9. there are tons of guys that utilize subaru engines for small aircraft.you probably know that by now:).... those guys are the front runners for the modification to put carbs on the ej engines....(obviously where they were not attainable factory).that is where i got all of my info when i did that.... cool stuff.there is also alot of neat stand alone systems they use .very engineer oriented. cheers, brian
  10. i l,ove the desert....looks like fun.cheers, brian
  11. i hate you......that is sick.cheers,,brian
  12. you should just trade me out of mine.....they have brand new cartridges in them and just need finish welding.....make you a good deal:grin:cheers, brian
  13. good job!glad you had a safe trip....so, are ya gonna be at wcss?:lol:cheers, brian
  14. he is talking about the tumbler, just the tumbler........ i have been trying too, and i cannot remember......nor get it out.i do not have time to call a locksmith.but that is the next step i believe.let me know whats up. and i think it is a pain, but not nearly as impossible as stated.....cheers, brian
  15. unless you have a very nice GPS, and i mean, very nice, the variability is to high.still fail...... you have to have reliability to get concrete data.sorry ben, but your rigs are not reliable.(proven by your own posts, not bashing) the driveability is better with a 5 spd period. and the rpm's drop about 500 rpms throughout the range....this was tested on a 1986 brat with 185/80/13's,205/75/14's, and 235/75/15's.on a 1983 wagon with 175/70/ 13's and 235/75/15's. you originally stated"maybe a little higher"...... that is what i went off of.cheers, brian
  16. hrrmm, last time i knew, you were pbarely getting any 4spd to work at all in your brat.when did you do a 5 spd swap? and guages not working pretty much make your results null and void.no concrete data.sorry, fail. cheers, brain
  17. have you done a 5 spd swap for comparison?'cause you should say anything about it unless you have first hand knowledge..... cheers,brian
  18. or, you could actually take ************ apart for once.
  19. i suggest instead of jumping around the board asking a bunch of questions that have been answered several times, to search.and read.i bet it would help alot.
  20. better not fix it,that would end your ********************* streak....don't wanna ruin your average...
  21. :grin:this thread is worthless without pics!!!!!!!!!
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