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Everything posted by monstaru

  1. some of us have friends that build cars, and do not use them properly....
  2. you have to be smarter than the axle rob:grin:........cheers, b
  3. thats nice.....real nice....cheers, brian
  4. http://www.sandtiresunlimited.com/1300plus.html this is a 15" sand tire.no need for atv rims.chee5rs, brian
  5. me and the bell housing guy were talking and when i brought up the 4x4 tranny he was like, oh just think of all the buggys you could build. eg33 powered buggy. that would be awesome. EXACTLY......the idear i was thinkin......cheers,brian
  6. damnit, i wanna know now...:)cheers, brian
  7. what is the consensus on cost as of right now?is he still on track with a few hundo?cheers, brian
  8. horrible photo chop, just horrible, everything is to square.... oh, and nice carbs;),,,cheers,brian
  9. i am betting over extension as well......i am an axle breaker....and after those were built , i had them in for about 2 months before you got it and did not break them......soo light on the skinny pedal,not stretched out.......your already finding the limits of the car. thats good........ oh, if you come down this way today, i will be inthe garage.bring those pieces with you.cheers, brian
  10. how are you breaking axles?are you breaking cups?those axles were ea82 hybrids...Oneeye built them at evens for me when i broke my axles. the torsion bar can be clocked,, but you will lose articulation.... i'd like to know the circumstances involved with breaking the axles..... brian
  11. regardless, i have actually carbed an EJ motor.i can;t tell you a number to beat hell..... but i can tell you, that a 32/36 is plenty of carb if you run bigger jets.you could actually choke out the engine way rich, before you got to the end of the size range. i know, because i tried it.jerry swears up and down that his big carb motor has more power.it is possible,but i think it would be a very fine line .... dual 34's would be a little overkill, but the thing to keep in mind is mounting.when you have synchronize it ieasier to have them in line than to have some crazy setup.....the less complicated the better. downdrafts will definitely work out better in the long run.i have a set of sidedrafts currently, and they are looking at being fairly difficult to setup properly, althought they would look ************in killer. see if friends of friends and such have something you can kinda mock up... cheers, brian
  12. like he said, link material thickness is not as important as anything else, as long as it is there........although easier to weld if close to the same thickness...
  13. i can't wait to see this.i love this body style....:)cheers, brain
  14. and i quote for you....."i don't care either"....and, scott can stick up for himself.we are friends, and i am aloud to rib him...cheers, brian
  15. how you go about things is ridiculous rick.....thats all.your making undue accusations of failure, setting the poor kids life afire with paranoia, and worst of all...............not allowing him to make his own mistakes,and depend on the people he has around him to help him along.back off, let the boy become a man.
  16. "Keep it going, I wanna see a video of this thing in action!" then look up any version of nissan truck and watch it wheel.....
  17. ....and if you don't like reading it , piss off.defend someone you actually know, and or have met.i have met him, and i think he is ridiculous. there are people that stand around and talk about how something should be done properly, and polenty of ************ out there that is good enough to work. also, a jack of all is a master of none.and some should just keep there mouth shut.me included sometimes.go get your post count somewhere else.
  18. when the ************ goes down, i'll be ready.let me know please.cheers, brain
  19. 32/36's are a little to much as a pair.one of them does fine.cheers, brian
  20. are you sure thats not photo shop?looks like it to me......
  21. thanks for helping us have a good rep..............
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