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  1. No smoke detector or any aftermarket installations . Although the beeping sounds similar to the noise that my friend's car makes when you leave the keys in the ignition and open the driver's door when the car is turned off.
  2. I have a '97 Outback that I bought used two years ago. It's never made any sort of beeping noise, including the door ajar or the seatbelt chime, until a few weeks ago. My car has started making a very loud beeping noise. It started out just making it when I would first start it up in the morning, do it for 5 minutes and then stop. Now it will start and stop at random times and last night it beeped for the whole 30 minute drive home . The beeping is loud enough that I can still hear it with the windows down and the radio turned up. The tempo of the beep will occasionally speed up and slow down. It doesn't continue to beep once I've turned the car off but sometimes it'll issue a single beep when I open the car door when it's not running. Today when I drove it home it would stop beeping if I put in park. I took it to my Subaru mechanic and they've never heard of a car doing it and of course the car refused to beep while the mechanic was in the car. This is driving me nuts! Any help would be extremely appreciated!
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