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  1. Interesting... The gas cap is secure and the fuel indicator is reading what I believe to be the correct amount. I haven't done any off-roading with the vehicle either and it hasn't bottomed-out during driving. I'll have to check for exhaust leaks. If there are no leaks, are you saying that a bad primary 02 sensor could throw P0133 AND P0420?
  2. Just before I went for my PA state inspection, my CEL came on. I pulled three codes from it: PO133, P0420 and P1442. The car's a 2002 Outback Sport with 141,000 miles on it. I had the cat replaced under warranty in the 85,000 mile range. From reading other posts, I know that the 133 and 420 indicate the front and rear 02 sensor failure. I am suprised they'd go bad at once though. Anything else it could be? I have NO idea where the 1442 fits into this whole thing. I have a terribly low budget at this point so any help I could get before throwing parts at this situation would be helpful.
  3. Is there an AWD Sentra? Tough to compare apples and oranges isn't it? Who else makes a 30 mpg AWD vehicle with the durability, driveability and affordability of a Subaru... Nobody They DO have the cult following Subarus have ALWAYS had. The statistics on repeat business will attest to that. My 2 cents. Matt
  4. I used to routinely tow sailboats with my 82, FWD wagon. Had it loaded with boat stuff, 5 people and their gear for 3 days and the car never complained. Not a problem.
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