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used car

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Everything posted by used car

  1. Yes had right cv axle replaced,ball joint,and cone and spring washers.Still has wheel noise.
  2. Have 1987 subaru gl 1.8 4-wheel drive. Grinding clunking sound from right front end area when accelerating and turning right.It quits when i let off on gas.... What could it be?...Need your help!
  3. I have 1987 subaru gl 1.8 liter sedan.Choke no longer works on cold mornings.I have to use accelerator to rev it up until engine warms up.Whats wrong and how to fix it? Thanks
  4. I have 1987 subaru gl 1.8 liter sedan.Choke no longer works on cold mornings.I have to use accelerator to rev it up until engine warms up.Whats wrong and how to fix it? Thanks
  5. I'm the guy with noisy wheel Thanks you guy's for the advice about replacing wheel bearing.I thought the wheel should feel loose when lifted off ground and shaken in the 12 & 6 o'clock position.It is not loose! Is that alway's true .I will replace bearing anyway. Please reply
  6. Have 1987 gl that has a grinding,popping sound coming from right front wheel area.Lifted tire up and checked for play.None.So it must not be bearing.Had cv axle and ball joint replaced.Noise stopped for 3 days then started again.Changed cone washer and spring washer and castle nut.Did'nt make difference .It's been 1 month now and seems to have gotten a little worse. What gives? Need help!Ihad looked at by 3 different mechanics.They all feel its not wheel bearing because wheel is not loose when shaken.They can't figure it out.Is there a real subaru gl mechanic out there who has an idea about this?
  7. Have a scraping squeking sound from right front wheel area on 1987 subaru gl.when accelerated from a stop and turning corners.What is going on with that.Need Help!
  8. Have a scraping squeking sound from right front wheel area on 1987 subaru gl.when accelerated from a stop and turning corners.What is going on with that.Need Help!
  9. Have a scraping squeking sound from right front wheel area on 1987 subaru gl.when accelerated from a stop and turning corners.What is going on with that.Need Help!
  10. Have a scraping squeking sound from right front wheel area on 1987 subaru gl.when accelerated from a stop and turning corners.What is going on with that.Need Help!
  11. This is the guy with the noisy lifter(s)! Thanks everyone for your input.Especially the guys who were right. Right On! This is what i did.Changed oil and filter with 10-30 valvoline and wix filter.Added 1 qt rislone. Drove it and within 2 hour run time lifter noise gradually faded and totally quite.Then changed oil and filter again .500 miles later.All is well Thanks Subaru Forum
  12. This is the guy with the noisy lifter(s)! Thanks everyone for your input.Especially the guys who were right. Right On! This is what i did.Changed oil and filter with 10-30 valvoline and wix filter.Added 1 qt rislone. Drove it and within 2 hour run time lifter noise gradually faded and totally quite.Then changed oil and filter again .500 miles later.All is well Thanks Subaru Forum
  13. Yes it was the right front bearing that was replaced .Why then is it making noise again?
  14. Yes had a wheel bearing replaced.Started hearing that sound after a couple of days
  15. Subaru gl 1.8l has a grinding sound from front wheel area when accerating from a stop. Quites when i let let off the gas or turn steering wheel left.What is that?Need help!
  16. What happened to all my messages from past posts? Used car......

  17. !987 gl Backfires when reved up in park.Also hear puffing type sound and uneven exhaust blow out thru tail pipe.What is it?
  18. 1987 subaru gl 1.8 liter back fires thru tailpipe when revved up in park.Also hear puffing type sound with uneven exhaust blow out thru tailpipe.What is it?

  19. 1987 SUBARU GL started antifreeze leak right side under engine.Can't see where it's leaking .Water pump replaced 3 months ago.Where is leak Help!
  20. Have 1987 subaru gl that started leaking antifreeze from right front middle under engine .Can't see where leak is coming from.Water pump replaced when timing belt changed 3 months ago.Where else could it be from.Need subaru man for answers.

  21. Front wheel bearing going bad on 1987 subaru gl sedan.I want to replace the bearing myself to save a repair bill.Does bearing have to be pressed out and back in or some other way.Need experienced help.
  22. Front Wheel bearing going bad on !987 subaru gl sedan.I want to do it my self to save money.Do bearings have to be pressed out and in on this model. Anyonne with the answer.

  23. Front wheel bearing going bad on 1987 subaru gl sedan.I'm wanting to do it my self to save money.Do bearings have to be pressed out and in How do they come out.Any one out there with experience?

  24. Me again.The guy with 1987 subaru gl lifter noise.Ichanged oil and filter.It helped a little.But it's still there.Should i use some kind of additive Rislone -mmo-atf.What do you think Subaru specialists? HELP!

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