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Subeast-EA81 last won the day on September 20 2017

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About Subeast-EA81

  • Birthday 01/06/1985

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  • Location
    Battle Ground
  • Interests
    Subaru Stuff, Boating and RVing
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    a friend,...many moons ago
  • Biography
    Just a Subaru Dude, doing Subaru things. USMB Drunk
  • Vehicles
    91 Loyale, 16 OB Limited

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  1. Full time was not an option in 1991. Push button single range was the only offering.
  2. Disconnect the control cable from the vacuum actuator from the control rod on the back of the transmission, then manually shift it into 2WD by operating that control rod all the way aft. if its still binding after that just pull the rear CV axles out,
  3. I would imagine it would have to do with the Eyesight loosing its ability to track the lanes, or as stated earlier the reflected light off the water. I don't have eyesight on my outback, but I have had some experience, and if it cannot see the lines in the road it can get real confused.
  4. If you are swapping it into any 3rd gen N/A car best bet is anything 87+. As for gear ratios as long as the donor transmission did not come out of a Turbo car the gear ratio will be the same as your Loyale and there is no need to swap the rear diff. if you happen to get one out of a turbo car you will not be impressed with those gear ratios and will be mostly counteracting the benefits of the low range, also IIRC the turbo boxes had a taller low range as well to best to avoid those all together. like stated previously 87+ EA82 N/A car for the donor and you will be walking in tall cotton, easy bolt in swap.
  5. Replace the Idlers, you can clearly see the scuff line on the cam pulley and that's where the belt should be riding, a small misalignment will cause this. i would recommend replacing both tensioners as well.
  6. Welcome! your in good company. lots of knowledgeable good natured folks here.
  7. I was good to Meet you Moosens, and great spending time with the rest of you at WCSS. I miss it already.
  8. Welcome! what kind of swap are you entertaining?
  9. if its running rough in the AM and hard starting, my guess from experience is the coolant temp sensor is not functioning correctly, (Code 21) therefore not telling the ECM to richen the mixture for a cold start condition (common failure). Hope this helps
  10. Ok! Good News the Inhibitor Switch took care off many of the issues, i can now start the car with the key, the back up lights now work, the torque converter locks up at proper intervals and i can manual shift the car as it now is aware of what gear its in. However it still downshifts like a mad teenager in a honda trying to pass a bus, as in it comes out of gear revs up to about 4 grand then falls into the desired lower gear violently. could that possible be the line pressure resistor located on the passengers strut tower? slowly getting closer to making this thing road worthy
  11. Update! i climbed under the car to examine the inhibitor switch as its called (its acutely a combination PRND321 position switch) upon removal of the switch i bench tested it as per the FSM and found it to be faulty, this would also explain why it will not start unless i hot wire it. Will have a new switch in hand tomorrow and will update with results.
  12. ill check on the that TCU location when i get home, as far as the Diag. connectors those are not plugged in, like i said above i'm a pretty good wrench but auto transmissions are not my forte' but for some reason this appears to be something common that's making the transmission behave like a neanderthal, and TCU is a good suspect. However the fluid change is in its future i'm sure
  13. The TCU was also something I suspected. Although I'm not sure how I would go about testing it? The trans fluid looks fresh and new as as does the spin-on filter perhaps changing the fluid again would help but the suggestion you made about possibly being jumped backwards and smoking the TCU and the immobilizer sounds quite possible.
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