So heres the story, My car has this pulsating voltage, 12-14 volt sweep at half second intervals. readings are on an after-market gauge, and as well as factory(makes my headlights look like a cop car so thats the only bonus:brow:). I checked it with my Fluke 289, didnt see any AC voltage, so the diodes in the Alternator must be working. I know its charging due to the amount of off-road lights i have on the car (4x @ 130watts). So heres were it gets whacky, when lugging along in 3rd gear <2000RPMs i can feel the varying voltage affecting the speed of the car (same fluctuation coincides with accel and decel with level throttle input. The best part is that its inconsistent, sometimes its doing it, which makes the car behave as described, and not doing it which lends to level voltage and smooth behavior.
Checked, done so far: Install Optima Blue top Marine Deep cycle Battery, replace clamp style battery cables with marine 4 awg cables with lug and screw down terminals soldered at both ends, Install block to chassis ground cable, cleaned and fix bad connections at alternator.
Being a Marine electrician for a living, usualy i can find the root issue myself, however the wonder wagon is challenging me again.
Any ideas? Discuss!