I am having a starting issue with my 92 Loyale, it has the 1.8L in it. What happens is it turns over nice and strong but will not start. I am getting spark on all 4 plugs and there is gas in the tank, although I do not smell it when trying to start. I also added some heet to the gas. This issue has happened before intermittently usually in cold weather. In the past I would sometimes wait 30 minutes or so and it would start. I changed the plugs, wires and distributor cap about a year ago and the problem had not resurfaced until last week. I bought a new rotor but was unable to get to the screw to get the old one out so I did not swap it out.
So after the problem resurfaced during our recent cold spell I thought maybe the old rotor was to blame and after struggling to get it unscrewed I decided to pull the whole distributor in order to get to the rotor screw, I was worried I would strip the screw on the rotor. So I pull the distributor and then I am able to easily get the screw off and install the new rotor. I went to reinstall the distributor when I realized I may have made a big mistake because I didn't mark what position the distributor and rotor were in My rig still won't start but now I am wondering if I created a new problem by removing the distributor without marking it's position? If the rotor is not lined up correctly would the car start at all or just start and run like crap? What is the easiest way to get the distributor into the correct position?
Chris in Olympia, WA.