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Everything posted by Bucky92

  1. Took Rocky for a spin this morning...he back talked me alittle at start up but he shut up once warmed up....have to recheck everything and make sure its tight..but he seems to be giving off better heat and not wanting to stumble and stall at stops..plus the volts arent dropping anywhere close to what they were at stops..so fingers still crossed..going to try and installhis new stereo today.
  2. That is very very very normal in cold weather to have the milky oil cap...its not milky on the dip stick is it? I think we have all fallen victim to that scare...its like the parking light switch on the top of the steering column:grin:
  3. Well...he is all back together and everything seems to be working again the way it should be ( I found someone local who actually had a good pulley handy..now I will get Rockys old one welded for a spare later) I will run him alittle bit more tomorrow then double check that everything stayed tight..I loctited everything that could come loose. Thanks for all the help guys!!! you Rock ...and operose...when do you want Rocky to do what you are doing to your friends XT ( the frame rail fixes;) )??
  4. I have fallen victim to the split crank pulley failure on the XT6...seems this is what has been causing all the issues...heading out in about 15 minutes to pick up a new one ( cause my welder friend went to FL on vacation) then I will have the old one welded together for future failure...I have resealed the rear window...can't find anything bent with the front wheel...yet but did find some scarey frame rot..but I will get that fixed...learn to weld or pay someone to do it later. Had the Alt tested and it was putting out 15.5 volts ...cleaned all the grounds and battery terminals...so we will see once I get it back together....the crank pulley bolts are a bigger PITA then EA82s...no eay way to shove a screwdeiver into the flywheel....anyway..we shall see
  5. Looks really good!!! Much better then before...Hard to believe its the same Brumby:headbang:
  6. I dont know what I am planning to do yet...sending everything to the JY is looking good right now.wish I could afford to just send one ot both to the garage...but at $80 an hour labor ..that just isnt happening.
  7. I know this is probably of no help but I know exactly how you feel sweetheart!!! Not out of work but just barely make enough to pay the bills let alone any parts for the cars. I know the emotional stress/anxiety you are feeling right now. Is your car tore apart??have you already pulled the old seals to match them up with the new ones?? If I look hard enough I might be able to find the part numbers for the ones on Bucky....his were replaced over a year ago..should have reciepts in his glove box..I will go look for you.
  8. I have a spare MC and Booster..what i could really use is the right rear wheel assembly ( bearing,drum etc..)maybe try and make it out there this weekend and grab an extra pair of calipers and drums...Bucky has all the symptoms of a bad booster and I know for a fact that rear is trashed.I wont know how to act (nor will Buck) with fully operational brakes... I will talk to you late Paul..got a new celly number so if you get a call from an 860 area code its my new number ( the old one is still good too but I never had signal)
  9. First off...have you tried the Seafoam/MMO trick yet? to help clean the gunk out...works wonders ( IMHO) My Bucky has has TOD since I have owned him ...4 years..Even after rebuilding the oil pump it was still there on cold days...one day I will get around to replacing the HLAs...they can sound horrible horrible at times. I havent heard of anyone having troubles with rod knock..but that doesnt mean it doesnt happen..the only other noise I get from mine ...when cold..is from the throw out bearing or something else in the tranny( I believe) and it goes away also after warmed up
  10. In case you need it..I have an extra maf for your Loyale..I would just have to find it ( I have a good idea where it is though:) )..If it does turn out to be your maf...I would do the ground checks that have been mentioned..can't be too much help to you cause thats one thing my Loyale has been good about...only code I ever got was EGR sylinoid.
  11. I figured the bleeders will most likely break...15 years old and 202K miles in the North east..if they arent caked with grease they will be rusty.Maybe I should try and find a rear drum hub assembly??? since there is a major problem back there too. fronts have new rotors and pads so that shouldnt be too much an issue.Just worried that when I screw this up I will be without a car period...Oh well.
  12. I have no choice but to try and swap out the Master cylinder /brake booster on Bucky..hopefully that will give me enough brakes to get him through for alittle while..till I have the money to fix the wheel bearing and do a rear disk swap. What are my chances of breaking something ..IE bleeder nipples or brake lines....I have no money to play with if there is a crash and burn here...and since I am flying completely solo on this..I have to know what to expect. I have so much money tied into that POS XT6 which is soon to become a yard ornament it left me totally tapped ( too bad there isnt enough stuff off of it to strip to use on Bucky)..Is this going to be plauseable or should I hold off and wait till I can get some funds raised for my stupidity errors? Thanks!!
  13. I know how you feel too...drove Bucky ( my 92 Loyale with 202K miles) today for the first time in about 3 weeks.....been running my 88 XT6 w/23+K miles ...and I missed my boy...I adore my Loyale...sloppy shifter,no power,no brakes,axle clicking and wobble wobble wheels..No traction in the snow due to bad tires....and I loved every minute of it...Darn old dependable POC...how can you not love them...I know how easy it is to hate my XT6 though:-\
  14. My one friend is supposed to stop over with a meter later today or tomorrow ( we will see..) He thinks its the Cyber pump draining everything...but who knows..BUT..This is the last straw..if it can't be fixed this weekend it is going....I dont have the time/money/nerves/patience..for this anymore...I can't afford $80+ an hour labor to take these POS cars to the garages here..and I have entirely too much money tied into this XT6 right now for it to be causeing me this many issues..I could have dumped that money into Bucky and he would be about done with for the most part
  15. I am completely over my head right now with the XT6..Its back to not charging ( I just replaced the serpentine belt and had the Alt rebuilt along with new battery and terminals,and the alt plug) put new rims and tires on it..noticed the one front wheels camber was off...found out that you can't adjust the camber so upon further investigation...I have a bent lower control arm:banana: (note the sarcasim) and found the water leak ...the rear window is loose...leaks like crazy around it ( found this out at the car wash since I was it every 2-3 days to keep the salt from doing any further damage) All and all I have alittle over $1000 tied into it now and I cant do anymore work on it myself ..I lack the confidence to get into doing the control arm ..plus it needs a new clutch..Looks like I am going to attempt to put a new booster and master into bucky and hope that gives me enough brakes for now...the wheel bearing will have to wait...If I screw this up I am totally screwed...but since everyone local thinks I am super mechanic or something..I can't get a hand anymore doing anything with my cars. Not sure what I am going to do right now. end of rant
  16. I just got attacked with the same demon a few weeks ago..I am with daeron on this...Advance Auto tested mine for free proved it was bad ..then I had it rebuilt for under $100. Dont wait too long ,like I did,cause it can cause stuff like the battery to go bad too.
  17. Yup my 92 Loyale is an EA82 SPFI with 202K miles on it.The big thing with the mileage is ...Is yours 4WD or FWD...is it AT or 5 Spd? Like I mentioned..there are others with the EA82 SPFI FWD 5 spd cars that are getting great gas mileage..some simple things to do to help improve yours are...good tune-up...everything plugs cap rotor wires...a new O2 sensor ( $20 at Advanced..something like that) make sure your tires are inflated right and you should see some improvement..Also dont drive it like you stole it;) ..I am running an 88 XT6 ( EJ27 5 spd full time 4WD ) and am pretty happy with the mileage...close to 27-30+ when I am not playing with it...when I am that mileage goes WAY down...but I am still havin fun:grin:
  18. I about talked the guy I bought my rims from into coming down..if I dont bring Bucky..he mentioned something about trailering something down and was asking about a place to store the trailer....he has an XT6 and 2 hatches ( you should remember 75subies beautiful white hatch?? ) and a red one with a plow set up. Once it gets closer...if you guys want...we can plan out a carpool caravan convoy thingy...what a beautiful sight...a gaggle of Subarus traveling together
  19. That would be me.....I have a 92 Loyale wagon FWD 5 spd that gets 40+ highway miles...but that seems to be very common for the FWD 5 spd cars I have found out... If you are looking for strickly a good gas mileage communter the FWD models are fantastic...you still get the room and ease at the pump...Just keep them tuned up and dont drive them too hard. Also..with a set of good all weather or snows on the front they are very very good in bad weather I had a 90 Justy FWD 5 spd a few years for a paper delivery car and have to say...it was a great car but like stated...finding parts can be a challenge sometimes...I dont know how it is out there but here on the rust coast..they are getting very very hard to come by
  20. Yea Yea yea..I know ...going to clean the garage out and move stuff out enough to get Bucky inside to start ripping into his brake system..Hey..he needs a vacation anyway. . I think I have about talked Moneypit into coming to Carlisle..told him if Bucky doesnt come I will let him use my other entry..plus I have the camp sight. When he gets back from vacation I am paying him to let me molest his parts car:eek: I asked him if the white hatch was yours Jon...LOL thought I recognised it. I will look for that stuff at walmart tomorrow..any other suggestions?
  21. 88 XT6 ER27 23K miles..no leaks that I have found yet 85 Cold 15-20 warm idle 45-60 at 3K rpms 92 Loyale EA82 202K miles ..oil pump rebuilt and engine resealed a year and a half ago..leaks from valve cover and cam seal...also sucked the mickey mouse gasket again 60-70 cold non exsistant at idle( probably around 5-7) 30- 40 at 3K rpms
  22. Thanks to Melis and someone from XT6.net ( themoneypit) I finally got the right rims and new tires for Rocky...What an amazing difference they made...his center of gravity is much much lower,handles 100% better....speedometer seems about accurate now and bestest of all..... No more shakey shakey!!! :banana: I suspected a bent rim and wheel off balance and possibly a tie rod...but it was just the rim and tire...OMG he drives so smooth and quiet now...feels like a completely different animal. I still have to clean up and polish the rims...but for the fantastic price they are so much better then expected... I am sooo happy..I am lovin this car even more now ( didnt think that was possible!!) Anyway..small night time teaser.....one step closer to Carlisle....he's lookin like an XT6 again:
  23. I highly doubt I will be bringing my wagon down ..cause I just dont feel like fixing it...but I entered it anyway so we can get the club tent.
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