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Everything posted by Bucky92

  1. Here is a wierd suggestion..We do this on my dirt bike club newsgroup..Every year they have 2 "rides" one in Arkansas one in Idaho.People from the board pick one member to hold it and others send a monetary donation( we call it the spodefest fund). Then those people who donate nominate candidates..someone who can't make it out there on thier own funds.Then only the people who donate vote to see who gets an all expense trip to the ride. One year we actually raised enought to bring a fellow rider up from Brazil for 3 weeks. Just alittle suggestion that might get poeple like moosens out there.
  2. Looks Great!!! Loving the interior..cant wait to get up close and personal at Carlisle:grin: So when some old crazy fat lady just comes up and gets into your car and starts tallking to it and petting the dash..sont worry..its just me:lol: .
  3. I can testify to what CT road salt does to cars ....quick...but if you look at my 92 Loyale (202K miles)you would find it alittle hard to realize it spent almost its entire life between Delaware,PA and CT...CT being most of the last 4 years.I usually take 1 day...2 times a year and touch up spots...plus I would take it frequently to rinse the road salt off.I have been running my rusty ( could be worse ) XT6 cause of brake issues on the Loyale.but have plans on/and am in the prosses of cutting and welding and patching and preventing more rust from happening. As for emmissions...good old Bucky has always passed with usually lower then hybrids emmissions...motor runs like a champ and feels like it could easily go another 100K...but I am spoiled with the XT6 right now vroom vroom is more fun then putt putt:grin:
  4. + 1 on what she said....you dont realize how lucky you are to have great parents...or even ones that paid attention to you. The person who I call my Dad is in no way related by any means to me..sometimes family is who you make it...not just related by blood.
  5. I have been driving Rocky ( my 88 XT6 ) on a daily basis cause Bucky ( my Loyale) is down with basically catastophic brake failure..thank the Subaru God for the E brake...Here is the delema..I have had absolutley no desire to fix Bucky...I never thought I would here myself say anything bad about him but... He is sooo underpowered..granted he gets fantastic gas mileage..but the XT6 isnt all to bad either...only raised my weekly gas budget by $5. I want to do the rear disk swap and my mechanic friend believes the failure is caused by a combination of the bad wheel bearing and a blown seal/valve in the booster...between the master and the booster ( I have a spare!) Here is the sad part...I feel the XT6 is a much better built car along with a much safer car and I am starting to feel that I have out grown the good old EA82 and its time to move on...I dont have the time or money to do the EJ22 swap or a 4WD swap ( I would prefer to keep him FWD to save on wieght). I go out every other day and start him ..let him run for 15-20 minutes...cause I hate what letting a car sit does to the seals. Anyway..Is this normal..should I feel this bad about this??
  6. Probably doesnt help much..but my EA82 doesnt have that frayed thingy stuffed there..just the plastic connector thingy...looks like some kind of old clogged filter....well..Like I said mine doesnt have that and as long as I have had my EA82 there has never been one there and it runs fine and that area is dry as a bone..I dont think it wouild harm anything to just yank it...but I am sure someone else might know better
  7. I have thought about bringing the XT6 down..but it has too many plans between Carlisle and the Dragon...I dont want to risk anything happening to it since Bucky is down for the count for awhile and until I deside to fix him or what..Plus I havent had the front push bar fabricated yet ( he is getting Hellas mounted to the bar.) Have fun...I need to get another beater so i can come down and play...I adore my 2 guys too much to want to see anythign happen to them. Hey Mary..I know how you feel about the attention you get with the Brats...I am getting bombarded with double takes,questions,comments, and wows with Rocky (not to mention the challenges from ricer kids)...I think I have become an XT6aholic!
  8. BMFH and a very large crowbar ( just ask subeman90 about that ) roll of duct tape ,metal coat hanger and vice gripts...you can fix anything:rolleyes: sowwy couldnt resist
  9. My father was an old Mopar Muscle car nut..and 50s car nut . He liked to tinker and we went to TONS of shows ( what do you expect..I grew up between Carlisle PA and Hershey PA..huge car shows and tons of dirt tracks) Motor oil is just in your blood.But I learned alot by trial and error..My first car was an 82 VW Rabbit..I got a chiltons and between that and a neighbor..I learned the basics.then over the years I just learned more and more from doing it the hands on way...books friends etc etc..then this interesting thing called the internet came along OMG!! the Holy Grail of Automotive people.It seems that hands on is the best for me..if I get into something that may be alittle over my head I have here and friends to help me through it...I dont claim to know everything..actually far from it..I try. and usually I when I realize how easy something was. The biggest thing is to understand ,what I call,automotive theory, Why it works..if you seem to understand why it works it makes more sence of how to fix it.
  10. Not to thread hijack..But Andrew..is this the Geo you need that battery back cause of a tractor battery being in it??
  11. Turbone..that is the most BADA$$ Hatch ever!..love that car
  12. Welcome aboard!!..There are lots of us New Englander subaru fans here..many of us are old school but if its a Sube your welcome!! OH..and you are supposed to show pics of your Subaru for us to drool over Subaru..bringing the world together....one boxer at a time
  13. SWEET!!!!! Awesome score!..ok I am jealous..I still have the ugliest XT out there right now:rolleyes:
  14. Talke dto Colonial Subaru Sat and Rory talked to them today..They are going to be helping me out and sending me down to carlisle with some give aways...just aheads up..I got that dealer covered
  15. I am afraid to wash the XT6 right now...so many holes where there shouldnt be holes . Plum Crazy is an awesome color...so is anything along the Grabber line ( my old Mach1 was grabber green..attention getter!)
  16. I absolutely love my XT6..Wedges rule!!
  17. Those are such pretty pictures.Your hatch is just out and out sweet..catch up on that rust on the hood ASAP..Makes me want to have 1 of everything!! But I think Tommy wont allow it. If you dont go with the cosmic blue ..what color are you thinking for it??
  18. I have been looking forward to playing with the XT6 in the snow ( Full Time 4WD ) but because of his charging issue he had been stuck in the garage for a week..Once Bucky is all better he is going back to my daily driver ( or if things work out maybe this summer a much new Leg or Imp) Dont want to beat up on the 6 cause its supposed to be spending the rest of its life going to shows ( once he is all restored) nect year he gets Vintage tags!! I want the same for Bucky too though
  19. What caused Rockys Alt to toast was a combination of 3 things...the munched plug shorting it out and loose serpentine belt and the use of WAY too much belt dressing. Thanks to yesterdays "I have got to get this car on the road Today" temper tantrum..I found a couple good sorces locally for help and parts.Found a Subaru Specialist/junk yard withing 1/2 of my house ..and another Specialist was recomended by someone from XT6.net for when I get stumbed on work:banana:
  20. :banana: Rocky is running and charging again!! :banana: Going to run him for a couple days till I feel comfortable then I am pulling Bucky in and ripping those brakes and stuff apart! :headbang: :clap:
  21. I am not sure..havent tore into Bucky yet..been spending the day stressing over getting the XT6 going ( just got home from picking up the Alt..had it rebuilt..guy said it was definately shorted out and we figured out the reasons)Warming up the garage now to go put it in and (Fingers crossed) it will have that problem fixed... Matt..Bucky needs more than just the bearing..his rears are shot..gonna do a disk swap I think..either way I need lots of parts..
  22. If you add anything like Seafoam or MMO your oil will smell alittle like fuel...At least thats why both my cars have that smell:)
  23. Then A Subaru in The Snow!!!! Even a FWD one.( this was taken last night and basically our first snow this year) I dont care...even though he is FWD and with major brake issues..I still love him.. Bucky is the bomb!! Rocky was snuggled in the garage so I couldnt get a shot of him in the snow A snow covered Subaru is a Happy Subaru
  24. Hey Paul!! if you see this in time...you dont think Charlie may have an Alt for the XT6?? We are heading up to Andrews later also and if he does/you do/maybe even Andrew does..maybe I can grab that..Rory is supposed to stop over here tomorrow to check some stuff ( and bringing his new GF who I adore) My concerns at this time are more getting the XT6 back on the road since we have dropped everything on Bucky..and the XT6 is 100% legal ..and Bucky is kinda..well you know:rolleyes: I should do all this alt testing.ordering whatever today but Andrew gave the call for help and you know we just have to reply:grin:
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