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Everything posted by Bucky92

  1. I am planning on putting new plugs in my XT6 this weekend and possibly turning the idle up a hair..but it has this problem with stumbling at stops....if you dont feather the gas. It will idle all day no problem and let you rev him up ...but this problem only occurs when the car is moving...any ideas?? Thanks in Advance
  2. I am commiting myself this weekend and sending off my entry registration...I will also put in for a campsight...guess I should get my rear in gear and get rocky together..May isnt too far away
  3. 80% of the time my old FWD Loyale would do better in the snow then others AWD and 4WD SUVs...at my old apt..everyone would wait to see if I got out first ( they never plowed till about 3 in the afternoon) then they would use my tracks to get themselves out...Though I cant wait to try the XT6 in the snow AWD w/ diff lock:banana:
  4. Welcome to the board...though I keep to the older gen section.I have noticed the knowledge of this board can not be frowned upon...These people ( myself included) love these cars and many of them have been working and dealing with them since the 70s.Subarus are unlike anything else out there ...I too have owned a ton of cars ( well over 30) and did my thing with the muscle cars ( 66 289 Mustang,70 289 Mustang Coupe,71 Mach 1 w/ 428 CJ Blown,65 Galaxie 500 XL Convert, Plus Corvair Monza Spider Convert,65 Karman Ghia Convert..bla bla bla). I have also owned 5 Subarus now..and sometimes the same problem can have 10 different ways to fix it. Dont take anythign said personally,take it as advice. Nobody here has any malicious intent what-so-ever..we just want to help other Subie owners keep thier cars and themselves happy. And there isnt a better group of people on the planet;) Wow..96....and I thought Bucky was new ( my 92 Loyale )
  5. I usually just spray alittle PB Blaster around the hub...wait a minute and give it a good swift kick.Welcome to the world of Subarus...I have had my 92 Loyale for 4 years now and havent regretted it once ( and its just a FWD one) Treat it right and it will take care of you.
  6. This is another thing I am contiplating..but with over 200K on his motor and the extra weight of the 4WD stuff....and the fact it will slow him down...not that he isnt slow already...but it is still a possibility....and baccauda...where have you been?? :lol: geesh only been a member here since 2004 and its in my sig... :Flame:
  7. I know alot of you have done the rear drum to disk swap on your 4WD subes...but what about a FWD one??What do I want to pull the parts off of? I am tired of Buckys intermittent brake failure ( we almost ate a jeep today) and I feel it has to do with the rears.If he is going to be laid up for awhile I might as well change them out. TIA!
  8. I am 100% positive that I am bringing Rocky down ( XT6 ) As for Bucky..well depends on how far I get fixing his front end and brakes ( Had one of his glorious brake failure moments today on the way to work..think I am going to do the rear disk swap) Shame is Bucky does show so well when I clean him up..had those STi kids interested at the marcus show. Matt..PM me an addy so I know where to send tent fund money ( I know I have it here somewhere but who knows). And dont forget people...Carlisle is my home town!! Know my way around there very very well;)
  9. The PCS shouldnt cause this...But I have heard about vacuum lines being cracked with age etc ...I know sometimes with Bucky when he is cold you have to play with the buttons to get it to switch over..once its warmed up its fine.. I had a complete dash that I stole all to controls and stuff from in case any were needed..If you need something I can get it out to you ASAP.
  10. If you find it to be the controller itself ( on the dash) I have one here already pulled..
  11. Hey Turbone...I PMed you over in XT6.net. And I cant wait to have Rocky legal on the road ( next weekend:banana: ) I am looking forward to my first ...merge into heavy traffic.. I love my EA82 but there are many times that there just isnt enough umph to safely do what its gotta do.
  12. Sure!!! Here is Rocky ( the XT6 ) Having a moment with Bucky ( 92 Loyale) And here is Just Rocky in the front yard... Before Floor fix..I see the road! And after the floor fix..Doug did a nice job if you ask me
  13. Matt..let me know how much $$ you need..I will donate to the tent..and looks like I will be bringing the XT6 for sure..going to try and get alot of work done today and the good news just keeps flowing in ( I bow down to master Turbone;) ) And Dave and Melis are coming to help. Looking good for getting Rocky ready....Now dont let me back out..you guys know that I have a habit of that ( Its caused by having Social Anxiety Disorder)
  14. My 88 XT6 says it has around 166,000 ( or something close to that) but it doesnt count cause the motor has only around 22,000
  15. Bless you Rob!! Let me know what i owe you so I can get it out to you ASAP...Looks like Melis and Dave may be coming up today to help me fix some of the other issues..since they know alot more about it then me....and Melis said something on the line of she gets to drive it first:rolleyes: ...God I love her) And thanks Jeff...I need a kick in the pants for the thought of hating Bucky..my dear dear beloved Bucky..who will stay with me till he is nothing more than a little pile of rust dust.:-p
  16. I always liked that shade of green...Never had one though..My subes have been Silver (88GL wagon) 2 were grey ( 90 Justy and my 88 XT6) maroon ( 82 GLF) and white ( Bucky!) hummm..nother thought on color choice for the 6
  17. I picked up Rocky from having his new floor welded in and a new muffler put on. Seems his charging issue disappeared.He wasnt shimmy shakey shakey nearly as bad either. Go figure?? Well I am spending the weekend working on getting the interior back in and checking into the suggestions for the charging problem. Also going to work on some relays and stuff..But I like Rocky again..cause earlier this week I hated him and Bucky too ( OMG how could I ever have bad thought of Bucky..someone me!!) Hopefully have him ready to be legal and put on the road by next week..then I will worry about Bucky over the rest of the winter OH! All I have to say is WOW! what a difference in power compaired to my EA82..holy canoli batman..I am liking this motor.....ALOT!!
  18. Might bring the XT6 down ( got good news from my welder friend..Rocky is ready to come home and seems to be charging fine now:banana: ) And is Bucky is ready should bring him too..
  19. Glad Turbone posted that link for you..I was at work and didnt have time to look it up. Turbone comes through again!
  20. Turbone posted it under my thread ..recommendations for reman half shafts
  21. Thanks Guys..especially Turbone..I saved that pic. My friend Rory can get me some for $49 each and he swares he never had problems but if you do they are lifetime warrenteed.
  22. I am getting conflicting part numbers,etc for new axles...Are the EA82 5spds 23 spline or 25 spline?? Some books are just calling for 23 spline ( at Advance Auto) yet online I am seeing both.Can someone conferm before I order new ones? TIA... If this was too dumb of a question then just
  23. Sometimes sentimental Value is way more than actual money value...To me ...my Loyale Bucky is priceless..I couldnt put a dollar amount on it. To many others its just a 92 Loyale wagon FMD..nothing special. IMO and ONLY my Opinion..I hate carbs..when they are tuned in right they are great..but the only vehicles I have had major issues with were my carbs..I dont even mess with my dirt bikes carb...I send it out.
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