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Everything posted by Bucky92

  1. My wagon has been through the same thing..replaced rotors pads..etc and bled bled bled..might do the rear disk swap once the car is off the road ..if I can get the bugs worked out of the XT6..All I know is something is screwwy in the rear brakes
  2. Nevermind..gonna change them this weekend with whatever I can come up with..I have my reasons for not wanting to drive with them clicking and stuff ( I HAVE had one snap on the highway before and it isnt fun with a FWD car)
  3. Dont really have the time to run to a PAP and do this...since there really arent any close by...and to the newbie who blew your $2000 Mac...you dont even have the slightest idea...I have 2 POS cars..one I have been trying to get off the road for months to do some major front end work but didnt have anything else to drive and the second i got to get on the road quick but that isnt happening and it is now over my head finacially..no car no job no way to pay bills no house.
  4. Well..now both of Buckys axles are bad ( blew one today)..can not afford Subaru ones..need a decent remanufactured set..what are you guys opinions? Sorry not in a great mood right now.
  5. :banana: :banana: I hate electrical issues...
  6. I dont understand 75% of my XT6 yet it doesnt seem to make sence like my Loyale does..so any info is good for me..its all a starting point...I just need to get Rocky on the road so Bucky can get pulled off. And yes..you shouldn't be at work if you are still sick:brow:
  7. Ben..it came with a new Alt..so I have to get to the car to pull the reciept for where it came from..it was somewhere out in Wyoming if I am thinking right.And right now the car is at the welders.I called Rory and Doug ( the guys working on it) and they are going to look into the grounds and the pulley and whatever else. I got them loaded up with work right now..between the XT6 and both the dirt bikes ( mine had a bent frame and is getting the carb rebuilt and Tommys needed some welding and stuff)
  8. Thanks..I just forwarded this info over to the guys playing with Rocky and they are going to check into it.
  9. Geesh..you boys are making me blush...But I personally think LeakingOil is the coolest..but get the 2 of us together in the same place at the same time and we are dangerous..just ask anyone who has witnessed it;) Next years wish list...angle grinder ...Girls and thier toys
  10. Taking Rocky up the street to have the floor welded..As I was driving I notice the Volt meter dropping...from 14 down to about 7 by the time I got to Dougs..This car has a new Alt in it and as of Friday it has a new battery. Whats wierd is ..when I would just let it run in my driveway the volts never dropped but when it was actually being driven thats when this all happened.( should I mention that I had no lights on..nothing was on ) What would be causing this bizzare occurance? Any clues?
  11. This topic got me poking around Bucky today ( after dropping Rocky off at my friend Dougs) I found the same rust holes around the rear seatbelts..Going to toss some sealer on the holes for now to keep anymore water out and when Rocky is back I will fix this on Bucky. Can you believe its January here in CT and its almost 70 degrees!! good day to wash and wax the car...and play with the new pressure washer;)
  12. You look at the underside of Bucky ( my 92 Loyale wagon) and basically till you get to the rear wheel well the car is 98% rust free..cause...bad seal blowing oil all over..I refuse to ever clean it off cause it has been proven to work...this car has spent many PA winter,Delaware winters,and CT winters and the only rust that has been a problem has been where the oil has never sprayed.Oh and this is a 201K mile car that has been wrecked in the front and was used as a fleet vehicle and "the loaner" car for 2 different dealers...so you know it was never pampered..till I got him 4 years ago:)
  13. One other member (bdg??? in Maine ) just repaired a very similar issue I believe and did a very very good job. Now you guys are making me wonder what lies benieth on Bucky..it'll wait till the XT6 is on the road
  14. I am sending him up the street for a couple weeks to have the floor rot fixed and exhaust work done...and a stalling problem looked into...and some clutch adjustments ...He is going to be my winter car this year while Bucky gets ALOT of front end work done..then in the spring I am hoping to either restore Rocky or find a good body bad motor and swap it all out. I just get all funny when my "kids" have to go away even for a couple days..well...ones I get really attached too..and Bucky and Rocky I am very very attached to..
  15. .. I am shipping Rocky ( my XT6 ) off in a couple days...he isnt going far just about 15 minutes up the road...but a different friend of mine is taking him to start cutting and welding.I told him to take his time so in a couple weeks ,hopefully, he will be back..Getting him a new battery this weekend ..what cranking amps would you recommend for him. ( had to throw my Christmas gift on him today to get him started ..Tommy gots me a Jump pack). Wonder if Advance would take a tractor battery as a core so this one can go back to its rightful owner ( after tossing it on the charger for him)
  16. Thanks Guys..thats what I had thought..it was basically the same...I dont know when the last oil change was done..but if I know the seller...it was pretty recent..I should probably do one anyway and seafoam it..just to be safe..would have done that today but got side tracked working on the dirtbikes..getting them torn down and ready for re-welding and repainting and winter rebuilds.( plus with them torn down there is more room in the garage for the car...plus the garage is insulated and heated:brow: )
  17. Here is my stupid question of the day...as title says..Does the ER27 get the same TOD as the EA82?? I was trying to show off my XT6 to Tommys brother-in-law ( he has a 2006 Mustang GT) today and ....figures..I start up Rocky and he was ticking like crazy....but just a couple hours earlier when I moved him he wasnt ticking.Pretty embarrassing when you are trying to talk up your old Subaru and explaining that its a rust heap but the motor only has 20K on it....Is the cause and the fix the same thing? Gosh I feel so XT6 stupid. Thanks
  18. That sounds like a plan Rob.... Problem is it is load bearing...this is the floor directly behind the pass seat...and the seat belt ripped out bringing along part of the floor ( right on the inside of the rocker.) And its also official..Rocky and me bonded...he made me bleed on him...hand still sore LOL Let me know what you want Rob...seems I can't make it to Harrys this weekend anyway...getting new fridge and Tommy needs his truck so I can't steal that ..plus its a gas hog ..would cost me about $80 just in gas to get there and back
  19. I have a job for you.....see my Floor Rot thread..want to take a trip to CT:grin: :grin: One of these days I should learn to weld ...save me alot of headache
  20. Well I finally pulled the passenger side seat and carpet out to get a closer look at this rooted floor...Well..Now I dont know how to fix it..I am not counting on my welding friend right now since he has personal issue to tend too...and I NEED to get Rocky the Wedge on the road ASAP ..cause something is burning up on Bucky and his front end is getting very very noisey. This floor issue needs to be fixed cause the seat belt was ripped out. Any suggestions or will I be paying a fabricator to do something. I think this is alittle beyond pop-riveting some sheet metal in.
  21. OK Fine..I am going to yell at you...What were you thinking??!?!?! How could you hurt that innocent fence like that???? At least you are OK..the car looks OK and all is well you learned your lesson right?
  22. Keep tapping it...Mine does that too..BFH works very very well:grin: Once I had to really hit it hard to get it off..with the sledge.
  23. Oh the Young-uns Rusty Jones was supposed to be similar to the Zeibart treatment. To me it was just another reason to up the price of the car. It was "supposed" to help prevent you car from rusting. Didnt this come out when the steel that was being used was that weak problem stuff? Personally I felt it did the just the opposite...every car I have seen with this treatment in this part of the country has had worse rust then those not treated. You look at my 92 Loyale...No treatment..originally came from Delaware..then spet many years in PA and now the last 3+ in CT...the rust is there but no where close to as bad as the XT6..Plus on Bucky I try to keep up with it. As for keltiks question...some states dont have safety inspections. The way I make it go away is cutting out the bad and pop-riviting or welding new metal in..there are also flexible mess sheets to cover the spots you can't cut out the apply lots of Bondo..there is also the product POR-15 (?) havent tried it myself yet but I have heard extremely good reviews on it. When you live in an area that is prone to have rust issues..you just learn to live with it and deal with it...its just a way of life:)
  24. If it means anything...this is my passenger side rear floor pan of the XT6...ummm..thats the seat belt kinda laying on whats left of the floor;) :-\ and the bright area is the ground
  25. That thing is purty!!!..HAHA on XT6.net I say my XT6 is grey with rust highlights:grin:
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