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Everything posted by Bucky92

  1. I too learned out of NEED more than anything...but then I actually enjoyed doing it. My fiances sister thinks I am nuts cause I ask for tools for Christmas instead of jewelery ( I really really want a cordless impact gun and a big torque wrench!). My friend Rory does alot of work for me...but its usually when I dont have the time to do it myself..and if I am in a bind he has no trouble assisting...but he never talks down to you or just steps in saying ( with a huff like many men do) "Let me just do it" And I love your tag line..I live those words:grin: Boy ..we hijacted this thread didnt we...
  2. I know what it is...I happen to know someone who fits this discriptions....She "thinks" she is a Tom Boy...or just wants people to think she is tough...but in reality she doesnt know who she is. Basically if she knows a female is heavily into something...she tries to either be just like her or "more". Like me for instant....been working on cars since I was about 5 years old....dont claim to know it all or even close...but know enough and have the right friends to get me to where I need to be.This girl asks if she can use my tools to gibve her truck a tune-up...Brings it over ( Dodge Dakota 4X4 extra cab )..I end up doing it cause she gets frustrated after 5 minutes of just trying to figure out the plug wire electronic things ( sorry I dont know the names..I work on old Subies for Gosh shake).. I ride dirt bikes...suddenly she wants to ride street..as long as its an AT ( she can't drive stick!) People like that make me want to just slap the stupid outta them and makes me almost ashamed to be a female
  3. My Loyale has the same problem..shakes like crazy at 40-45 ...goes away comes back around 73 and gets scarey bad at anything above...some came from my tire pressure ( one side was at 32 the other was at...ooohhhh..15 ..forgot about my slow leak)...I also am missing a couple bushings from my sway bar,have a bad axle,and who knows what else...been shaking since I bought the car. Never looked into the steering. Has to wait till the XT6 is on the road..then Bucky is getting retired for a few months and getting all this finally fixed
  4. Cangrat!! 'bout time! Told ya the AT tranns Suck and you are going to LOVE the 5 spd.bet that beauty will get up and go now huh? I am going to have to probably do a harrys run soon with the XT6. That place rocks!
  5. WOW:eek: and I thought the rust on my XT6 was bad...and I am in the rust belt!! We have a small joke around here..Cars that were Ziebarted or treated with Rusty Jones...that they actually spray liquid rust only the car from brand new...it was invisable rust that was on a time release formula...All the worst cases I have seen seems to have been cars that were "treated"
  6. Now that I can officially compare side by side between a Loyale and an XT6...the front is about the same leg room...and with the Loyale you dont have that big center console....But remember this...you can put a refridgerator in the back of a Loyale wagon:brow: Other than that...what GeneralDisorder says
  7. I spent the day with the car...did alot a vacuuming and cleaning and tinkering....took detailed pics for my own progress and stuff...anyway ..here is the link to the albumn in photobucket if anyone wants to look: http://s50.photobucket.com/albums/f335/Bucky92/XT6/
  8. Nice Job!!..so when do you want to fix Buckys rust around the windshield:grin: ..his is all up the pillars and along the top...I used a full tube of clear silicone to keep it from leaking....So once I have the XT6 on the road I am shipping Bucky to you right???
  9. LMAO..if it makes you feel better..the car itself has 164,000:grin:
  10. It has alot of rust on it..just all down low.You can actually see day-light through the floor. I plan on pulling it in the garage in a few and start cleaning,repairing,and compiling a list. The motor in this car is what I bought..20K mile Subaru factory motor...not a CCR import..so I have to make the car fit the motor....sweet.
  11. Congrats Mary....BTW everytime I have had loose lugs it was my own fault ..sometimes I just get in too much of a hurry..BTW Bucky finally got his 200,000 mile oil change today..I double/triple check to make sure I put the drain plug back in LMAO
  12. HAHAHA This XT6 has been in the works for about a month now..but he is home now...Going to take a "family" pic tomorrow. Big Props to Andrew..doesnt hide anything and tells you liek it is..I knew everything that this car needed and he priced it accordingly..can't deal with a better person. I love it already and havent even had time to "bond" yet.
  13. Sweet!! ..go for it..I would kill for something like that!
  14. :eek: All I have to say is... That is CLEAN!!!
  15. Thanks Skip..Andrew gave me a deal as good as yours with Willy way back .Within the next week Rory will be picking this car up to repair the floor pans and put an exhaust on it. Then this spring I will hopefully be able to finish the restore and if money allows get it repainted and take him down to the Dragon this year. OK right now I am :banana: Thank you sooo much Andrew!
  16. Well here he is..my new addition..Buckys new sibling/brother. Andrew very kindly delivered him this afternoon..going to start ripping him apart tomorrow and start making a list of needs...Well anyway..Here is my 1988 XT6 5 Spd..not pretty but the price was right..perfect deal...Finally AWD for this winter
  17. Welcome!!...And congrats on the new addition to the family....Some of us here sware by ( and at) our EA82s...we like them just cause of the little quirkiness that they have. I have owned my 92 Loyale for going on 4 years now and he just turned over 200,000 miles without any real issues. Can't wait to see pics....I am suck a picture hound,specially for the cars in other countries.
  18. Sweet!!! hey..my theory is..if its stick its a boy and if its AT its a girl.
  19. I am bad....I only put on about 5-8,000 a year on my car right now....it was even less before I bought the house it was only something like 4,000 a year...I need to get out more.Once I get the XT6 it will be even less on the wagon..( For some reason Tommy is paranoid of taking Bucky on road trips.Buckys trip to Long Island was his first couple hundred mile trip in at least a year and a half)
  20. Shweet!!! Love the third eye lit up..nice score!!
  21. At least we have Andrews FF1 here now to drool over....I think shipping from Japan would be alittle steep
  22. Yup..even the FWD Subies are good in the snow..never had a 4WD one yet..but soon (hopefully....title was accidentally lost...waiting on new one..hopefully it comes so I can get the XT6 fixed and on the road before first snow). FWD are great if you have good tires ...which right now Bucky doesnt..so I am not looking forward to even a dusting..and they are calling for just a wee bit today.
  23. That sounds like its a rare Touring wagon..the very few touring wagons all had the raised roof. Moosens just retired one..Correct me if I am wrong but I believe they were on,y made for 2 years and very very limited numbers
  24. :slobber: :slobber: :slobber: Yet another person on my hate list;) . Beautiful! Congrats!
  25. :lol: :lol: But it is a sweet Brat...I have always wanted something painted BRIGHT yellow..
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