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Everything posted by Bucky92

  1. I had one of the door switched go bad on my Loyale...but if I manually pushed in the plunger it would work...so I just shimmed it with a washer ...and low and behold it worked..no more dingy dingy ( besides me) and no more door ajar light
  2. Like I said Pual..I have one here and you are more than welcome to it...maybe with some sweet talkin or something I can run it down or meet half way .. OK Hockey Time
  3. I have one around here somewhere..if its the right one ..come and get it...also dont forget..I have the Y pipe for the 78 wagon
  4. So Paul...Why is it you are always driving my cars??? :lol: :lol: . I showed Bucky some love yesterday..took him to the new car wash..spent probably $10 in the self serve bay ( I dont trust anyone washing my cars)..blasted out the roof channels ( OMG..I found Hoffa's body in there),just used the spray wax for now..he gets the good hand ........massage:eek: ..later..got to dark...gots to remove his roof rack and see whats livin under there too..I believe he has a clogged drainage hole ..like Andrew thought...somewhere. As for the XT6..just want to get the exhaust fixed and maybe the floorpan work done ASAP..work on the rest slowly..I only plan on using it for the snow days and when Bucky needs to spend a few days with Rory and in the garage for much needed repairs....Will feel good having the third car around if something happens to Buck or Tommys truck ( which is also in desperate need for a trip to the garage) And maybe for the first time ....I will actually like to see snow:brow:
  5. Glad you got it back though ..thats the biggy...I dont know if I have anything you may need ..if you deside to keep it and fix it..but if I do I will donate it to the cause
  6. Yup its a 5 spd Full Time 4WD...I dont like automatics at all. We are actually trying to make some room in the garage for it now. I am also glad that I have people who know me enough to know that cause I am little bit differnt..I like stuff thats just alittle bit different.
  7. As many know I have been looking for a second car for winter since I now live in the boonies of North Western CT and Buckys FWD just wont really be cutting it this year. My biggest problem was money...plenty of really good deals but not enough cash to get...One member tried his hardest to help with an amazing deal but that fell through due to an unknown at the time safety issue...Then WagonsOnly gave me an offer on another....And after a long trek for the car..some negotiations..I believe we have settled on it.....His 88 XT6...does need work but it is a running driveable car. Won't be with me yet cause he still needs it for some stuff ....but I just wanted to publically thank him for going above and beyond to help me out with a car...Bucky seemed to like his future sibling ( he didnt do anything out of the ordinary being parked next to it so thats a good sign...he is such a moody thing ya know). So here it is:
  8. Congrats on the new ride! I know how you feel with the money being tight and everything good comes along when you dont have it. Can't wait for the pics
  9. I love the paint job!! Welcome to the board and....We want full details!!!
  10. 3 letters describe that thing..OMG!! Its gorgous..I feel very very privaledged to have been shown the pictures..WOW!!!! Can't wait to see it here on the east coast along with the FF-1 (I saw pics of that too..neener neener boo boo)
  11. Andrew..just spoke to Rory and tomorrow or wensday is fine ..I just have to let him know...he is fine with meeting there...and he is now aware of the issue.
  12. Its OK Andrew..you guys had one heck of a long trip...get some sleep!
  13. Andrew...I have Rory on standby till 1 if anything happens ( then he has to go to work)..I messaged you my cell number...even though I never seem to have service ( I hate T-Mobile) and I can easily leave work. Final leg of the trek goes on
  14. Update...its 11:40 am and the update is..they are almost in Indiana...Andrew is deaf now but otherwise everyone is doing fine...also..as soon as the carb is rebuilt on the FF-1 it will be on its way to the east via shipper..the 75( I was thinking it was a different car...sorry) probably would not have made the journey on its own and Andrew did what was best for the car and put it good hands and it will be shipped tomorrow. And the trek continues
  15. I am glad and sad at the same time..Sad that I wont be able to see the FF-1 as it makes its way by this part of CT ...but glad that its in safe hands now and will be still heading this way safely with a shipper. When I talked to Andrew yesterday he was saying they just kept stopping and swapping batteries from the other cars ( if I took him right) to keep it going. Of course I have a small motive to following this cross country trip...the possible future ownership of his XT6 if all goes well. I will call him later and post and update on the trip
  16. This is great info...since I promised Bucky NGKs in 700+ more miles. His plugs are always covered in the white carbon...especially from cylinder 3..I change them at least once a year..sometimes twice if I notice too much misfire or gas mileage drop.
  17. Yup poor Bucky was bought buy a poor gal..and I have been trying my hardest over the past 3+ years to do the best I can for him...I know he has taken care of me a few times.I remember the day I brought him home..156,000 miles axle clicking a rust hole through his rear hatch..dirty and on bald tires...missing 2 hub caps..busted up dash from a bad stereo install...Oh I loved him from the moment I laid eyes on him. I wish I had pics from when I first got him compaired to now...who would have ever thought then he would ever go to a subaru show and actually draw alittle attention. I can't even imagine ever having to get rid of him and if something would happen to him I would be devistated. So I am thinking maybe alittle party for wim..an oil change some fresh Seafoam,new NGKs That should keep my boy happy for awhile longer..and a new O2 sensor
  18. Bucky is coming down the final stretch...he is 875 miles away from hitting the big 200k mark..I was thinking ..I want to do something special for the guy...not that 200k is amazing or anything new to these cars...but he still has original head gaskets.Plus he has been such a terrific dependable car and bestest friend. I am hoping to have a new sibling for him to fight with in the next few days (Andrew is the man xt6 xt6..Andrew is the man...eyes closed chanting) This weekend Bucky is getting his good before it gets too cold wash and heavy waxing and touch up any developing rust...But what else can I do for him??? Maybe have a Party? ..Newer tires..thanks to subeman90...ideas ideas
  19. Hey Matt..Since Bucky is the 92 Loyale in question its really not a big deal...I happen to have a tire guy who will swap the rims super cheap!...Will just give me another reason to come back home to PA to Harrys U Pull it to swipe a couple more rims.. If I wait a couple more weeks I may be looking for XT6 parts and I happen to know where there is a couple. ;) ..You still the man Matt and I still want them...and dont forget..sometime I soon I should have my EA81 back again:banana: :banana:
  20. And never leave home without your Duct Tape and a coat hanger!
  21. Might be just a tad high...but the not rust anywhere is a huge plus. I have an AC compressor if you need it..I would go for it...199,000 miles...when were the timing belts changed last??199,000 miles..Bucky has that on him now:grin: the countdown is on. Like I said I would go for it..try offering $600..thats what I paid for Bucky 3 years ago with 160,000 miles and alittle rust,bad wheel cylinder and a bad axle...leaking like a siv..And I have never ever regretted him. Go for it....Just think of the awesome gas mileage
  22. Subaru should have never stopped making them.. But really now...as for cost...I get so much pleasure out of my $600 car..I believe that in the 3+ years ..what I paid for Buck and what I have in him equals maybe 3-4 new car payments..no stress on how am I going to make my next payment and more fun to drive then any of my old muscle cars:headbang:
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