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Everything posted by Bucky92

  1. You guys are scaring me here:-\ People who know me know that I am Anal about Bucky..and the thought of cutting/welding/this and that is scaring me. Maybe I should just wait for a good 4WD one to come along instead of converting my baby. As some of you know I can be easily intimidated cause Bucky is all I have. He is such a good car.:-\ :-\ :-\ what to do what to do what to do??
  2. So If I wanted to turn Bucky into a Dual Range 4WD wagon..what all parts would I need...have a great lead on a doner.. Would it just be the tranny,rear diff,shifter,rear drive shaft and axles?? would I need anything else?? Thanks in Advance
  3. You make me sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :brow: :grin: :eek: ..I think thats got it covered... Awesome car..love the decal work...I am so into retro lately!
  4. Congrats on the car..I run 175/70s on mine snows on the front (mine is FWD) and I have never had a problem getting through anything between the Pa winters and the past 2 CT winters (and CT doesnt know how to take care of the roads) Pics ...we want pics!
  5. Non- interference engine...check the ditzi..if its not turning the one belt broke...you will want to change them right away anyway..with 120K ..if it had never been done its overdue. These motors like to tick.( we lovingly call it TOD..tick of Death...dont let the name scare you)..sticky HLAs..we can help ya there once you get it running. I have 198K on my 92 Loyale and there are people here with WELL over 200K
  6. What Paulyburger said...or advanced auto in the tools section for around $9
  7. I read on the Farmers Almanac sight that there is a good chance for the coldest winter in around the past 30 years or so...plus lots of snow..for parts of New England and the western part of the country. Thermometer on my porch read 48 tis morning here in New Milford CT
  8. Bobby..you sound like me the first time I did the brakes on my Loyale....and the second time..and from now on I will pay someone else to do them . I went out and got the little square tooly thing that moosens talked about..its $9+ at Advanced. Hold it!!! your BF was working on your brat?????????? Geesh!! You lucky girl!! Mine just stands there and watches me
  9. You guys also can't forget..a FWD 5 spd will get alot better mileage then a 4WD..or Automatic..or better yet..a 4WD automatic:) . On a long road trip Bucky can,will,and easily get 40-42 mpg...and I run him around 70...now I am easy on him compaired to most of you..he very seldom see's much over 3k rpms...specially now...sounds like his throw out bearing is going to self distruct.
  10. 92 Loyale wagon.. regular EA82 SPFI..5 spd FWD...36+ city...40+ highway...198,000 miles..Bucky blows most hybrids away
  11. But Jons stuck at school and probably no where close to the Subaru dealership..and he probably has his reg and insurance....in the car??? If you were closer Jon I would run out quick and jimmy you open..I used to own my own repo company..I am the queen of the slimjim/coat hanger;)
  12. as long as no one was hurt thats all that matters right now..and look at it this way...your Suby took care of you...I have said before these cars have hearts..they will give up thier own lives to keep their owners safe. It will live on! Glad you are OK:)
  13. My TOD is very temp related.. Summer months is practically non-exsistant..but once it starts getting cooler it comes back with a vengence. I have been waking up to the 50s in the morning and Bucky sounds like he is going to explode when first started. I have been running this car for 3 years like this...I use seafoam religiously ( ask Tommy ..he got himself yelled at for using what I had left in his dirt bike and not replacing it:grin: I told him next time use the full bottle of MMO cause the Seafoam is Buckys:lol: ) I have replaced the oil pump seal and it worked for a short time..I think My culprit is I dont change the oil enough..its not from mileage but from time...I dont put enough miles on the car..it takes me 5-6 months to get 3000. ( I have 2200 more till he hits the 200,000 mile mark..maybe by spring) So your Loyale could be like mine...its been cooler in the morning.
  14. I can't wait to own one of those again.. I miss mine
  15. I have another throttle body for the SPFI if you need it..but here is a small thought....the cars been sitting for a year??? think about bad gas and/or water in the gas.
  16. Thats not too far from here ...maybe we will head out for something to do for a change...but as we all know..my fiance isnt a car person..but he is a trooper and wont complain when I drag him to my car stuff
  17. Let us know the dates..maybe we can all get together or something.
  18. Are you going to be in New York City??That area?? If So...Moosen,Myself and some others are within an hour-hour and a half from there. We are worth seeing aybe we can help ya out with some parts or just to hang out with an over seas brother. Maybe we can have a get together or something??
  19. Bucky is my Cars name...LOL ..really long story...but in a nut shell,named after someone I knew...and it just kinda stuck. Thanks for the compliments... I actually like working on Subarus cause they are easy compaired to others.And I have worked on VWs (I still love them though) and old Fords...the 428 CJ is an awesome motor. I had to work on my cars out of nessesity....I am poor and can't afford to drop $500 for this and $500 for that repair..Plus the feeling of accomplishment afterwards can't be expressed. Yes I have a tendency to over react (at least I know I do it and can admit to it). I have owned around 30 cars and Subarus and VWs I will always sware by. I think this 16 y/o should try it himself..its not that hard of a job to do..and what he will learn is priceless...
  20. Its like anything mechanical...the first time you do it is the hardest...things dont seem to make sence at first..dadadada...With the help of someone who has done it before its really not to bad..like someone else stated..its easier then other FWD cars. If its something you dont need on the road the same day..do it yourself...take your time..you have questions,problems just come here for help. These people here know just about everything there is about these cars.... I have been working on(tinkering) around cars all my life...since I was 5 ...I get easily intimidated but have friends who help me through the repairs and I am a chick and try not to let them do everything for me...its the only way to learn..and save yourself ALOT of money. Good Luck
  21. :banana: :banana: nothing better then that feeling when you get something up and running....we just got back from picking up our new (free) project..no its not a Subaru...hopefully that will be coming home soon..I have plans for her....but cool none the less. Congrats!!
  22. we have already been discussing plans for the GLF May use her for a month and get Bucky back up to par..then stripping out the interior and having her visit Rory for Rockers and other welding work if money allows...maybe do a 5 spd swap while she is apart ( y'all know I hate AT with a passion) do the other minor details stuff..and hopefully have enough money saved that by spring...she will be ready to get a fresh coat of paint and all put back together. OK now for reality..this will probably take longer but I believe she is going to stay in the area...her pictures alone make the STI brats drool. she will be getting Vintage tags in Jan. Back on Topic..congrats on passing Emmish:banana: :banana: for life now
  23. I hate each and every one of you... Those are some happy looking Subarus...so thats what makes the 4WD ones happy...and the FWD one dream about. Noah pulling out the Toy is the best though
  24. I couldnt answer everything but here is my opinion on things
  25. Well..the brakes are somewhat fixed...not right but new rotors and stuff...now they grind and crunch and still dont work very well...I have no choice to drive it this way cause I have to get to work and I just dont have the money to give to Rory to fix them ( I refuse to let him work on my car for free).Maybe I will be lucky and it wont stop and drive itself into the river
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