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Everything posted by Bucky92

  1. This is about the largest number of us East Coasters in the same pic. Me,Subeman90,moosens,and Jessie... Have lots more pics though And here is Jessie,Matt,Leaking Oil (melis),and Hocrest!! Nice legs Matt!!
  2. Glad you got her back...I would be devistated if anyone stole mine..but then again they would have to be pretty desperate:rolleyes: . At least they didnt wreck it. Sure is pretty
  3. Thanks Ed..you know I value your opinion..you are such a great guy. I definately think I want to start looking for one..preferably a white 5 spd ( hate automatics and just seem partial to white wagons). Now if I can find one cheap..probably have to wait till spring when the AWD/4WD demand is over.
  4. EA82 is non-interference (yeah:banana: ) Also...get some PB Blaster and spray it on the exhaust studs and the motor mount bolts the night before. It is super easy to do just take your time and you should be fine...remember where all the electrical connections go and while you have it out..reseal everything..its so worth it. I had help the first time I had my EA82 pulled and now I would not be afraid to do it myself (and dont forget I am a girl). Also when you do timing belts...remember put one on then turn engine 180 degrees before putting the other on. Good Luck and have FUN!
  5. LOL...I have no intentions of completely retiring my Bucky..I am going for 300,000 miles or he falls apart...whichever comes first. Actually living here in the Rust belt I want to keep him and eventually fix all thats wrong with him. I LOVE this Loyale ( just ask anyone over in the Older Gen). Thanks for the advise on the Imprezas...Definately think I am going to look at the earlier models (sorry I dont want to give up non-interferece motors.)
  6. I am curious what is your opinions on the earlier Impreza wagons. My Loyale is getting close to being retired from being a daily driver due to just too many issues (all small ones) to take care of while it is driven every day. I have no plans on selling it because it has just been entirely too dependable for the past 2 and a half years. What years did the Imprezas have the non-interferece motors? How about head gasket issues? How dependable is the AWD system in them (every Subaru I have ever owned has been FWD)? Any other known quirks? What about the Impreza Sport wagons? I keep leaning towards them and am kinda hoping to hear that they are just as good as my EA82 (193,000 miles and still runs like a champ). Thanks for any input...
  7. You know these motors are incredibly easy to replace....and cheap too to buy...I have one in my basement I bought as a spare for $50..new timing belts and fresh reseal. Also...the radiators clog easily ....Have you checked to see if yours might be partially clogged?? I didnt read all your posts just stabbing here..But honestly..new head gaskets or heads arent to hard to do or come across. I did an engine pull,clutch,timing belts,engine reseal and various other things in a day..now included some good friends (moosens,jessie,matt and myself) but in that time there was food and drinks and general goofing off..but it was very very easy.....and worth every dime I put into it. As for the block sealer....I used it once a few years ago on a junk ford van (named Trusty Rusty the Miracle Van) and it worked for about a month...but it was a cracked block...tried it again on my old plymouth when it cracked a head and it didnt work at all..waste of time and money. Honestly..you have a rust free car....drop another motor in it and then rebuild your old one at your convienience...Just a thought. Good Luck
  8. I have about the same adapter for my 92 Loyale for my JVC..they are cheap and screw right in and they dont look bad either.
  9. 92 Loyale Wagon FWD 5spd EA82 SPFI...40+ highway/32ish city
  10. Check your email...I just sent ya my numbers...OK give me a minute LOL
  11. Congrat Andrew!!! :banana: I want to see pics too..and when the ff-1 gets here I want to see it and touch it in person!! You have my email right??? Oh I will email ya anyway!
  12. I may be looking into the same thing you are if this patch doesnt hold and mine desides to crack in every direction...I priced Safelite and they wanted a fortune...Over $300 plus another $148 cause of the chrome trim....I dont think so!!!! Found another place that was something like $277 after the $100 online discount...and that was installed. Glad you didnt seem to over-react like I did yesterday when I got my spiderweb:grin:
  13. YA THINK?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Just a few huh??? LMAO..That picture classic..LMAO
  14. Yeah I had some concerns about that guy doing my valve covers..but not as many as that chick trying to do the front brakes..she was pretty clueless. . Actually I just priced a new windshield and its more than Tommys 2001 Toyota..ALOT more!! but that is with Safetylite. Hey Matt..you should know..even a scratch on Bucky is a big deal to me..LOL
  15. Love you too Paul!!! BTW..if it wasnt so cold right now I could toss a temp patch on those rockers..might still be able to come up with something.
  16. Jack....that was my coupe....she is a FWD AT GLF.EA81..now with 37K original miles..Paul has her cause I needed to relocate her temporaily and he needed a car at the time. She is a good girl...and darn pretty too.And Paul is a great friend to me so how could I say no..He has done so much for me so it was my way of repaying him....MOOSENS ROCKS!!
  17. I have repaired windshields before and done ,actually, a very good job. But never when it was this cold out. Well..I have the set-up sitting ..will let it go overnight and check it in the morning. If it doesnt hold I will be calling windshield places.I just adore this car so much and do everything in my power to keep it nice and I can admit...I always OVER_REACT when something happens to it. . Just ask moosens,subieman90,or LeakingOil...they will tell you how I feel about Bucky
  18. .. Geesh if anything else could go wrong to my poor Loyale this winter (well alot more could go wrong so lets hope not) I JUST got nailed in the windshield with a stone and it now has a nice spider crack.I am going to get the repair kit in a few moments but if that doesnt work I will need a new windshield..which may be a problem having installed since my window frame is rusted and the only thing that keeps it from leaking is a ton of silicone! Bad language bad language bad language!!!! OK ..end rant
  19. I have been looking lately at newer legacys and Imprezas..just for the reason that my beloved Bucky needs some down time to catch up with his electrical gremlins and the onslot of New England rust (which he didnt have 2 and a half years ago when i bought him). My other reason for loving the EA82s is being super low income ( for this area since everything is so expensive) I HAVE to watch every dime. My Loyale is super cheap to maintain and drive. Specially with the gas prices. There probably isnt a newer car made that isnt a hybrid that gets the mileage I do.Granted I dont drive far(about 15 miles a day on average). But $10 in gas gets me at least 2 weeks. I would love to finally own a Subie with 4WD or AWD but dont want to keep having to feed it.My FWD gets me through about anything with good snows on the front. Plus the EA82 wagons are just so "ME"..I feel like the car was designed around someone like me.
  20. Hey Tubone...I still have these pics saved on my puter from when I was looking for a coupe and you so ever kindly sent me past pics of these children. I Still love these coupes....miss mine :( but she couldnt be in better hands than with moosens. And cant wait till Tommy and me get a house..then I can have have a place to work on them without being outside .....house we looking at has an oversized 2 car garage w/ loft...I dont know what the house looks like but the garage is awesome!
  21. Right on Andrew!! I am with ya all the way...Love the EA82 series wagons!
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