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Everything posted by Bucky92

  1. WHAT!!!!!!!!!! 5K miles on her already??? I havent even put that many miles on Bucky in the past year. :lol: :lol: Just kiddin Paulyburger. I am soooo happy she is being driven and is keeping her co-owner happy. I want to see her soon to look at the rust hole you found and see what I will need to fix that.Maybe even take her for a spin???? since I never drove her when I had her here. I know one thing...she sure is awefully pretty...how can anyone not just adore that pretty little car. I miss her:( :(
  2. I have always loved the styling of my EA82 wagons..and in this area a nice one is becoming rare....Also easy to maintain...they can be quirkie but seem to almost always get you to where you have to go. You can't turn around without seeing a Blue STI or an Outback or a Forester around here..but in my area there are only 5 EA82 wagons around and mine is one of the nicest ones. Plus the gas mileage..come-on...name another wagon that gets over 40 MPG highway. Along with the non-ibnterference motor..dependability..room..whats there not to like...granted I would love a 2.2 Impreza wagon sport..but I never want to see my Loyale disappear.
  3. Thats my girl!!!! I love the name you picked for her..I asked Bucky if he liked it and he said yes (Bucky would flirt with Melis' 3 door when she still resided at moosens). I can help ya with almost anything you need with her...and probably have plenty of spare parts if you need it. BTW..Melis has turned into one of my bestestest friends! I love this girl..she has the same obsession I do....SUBARUS!!
  4. LOL Jimbo..I think that darn switch gets everyone when they get thier first EA82! Arent you glad though it was something simple?? Welcome to the group
  5. Congrats on your new ride. The weather around here was terrible today..I was worried about my Loyale being blown off the road.But we all know these Subarus just take anything practically.
  6. My 92 FWD 5 spd......42 mpg highway..36 city.... has new plugs cap rotor,timing belts,and EGR sylinoid
  7. When we pulled my motor out to change the clutch and stuff...I shot all the bolts with PB Blaster the night before...seemed to help alot..and I got mine from undernieth. The big problem was getting the exhaust bolts off without breaking them.
  8. I am going for 200K on my Loyale....8000 more to go...then I will set its next goal!
  9. Naaa.. Bucky is a boy...cause you have to play with his stick to get him to do anything!!!
  10. Its 192K now LOL...and Buck is not a her...its a him LOL..sorry just being a schmuck...insomnia and getting a cold. Wish it was warmer outside now...have the bug to go fix some of his rust issues ...and I have a new power sander I havent played with yet. I am also big on fuel economy...Paulyburger knows...living here on my income is tough..so I have to save everywhere I can..down to gas budget..I here people spending $50+ a week on gas and that just wouldnt fly with me. with what is left in Buckys tank I should get two more weeks on him before I have to see the gas pump again. This is my major reason for loving these FWD EA82s SPFIs 5 spds.And they are great in bad weather.
  11. When I owned my towing company ...we had a side business that happened to be auto detailing. I know many many little secrets....shhhhhh:brow: . You cant tell by looking at my car but we all know the saying..a carpenters house is never done....well apply accordingly LOL.
  12. Bucky is also FWD which makes usually a big difference in gas mileage.Even when he was running bad I never got less than 350 milea to a tank but usually more around 400-430 a tank full highway...not so good city
  13. Since so many people post threads with the problems of thier cars I thought I would post that my Loyale is absolutely wonderful and I love it more everytime I drive him. I usually dont put many miles on my car....maybe 300 a month. But between yesterday and today i put 260 miles on him. He needed the road trip bad...now he is running like a champ again. Bucky did great and his gas mileage was awesome....220 miles to a Half a Tank!!!!! So for the new year I just wanted to post something different...Some good news about my Loyale and how much I love this car!!!!
  14. I sometimes think I am the poster child for absolutely LOVING Loyales...they are quirkie but that gives them personality. I adore my Loyale and have owned this car longer than anything in the past.....i usually buy cheap beaters for a couple hundred bucks ..run them till something breaks and chuck it and find another. One vehicle I owned longer was my ford Ranger which I bought new. Oh did I mention I LOVE my Loyale????
  15. ....to swap out the ignition switch on an EA82?? Tilt steering....Herd conflicting storys....heard that its easier to just change out the whole steering column..then herd its not so bad to change just the switch. I believe thats where all my electrical gremlins are coming from since most are fixed with a wiggle,push,and twist of the key...the only one that that trick doesnt always fix is the radio issue...but it seems if its above freezing it works (go figure). I have to do something soon cause it is getting worse and it being that time of year I need to be able to use my wipers alot more. Thanks for any help in advance!!
  16. I agree with Skip...It better be very very clean... I paid only $600 for my 92 Loyale 2 1/2 years ago. (FWD 5 spd all toys but cruise had 156,000 miles ) If you do get it I might be able to help ya out with the power steering unit...I happen to have a spare with reservoir. Also is the car 4WD?? If its only FWD it is not worth it (just in my opinion) Good luck to you!
  17. Sorry to put this here but I know he will see it ..Mods move it to wherever you want... I got a Christmas card from you today.....Thank You so much..Sorry I never got time to send any out ..but I wanted to let you know I got it and I hope you and your family have a Merry Christymas also!!
  18. No stealing our moose..no way!!!!! We wont let him go..you would have Hocrest, Matt Me and many others battleing you the whole way!The Only way you could have our moose is if we all went with him...you know to baby sit him and keep him in line....OK Ok we wouldnt let him outta our sight
  19. My list isnt so big and mostly I met people at Moosens shop but here we go...Oh by the way Pauly..you for got Pat! Moosens: the bestest guy to the subaru world...he would give you the shirt off his back and his last $20 to help you out.He has bent over backwards for so many of us helping us keep our subarus going. This man in my book deserves the biggest shout out! Leaking Oil: She turned into one of my bestest friends.Beautiful woman with an even more beautiful (but slightlywarped) personality Hocrest: WOOHOO! subieman90: and his wife....another great couple..will help you out and is a blast to hang with! subafreak: The same as above Those are my favorite people to hang with...and we all need to get together again soon. Also: Seahag1978 tappenator Louis BrusBrother the dude that sat in his car and watched Paul and me push the car biffy something ..he uses subaru motors in his planes The guy I bought pauls old motor from Andrew and right now thats about all I can think of sorry!!
  20. Thats just plain old pretty!! I want my Bucky to look like that again..I am jealous
  21. I agree...I have never had a 4WD subie yet and never really had problems with any of my FWD ones..toss some snows on the front and I gotten through some stuff that 4WDs were having problems.And they do seem abit ballsier then the 4WDs ..I still love my FWD Loyale even though the thought has entered my mind of retiring him and trying to find a D/R 4WD one
  22. I love laughing at everyone at the gas station in thier SUVs..plus I feel that EA82s were designed around someone like me..everything just seems to fit so perfect...easy to work on and dependable as they get...Plus I like the giggles ya get when you pop the hood and someone see's the spare tire there...for the first time
  23. I used to deliver newspapers for 6 years...the only AT car I used I killed the tranny in about 6 months and cost $2800 to have it rebuilt ( 96 Taurus wagon). I used an 88 GL wagon for awhile ...great for papers and a 90 Justy also awesome ( both were FWD so can't help ya with the 4WD to much) I had a 70+ mile route with over 300 papers in upstate NY The EA82s make great delivery cars ..the clutches hold up great. Gen 1 Legacys have a great reputation also but I really dont know if they are non-interference but the EA82s are....and both you can sometimes find in right hand drive. For saving on gas definately look for a 4WD over AWD.You wont get as good of mileage as the FWD but you are in more control of when you want to use it. As you know ..your job is extremely hard on cars and you are right about the pay not reflecting the gas costs etc.Been there....and went through alot of cars ( I used cheap beaters for my routes) and I found my 88GL wagon,the Justy, and my 83 Accord hatch were the best for it ..in that order. Good luck..
  24. I would kill to have a gen 1 or a gen 2 but we all know I cant afford one right now...thats why Paulyburger has my 82 GLF ..at least I know she is loved and being used and I can get her back when the time is right...we have to save these beautiful rides here in the NE before they disappear completely
  25. Flush your cooling system and check for leaves and other critter homes in intake vents ....also ( I had this happen to my 88 GL I had) and little mouse desided that inside the fan blade (heater)cage would make a great place to live..didnt know and burnt my fan motor out. If the belt was dry rotted you should check ALL your hoses. Also follow the wiring harness around and look for chewed wires.. I would definiately be doing what TomRhere recommends first. Also remember that MMO,Seafoam,ATF dont clear up noisy HLS right away..the car needs to be driven and change the oil regularly since the cleaners will be loosening all sorts of goop out of your system. Enjoy you Subie...my motto..you take care of them and will take care of you
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