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Everything posted by Bucky92

  1. No Problem Paul...for all that you have done for me its the least I can do....Just keep taking good care of my girl...I miss her but she is in good hands and I know that. Turbone...money is on its way!!! You can send it to either Paul or me whichever is easier for you.
  2. Seafoam is great stuff...but dont forget about one of the other common reasons why the HLAs tick.These motors like to suck in one of the ears on the Mickey Mouse gasket on the oil pump.Replacing that this weekend on my Loyale...hope it works.
  3. Or one of the breathers is clogged...learned that the hard way on my 88 GL ..just like Alex:grin:
  4. Very Very normal for Loyales...Mine runs the same and so did my 88 GL wagon. Common for EA82s. Trust what Turbone said ..he is the man
  5. Turbone..how much is the shipping...I will send it to you since I told Paul you had one for her...PM me your address again
  6. Thats our girl Paulyburger!!! Guess we named her right yes?????
  7. Done..Have the valve covers upstairs and waiting for you. Picked up some blue goo also (gasket sealer) I might run up to Lucky and start hugging her or something ( I miss her)...maybe I can sucker you in to letting me take her for a spin since I never did get to drive her:)
  8. You guys make me feel sooo special:grin: .I stopped at the grpcery store and picked up the burgers (the same kind I had before that ya'll seemed to like) and some hot dogs. Need to get some rolls yet and some sides...ie potatoe salad and/or macaroni salad, maybe a veggie platter (?). And of course the drink.. besides the Sam Adams and whatever we get' any other requests? Should I get some corn or does someone want to bring some of that goooooood Pennsylvania corn.(hint hint PA corn is better than CT crapola) Maybe make some sausage and peppers too?? Also what time are you guys planning on coming over..so I am sure to have everything by then...I wont be able to run out Sat morning since Bucky will be soaking in PB Blaster but I can get Tommy to. He is planning on going to Pauls Friday night to pick up the cherry picker...Paulyburger we will be talking to you soon. Plus I picked up some stuff to do that fender for the GLF ( got a palm sander and some primer) Hopefully I can get that done Sat or Sunday for you.
  9. Paul that water pump matched the one removed perfectly..maybe it had been switched sometime before...LOL..I never use AC so I never even thought to check to see if anything was rubbing..or if it even worked:-\ . I have never even used the AC on Bucky and I have had him officially 2 years now..I just know that he squeals when the Defrost is on....hopefully that will be fixed this weekend. I have the valve cover gaskets handy...no problem.... Also picked up a palm sander so I can get started this weekend maybe on getting that fender done for you
  10. Tommy wants to put up a bet...LOL...what may we break this time at my house. Since last time it was the toilet flusher handle. Tommy is betting on the blender My bet is someone busts a knuckle Any other suggestions???
  11. Sounds good to me..in fact Paulyburger.....call it even for the GLF. As for pouring a strong one...I dont have anything...yet!! Just trying to get the house cleaned up (you know how us wimmins is when it comes to company)
  12. Disregard...I spoke to you on the phone...and I forgot to send the email anyway I am sooo stressed ...LOL
  13. New XT-6??????????????? Girlie I will be calling you tonight!! I want the details!!! Sorry you arent coming Mary but we all know that things come up. Paulyburger....check your email..its about the parts I can't get yet.
  14. Cool Glad you are going to be able to make it..Just got back from picking up some more parts...Throw-out bearing will be here Monday..have the Cam seals,fuel filter,new PCV valve,exhaust manifold gaskets,valve cover and oil pump gaskets..plus a place is looking for my oil pump gasket (saying the only way I can get a new one is by getting a new oil pump) and the tensioners...should know monday but be ready Paul for me to see if you can get that from the dealer. Mary if you are bringing food..anything is good..I am going to get burgers and hot dogs..maybe some sausages...potatoe salad and stuff like that. Bucky better be thankful for all this ..if it would be any other car I owned I would have gotten rid of it...LOL..I know I appreciate it greatly...We are getting a case of Sam Adams ( Jessie..its Tommys favorite also) and should have some Captns or Vodka there...PLUS I have a BLENDER!!! Mary I will email you directions soon...at Tommys house for the weekend
  15. 1-2 inch drips in a 24 hour period????Geesh my 92 Loyale drips that within 10 minutes after parking it:grin: . I would fix it..sounds like an awesome car. I love mine and wouldnt part with it for anything!
  16. LOL Matt ..its 45 seconds from RT84 exit 4...Lake Ave I will put another sign out on the guardrail saying USMB
  17. One more Bumpity Bump..... Any requests for food and drinks???? both normal and fun:drunk: ???? What kind of beer are you guys interested in? Going to get a case of something and a bottle or two ( I happen to be a Captn kinda gal). Let me know...going grocery shopping this week and going to fill the gas bottle for the grill. Plus anyone need a refresher on directions??
  18. LOL!! I usually use a palm sander...very easy to control. They actually talked me into repainting the screen printers we use at work last year ..cause I was the only one who knew how to do bodywork....turned out nice too!! I use lots of 200 grit for the heavy stuff...pitted etc....if its real bad I use 100grit..them work down to 400 and sometimes even 800 grit. I have been working a TON of OT the past 2 weeks ( big military project needs to ship by the 15th). usually 12-14 hour days and weekends....CHA-CHING!! I will be able to pick up a palm sander this weekend Thanks for the offer Dave but a belt sander is alittle big. LMAO Andrew....you have been trying to get your claws into my/Pauls GLF since we got it. . Dont you have enough Subarus??? Just playing with ya. I am hoping to get it back next year if finacally things are better...Or Bucky dies ...whichever comes first.
  19. Done ..BTW Paulyburger...how did Lucky make the drive home for you...any issues?? I was worried since I never got the chance to take her out for a spin...probably did her a world of good. Tommy and me have the food and supplies under control this time..plus I have left over stuff from the last cook-out Anyway..I have to do something to repay all you fantastic club members for helping me out and getting dirty to help keep Bucky on the road. Just looking to get a cheap power sander to get dirty with the body work on Buck and also want to get that Fender for Lucky done so you can just slap it on
  20. Bump!! BTW guys and gals..what do you want to drink ?? Need to know so we can make sure you all are supplied:brow:
  21. Actually ...LOL..Paul pulled in with his friend Chris (I have never seen anyone put some much heavy stuff into a legacy and the legacy still move) in Pauls Touring wagon (89?). I would have given Paul the coupe to use anyway since his 78 needs to be temporarily retired for a bit heck when it comes to Paulyburger...if he needed it I would hand over my beloved Bucky no questions asked for him to use
  22. Paulyburger (moosens) has just left from picking up my GLF. She is on her way to Bridgeport CT. I hope Paul makes it home ok since I have never driven the car more than a total of 1 mile. I will miss her dearly but she found a good home. I know she is in good hands. Gosh she looked pretty driving down the road under her own power.
  23. Hocrest is the corn grilling God!! Jessie...what all do you think I need for this job...I want to make sure I have everything for it....my friends just gave me an early B day gift...$125 gift cert for Auto Zone (do my girls know me or what?). I have a flywheel,clutch and pressure plate coming via Kingbobdole and I kniow I need to get a throw out bearing. Paulyburger gave me instructions to PB blast a few things the night before. I have the valve cover gaskets and the little ringingy things and an oil pan gasket ..need the oil pump gasket and the cam seals... Do you think I should grab new motor mounts?
  24. Ummmmm we arent rebuilding the motor:grin: from the talk they are just going to pop out my motor to make some stuff easier (clutch) . I dont need to do anything with my heads...I do not have a head gasket leak..Buckys motor is good and strong..ticks alittle but not bad enough to worry about anything with my HLAs..Also water pump is good why fix it (plus I have a spare or 2 lying around). plugs cap rotor....all dont about 2 months ago Now the tensioners..thats what I was trying to remember Thanks
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