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Everything posted by Bucky92

  1. For those who are planning on coming to my place on the 24th to help fix my Loyale..I need a list of parts you all feel like I need. I am figuring: New timing belts valve cover gaskets oil pan gasket cam seals oil pump gasket alt and fan belts clutch kit and flywheel ( Already have a line on these..Thanks KingBobDole) throw-out bearing Anything else or anything I need a reminder not to forget??? Thanks All
  2. Hey Dave...cool idea and mod! Becca sure does look pretty too!!
  3. Just a bumpity bump...and had to say it......FLAMIN BANANAS:banana: and jolly jumpin .....well...Melis and Michelle know what I am talking about:brow: . Going camping till Monday talk to ya'll soon though
  4. I have to say..that is one of the nicest repair jobs I have seen. Looks fantastic...my mouth dropped when I saw what a terrific job you did on the welding.
  5. If you guys are serious about wanting to tackle the clutch I have a line on a new resurfaced flywheel and clutch kit..just need to go out and get a throw out bearing. Let me know what ya'll want to eat..if burgers and dogs are fine or if you want some chicken OR I just learned how to make some awesome chicken quesadillas
  6. Paulyburger, Call me ,email me,PM me,send smoke signals..Tommy and me will be available to help you anytime you need..you know that. I just dont have cell phone signal from his house. He is having troubles with his truck right now but should hopefully be cleared up soon but who knows..its a Toyota:-\ But he is willing to help you anytime..you know he loves you:brow:
  7. 24th is good for me gives me alittle more time round up some parts. How is that date for anyone else??
  8. Yes!!! You can keep it!! Keep it,restore it,strut it,love it!!!! Score!
  9. Which Ever weekends you all see fit to work is good for me.Except the Labor Day weekend...going camping for 3 days in NY.
  10. OK..So ...how does Sept 17th sound to everyone? Paul if I get a clutch kit..if you want I can send Tommy down with the truck for the lift so you dont have to try and wrestle that thing into your wagon.
  11. Since I had a good turn out earlier this summer for the Meet The Coupe party. I decided to see if anyone is up for another End Of Summer Fest.Food and Good People!. But this time there is a small alterior motive...My Loyale is in need of some work that I dont trust myself in doing alone without someone there who actually knows what they are doing. I just dont have the confidence in myself to do the timing belt change without guidence.Actually my hope is to replace All the belts ,oil pump gasket,valve cover gaskets,oil pan, and crank seals. Plus his clutch is spent but I dont think anyone wants to try and tackle that. So if anyone is up for it lets get some dates up. I have a grill and will provide food. Those who were here before know its easy to find and my door is open ...and michelle ..the toilet is fixed:grin:.
  12. Hey Matt!! I was thinking about it actually...but this time I might need some of you guys help...Bucky need work and some of it I just dont trust myself enough to do without someone there to help who has done it before...Timing belts,and all that apply..plus his clutch is about spent...slipping very badly. Havent had time or finances to work on the coupe..spent $300 this month on vet bills and I still owe some ppl money ( I didnt forget about you !!!) It is coming close to me seriously thinking on putting the coupe up on the for sale list to fix my wagon. I ran the coupe today and no smoke but it just needs some brake work and exhaust manifold gaskets....but I dont think it will be good as a daily drive...yet. I tell you what..I will put up on Meet and Greet about another CT cook-out and see if we can get something planned
  13. I pray he lives forever too cause I love my Loyale almost more than anything else in the world. But I could still see myself driving that Baja
  14. If I had to retire my very beloved Bucky (92 Loyale) I think I found my next daily driver..sorry it isnt Older Gen but all my friends are here. This happens to be my favorite color and would love to have something like this. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/05-Subaru-Baja-7k-Mi-Loaded-AWD-Pink_W0QQitemZ4570783122QQcategoryZ6467QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  15. I feel your pain!!!been in a similar situation before (but not getting into a fight with a drunk friend) with the car out on route. I did your job for 6 years..had a 100 mile a day route..at the time i had a Plymouth Acclaim ( bought it cheap and it really wasnt so bad)used to go through front brakes very very frequently. I had times where I would drop a pad on the route...got good at changing them on the side of the road. (took a whole 15 minutes). But I spent a few nights hoofin it home...FI on the van crapped out,head cracked in the Acclaim finally went,tranny in the Taurus ( should have known that was going to happen). Hope all gets better for ya.
  16. I saw one a couple weeks ago..and still wasnt impressed..the front end IMO is ugly and the interior seemed cramped..I have more room in my old Loyale wagon. But this is all just my opinion...if I could afford a new/newer Sube my choice would be an Impreza sport wagon or maybe a Baja.
  17. My 90 Justy met its death for the same reason..lower bearings went..if I would have known then what I do know I probably would still be driving the thing...It was an awesome little car..great in bad weather.Keep looking you will find something..I had a motor located for mine in FL ...but that was many years ago..I didnt want to spend the money on shipping. I know where there is one sitting back against some trees by my boyfriends house. Every time I say something about it my boyfriend tells me that I already have 2 cars and dont need a third...BUT ITS A JUSTY!!!! I whine..but dont get my way about it . Good Luck!!
  18. It does sound to me like you have the same leak as my Loyale does...not to complicated to fix..just needs a new O ring..the biggest pain is getting everything out of the way to do it...thats why mine isnt done yet ..one of the things on my to do list when I replace my timing belts.I just check my anti-freeze everytime I add oil (about once every week and a half). Put it this way...mine goes through a gallon of coolant about every 10 months or so...as long as I leave the overflow empty and the radiator full.
  19. My Loyale has a similar leak..Mine is coming from the water pump ..but it is from the tube...needs a new gasket ( you know the metal tube on the upper side of the motor). I racked my brain for months trying to figure it out. But mine only really drips when the overflow/resevoir is full.
  20. Yup my 82 GLF came with its original key box..just wish the keychain would have been in it. It is a really cool item to have and a good conversation piece too! Nice score!
  21. SWEET!! But I think mine is the nicest ....but thats only cause its mine. Here is a pic of my 2 Subies.....ignore the chick in between them...thats just me..nothing to look at.
  22. Congrats Adam!!!!! Way to go! Wishing you,the mother, and the little one the very best!!
  23. Never forget that alot of mechanics try to pull one over one the customer..tell them something major is wrong when its just something stupid....just to make more money. Plus if you think about it...not too many people want to or like to work on thier own cars. Especially the newer ones. I know that as a fact..I have been working on cars since I was little....old muscle cars and such..I open a hood on anything newer and get completely confused. I have been toying with going with a newer Subaru but keep turning back to my old ones just cause they are so much easier to work on and seem to be made to last more than the newer ones.But I still wouldnt mind a Baja or an Imperza Outback Sport!
  24. Tommy and me should be up for it..maybe by then my coupe will be on the road...if things stop going wrong with it.Then we could bring her up just to show her off...if not we will bring the Toyota and at least get to play in the dirt..I would be up for some fishing too since I havent done that once yet this year..as for biking...does that include dirtbikes???
  25. Just curious if anyone else has seen the convert coupe on Ebay. I just asked the seller why he wont drop a battery and some fresh gas in it to see if it will run or not. Says they are a Subaru dealer and doesnt want to pay a mechanic to get it running but has an opening bid of $700. Sounds kinda shady to me...yes?? Maybe its just me being wierd like I can be at times.But if it took me 20 minutes to get my coupe running and another hour and a half to get it running decent you think this dealer could do the same and maybe make some money off that car....Of course if it was here in CT I would be ALL over it.
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