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Everything posted by Bucky92

  1. OK we have the potatoe and macaroni salad and some drinks covered! I got the Burgers,hot dogs and got a request for some chicken, covered. This is all going to work out..hope its going to be a nice fun group of friends and cookout!
  2. Could be a few different things causing the overheating..thermostat could be partially stuck closed or fully closed,low or no antifreeze,clogged radiator...start with the simple first. I know my 82 GLF has 2 electric fans on the radiator..none driven off the motor like my 92 Loyale...make sure they are turning on. Dont let it overheat too much or you will be doing a head gasket and or head change on it. Hopefully no damage has been done.
  3. Yup I have a big grill going (freecycle is wonderful) going to get burgers and hot dogs....could use help with the paper plates,chips,6 different kinds of potatoe salad:grin:. And whatever anyone wants to bring. Anyone want to bring their own drink of choice too. . I have some AfterShock and thats about it
  4. All Still looks good for this Sat.. Like I mentioned before ..any time around 1 or so would be fine..if it looks like rain I can get my neighbor to move the bronco out of the garage and we can use it. I hate asking this but if anyone can bring anything to help with the feeding of ppl it would be much appreciated. Plus like mentioned before ..PM me and I will give anyone who needs it my phone number
  5. Geesh!! Even my boyfriend yelled at me last night (and he isnt a car guy). He said if I tried to sell it he would buy it.He says its just too easy to work on..specially after working on his 2001 Toyota truck over the weekend. Ya'll would have laughed hear my comments..like ...why it the motor layed out in a V I thought all motors were supposed to be flat? Where's the spare...what do you mean its under the truck...that makes no sence. I truely love this coupe and I know its not that bad off...but I do need to get it on the road for about a month so I can get my wagon fixed right.Poor Bucky needs so much and I just can't take him down to do it.He is just so darn dependable but is derserving of some work.I have had my Loyale for a year and a half with only a broken axle (broke at 60+ on the highway and still made it 30 miles home)..and a bad plug wire. But he needs so much more.
  6. I really need you guys to talk me out of something i have been seriously thinking of doing... My finances suck!!I live by myself in a very expensive part of the country.I am tired of half the time not having anything left over for groceries let alone anything for my own enjoyment. I have been thinking about selling the coupe...I can't afford 1 car let alone 2. I am thinking I jumped into it before I was really ready. And between the 2 I have to think logically..my Loyale is my dependable daily driver...the coupe is my toy. I mean I have wanted one for a long time but I can't even get a new water pump for her for a couple more weeks. Am I just upset cause I knew getting her would severly strap me for a month or two and with rent being due this week I am just over reacting?? Please give me enough reasons to keep her.
  7. Paulyburger...Its all going to work out. You were closing the Church temporarily to make things better for yourself and your family...the buying of a new houe with property instead of being in a high rise. More stuff can always be stored here in my basement. It is already starting to look like the mini- church down there:grin: . I am sorry to hear about your loss...but it will all be fine...he is in a better place now.All things happen for a reason. We will have a drink in remembrence on Sat! Take Care Paul...and remember those who care about you are thinking about you
  8. Congrats on your new baby!!! Too bad you wont be able to bring it up to the meet and greet! With all the cool new additions to the Northeastern collections it sure is making it look like the old Subes are making a comback!
  9. I am glad Andrew and the wagon all made it home OK.....I wasnt home I was at Toms and I dont get cell phone servise there...I wish I would have known sooner cause we would have come back here to my place. I am sorry..should have hijacked Toms puter tis morning.
  10. Congrats Pat!!! I know that I can get alot of parts for my 82 Coupe from Brats..like motor parts and alot of interior stuff..so I think some stuff from your wagon (dash) might work. Dont mark my words though since I am new to this EA81 thing
  11. MMMMMMM Chicken fried steak.... I make that alot...LOVE IT!! I am super happy for Andrew...WTG another classic vintage in the NE area
  12. I am going to need a head count very soon just so I can figure out the food thingy or if I need to ask ppl to possibly bring something. I was figuring burgers and dogs and maybe some chicken. It seems that subeman90 and his wife are a definate (will know after Carlisle) and Leaking Oil and Hocrest and Moosens. Jessie its still on..so save the car for the big race:grin: Directions are: RT 84 Exit 4 (Lake Ave)at bottom of ramp (directions are same if going east or west on 84) turn left onto Lake Ave. approx 1/8 mile look for a Dominoes Pizza on the left and Buzaid Piano and a Guns And Ammo shop on the right. Just past the Guna and Ammo is a street(to the right Merrimac)and just beyond that street is an Attrnys office (on the right) with a sign saying 64 Lake. Beside the Attnys office is a BIG blue house. Turn right between the Attnys and the Blue house and come around back. You will se my white Loyale wagon (Bucky) and beside the garage is my maroon coupe. I am thinking anytime after 1pm should be good ..cause moosens has to work. PM me and I can give anyone who needs it my phone number.
  13. Here Jack...here is a close up pic of the emblem from my 82 coupe.
  14. Actually thats a pic of my coupe...and I am the one looking for those emblems..There were just ornemantal...the one on that picture is actually lacking something..it had a lamination on the center which are gone on mine all thats left is just a chip so I dont really know what went there. Been looking but just cant find a close enough shot to find out for sure.
  15. I hope ya'll have fun I just couldnt swing it this year..specially since the coupe came into my life...it has ALL my extra spending money tied up into it....BUT she will be ready for next year!!! Like Moosens said...just picture the convoy!!! Someone will have to get that shot on tape. Northeasterners are taking over on the vintage Soobs! Look out!!
  16. That is so true...And I wouldnt trade either of my Soob children for anything. And I want to do it myself..so when the coupe is done I can stand back and look at her with pride knowing I did it all myself....with the advice from this group...She is a diamond in the rough!
  17. I know..I know....But I just want to drive her sooooo bad and show her off. But I really need to get her going so I can fix Bucky..He needs sooo much that I cant take him off the road for a few days to fix it without something else to drive. Actually I might have another water pump in one of my boxes of moosens goodies...I know I have one for my Loyale. Thanks Turbone...and the way its going I might have a few more things to fill that box up with:grin:
  18. Everytime I think I am getting ahead on the coupe I get knocked back a few notches..Today I was so happy Lucky wasnt smoking any..she was running smooth with just a small tick..then I walk away for a minute..come back and antifreeze pouring out from the front of the motor...Waterpump let go... Just wonderful!!! The Money Pit strikes again!
  19. Good Luck with your score!! You are lucky to have it.. My 82 wasnt garage kept or driven for at least a year or two and everytime I fix one thing something else pops up...I am about to change her name to The Money Pit:grin: . Keep us informed on how things go..I know I want to know what works for you since I have alot of the same issues with my GLF
  20. It took about 3 weeks to a month for my 92 Loyale to stop ticking with MMO. It was good for as few months and now just started to come back..Added Seafoam Sat after doing a fresh oil change..still ticks....give it some time.. As for the oil pressure..mine runs high at start-up then drops to just about nothing at 3000 rpms..and 0 at idle..this is common for those motors..I been running mine like that for almost 2 years..and I would still trust it to take me across country (OK after I do timing belts) with 188K on it.. Even my 32K mile 82 GLF ticks...but thats from lack of use right now...should clear up after its run for abit
  21. Yes I am... I have been doing the tranny fluid check thingy for a long long long time. I just have a very bad taste for ATs after haveing to pay $2200 for a rebuild on my (EWWWW) Taurus. Plus ATs are doggish and you dont have the control in bad weather etc like you do with stick. But I agree..this car just needs driven..its just not quite ready yet...and I want to drive it bad!!! But soon. I am also trying to prepare myself for all that will go wrong once it does start getting driven..all those lovely dry rotted things like hoses and belts and seals...oh the joy! My 66 Mustang i had sat for 10 years and it was a nightmare for the first 6 months of getting it road worthy
  22. 92 Loyale Wagon..5 spd EA82 FWD.....38/40 mpg ....188,000+ miles on the motor
  23. Come on down or over Jessie...More than welcome. Need as many EA81 ppl as possible to answer my stupid questions:grin: .
  24. If the tranny is bad..or going..Its my good excuse to do a 5 speed swap ( I hate AT with a passion). Wont do it unless this tranny is bad, due to the mileage on the car..wanting to keep it all original.....a swap will actually hurt the value of the car. But it all seems fine ..just an occational buzz that only happens when the car is stopped..while moving its fine. I still LOVE this coupe!!!
  25. I checked the fluids (about an hour ago) and they seem fine...tranny fluid red..dif fluid honey colored...no funny smells either...hoping its just lack of use...seems to shift fine. The sounds comes and goes also....but no grinding/clunking or banging noises.
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