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Everything posted by Bucky92

  1. My 88 GL had that same problem with fi...freaked me at first..my dumb self actually took it to a dealer .....who was dumber than me cause they couldnt figure it out. Took my neighbor (ownes a junk yard) to tell me....replaced all the hoses ,PVC and the filter and didnt have any problems after.
  2. I am leaning towards calling her Abby..but will have to wait..see what fits her after she is here. We are going to take Pauls wagon I think to go pick her up since Tom doesnt have a hitch on his truck and neither does Bucky...plus Bucky's clutch right now couldnt handle towing. Hey! you are a Newburger..so you will be welcome to my Welcome home to the coupe party too.. So Sat evening keep an eye out foe a yellow 84 GL wagon towing a red GLF and thats us!!
  3. OK I am getting super excited now...3 more days till we go pick up my 82 GLF:banana:. I cant wait!! I am ready to start ripping into her and getting her minor problems fixed. I have been waiting for one of these things for awhile...cant believe I am actually going to finally have one.....and one with only 32K!!!! I am reserving the tow dolly tomorrow....then might have a small welcome home party in a week or two or three for some of the locals.(Once I get my gas grill..have a small cook-out for those who have helped myself and moosens you know..a little cook out thing) Dave and Melis and Matt and Michelle,and Paul and his wife,and anyone else you all are welcome to come.
  4. OH !!!! This pic just made me get excited!! Picking up my 82 GLF Sat!!!Can't wait cant wait!!! Just love these things for some reason
  5. CONGRATS Andrew on the wagon!!! Lets bring back some of these basically extint beauties to the NE specially CT! You going to have to let me drool over it once you get it here. I think Paul and Me are going for my coupe Sat.Can't wait...I bet you cant wait either for that unbelieveable wagon!
  6. You're welcome Paulyburger! Actually it was more like 2:30 AM cause we didnt get back here till 4 AM. Nice to se you are awake already cause we just woke up about an hour ago...decided we were going to "play hookie" before falling asleep tis morning. I told you already though..I AM the one who owes you...by your helping me get my coupe...BTW going to be looking for Dolly-wheels today.And I will get with you thursday.
  7. SWEET!!! Good Score! Just 1 more reason to say..Good Subarus come to those who wait!
  8. Hey Mary!! I will be there between 12:30 and 1 I think. I hope you can hang around for a bit cause most likely Tommy will be coming down after he gets off work and I would love for you and Tim to meet him. For someone we can't convert he sure does like hanging with my Subie friends...Actually he really likes Paul and Paul has asked him to marry him twice now
  9. LMAO Tommy is fine with it...He was taught to share. Actually he has been a big support for me with this cause I feel overwhelmed by it (not as bad as Paulyburger though with his move and all....I will be there tomorrow to help BTW). But everytime time I say "What am I doing?? I can barely afford to keep bucky on the road and now to have 2??""" Tom just says it will all work out...When will I ever get the chance to have one of these with that kind of mileage and in that shape again.
  10. Its going to be about another week till we can get my 82 GLF home...but I am getting anxious! Already told my landlord about it coming (was afraid of the limited parking it might be a problem) and he said its fine to keep it here ..of course he is a classic car collector too (67 ALL original Nova in the garage..never seen rain or snow and an old MGB in the other garage). Even he can't believe the mileage on it. Plus word gets around!! Chris,at the garage down the street,asked me tis morning (while I was getting gas) if I was the one who is getting the super low mileage 82 GLF coupe...How did he know?!!?! I said yes and he wants me to bring it down asap so he can see and drool over it.I told him if he is nice I might let him fix the exhaust manifold gasket. Shame is that Bucky is jealous....BIG TIME!!! He has been ticking again and not running smooth. I keep telling him that she isnt going to replace him...she is just going to be driven for a bit till I can get all thats wrong with him fixed.Then he will be my main man again. I think once he sees her he will be fine...I still think he is alittle heartbroken that the 88 3 door that Melis bought from Paul is in PA and not here in CT....He really liked her. I just finished seperating out my parts..into Coupe boxes and Bucky boxes. I need to come up with a name for her....kinda leaning towards Abby. OH!! Please excuse this totally useless thread
  11. My 92 Loyale FWD 5 spd gets around 38-40 mpg...3300 rpms at 73 mph (any more and it shakes itself to pieces) and thats with a bad EGR (havent put the new one in yet).But his previous owner used him for a commuter car..all highway long distance. I dont know why he does so welll but I am happy he does...But I still wouldnt complain getting 31mpg
  12. NICE!!!! What potential!.. I think the paint might come back with some compound and a buffer. WOW Seems like the past couple days have been good for a few of us....getting our dream Subes! Congrats!
  13. No ..She is a FWD (like all my Soobs have been....But I think she is gorgous. Look at her interior...wow
  14. I am glad you werent there to see such a cruel and unjust treatment of a Subaru. I wish there was an organization for abused Subarus..like the Humaine sociaty for animals. How could they!?!?!?
  15. For those who didnt see her on Ebay...here is a pic of my new sweetbaby!!! I have been wanting one of these for a long time now and thanks to Moosens!! He has made my dream come true. Isnt she just beautiful??
  16. I just spoke with Moosens and looks like I am the new proud owner of that SWEET 82 GLF coupe with 32,000 miles!!!!! :banana: :banana: . Now we just have to figure out how to get out there to pick it up! Looks like Bucky is going to have a little sister (since the coupe is an AT it makes it a girl...manuals are boys in my book)!! Going to have to come up with a name for her.
  17. Hey!! Another CT Subie owner...Yeah!. My Bucky leaks oil from everywhere....I just call it "marking his territory". If you want to...Sat and Sunday in Milford CT Moosens is having a get together. Lots of parts for just about everything up to 89 and Loyales. He is moving across town and needs to clean house.Come on down ..there will be much knowledge around (plus we can oogle over your low mileage car:grin: ) There really isnt anything hard to do on these cars if you have a place to do it and the right tools.
  18. Your biggest problem is the fact its an automatic...I have read many complaints about that.My 92 Loyale can get up and go ..only when he needs to...but he is a 5 spd. They were never ment to be fast. I think the only things I can toast at redlights are old beat up Mazda 323s,Semi, and garbage trucks . But I wouldnt trade my 38-40 MPG for anything!
  19. Paul, Looks like Tom has to work both days this weekend..but I can come down with Bucky and we can get some stuff hauled over to the new place. Just can't push anything heavy ...like the Turbo wagon:brow: See you Sat!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Paulyburger...I dont want it for myself really...just wanted to maybe scavenge it for parts...I was basically thinking if it was 4WD to rip that out . If I am understanding the friend right..it isnt worth fixing so I am thinking probably a NE rust bucket. Saving myself for a coupe
  21. No not looking at it for a project...I already have my Bucky who is still in really good shape (cept for some neglectful basic maintanence stuff). I was looking at it to strip it down for parts..or maybe a fix and resell...I happen to have an extra pair of heads ..2 pair if you count the ones on my spare motor (that needs head gaskets). I was thinking more on the lines of getting the rear and all for anyone here on the board who needs one..IF it is a 4WD Loyale. I am still holding out for an early 80s coupe for my project.
  22. Sorry!! Couldnt resist...been waiting for the chance to use this..... ...I think we have all asked this question when we got our first Subaru. {waiver...no harm was ment by this post}
  23. I was offered for free today a 93 Loyale wagon. Has a blown head gasket and possibly a cracked head. Dont know anything else about it cept that the owner is going to junk it if I dont take it. Dont know if its a FWD or 4WD or anything. The person who told me about it doesnt know anything either....whole thing started out as they wanted me to put a water pump in it but I just dont have time.( Funny when ppl at you job know you are the Subaru Gal ) Its about35 miles from here and I dont want to pay a towing company to get it here...plus I dont really have a place to park it and strip it down. Or Maybe someone from here might want it. I can try to get more info tomorrow at work BYW its in Waterbury CT
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