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Everything posted by Bucky92

  1. NO Problem Paulyburger....I will call you in the morning...or you call me either way. Will be nice tro finally meet your wife:grin: . See ya tomorrow
  2. LOL..Welcome to my world!! I know exactly how you feel...Everytime I find my EA81 coupe it is always too much or to far gone or I get outbid.Not saying I can afford much for one..just maybe $300.. But I look at it this way: Its just saying its not time yet or this isnt the right one. All will work out when the right one comes along....at least thats what I am hoping for.
  3. OK OK !!!! I will bring Bucky!!..I like the Boxy is Better and Lifter Tick to you,heartbeat of life to me..slogans...I just want to get some of his rust taken care of and clean him up good..maybe do something with his hubcaps...plus I might try and get the timing belts changed before driving him down. Dont worry Paul..no politics with me..Just I love my Subaru
  4. That looked like one HAPPY wagon!!....Wish Bucky could do that..right now I am lucky to get a little chirp out of him and he has temporarily given up playing with ricers at stop lights ...till he gets new clutch
  5. I am going to try and get my registration in this weekend for Bucky...Once I do that I will go into crazy mode getting him ready....Have to make him look nice ya know;) Can't believe I am going to show a Loyale....whats wrong with me:grin:
  6. Paulyburger....If you want ..we can bring Toms truck down this weekend or next to help move some stuff...If it wont beto upseting that its a Toyota:grin: . We had his truck Sat when we stopped by and just missed you.
  7. Yesterday I got something out of the back door of Bucky....and now the little indicator light thingy on the dash is saying thaat the back door is open..when its not...and my dome light stays on (until I hit the switch and turn it off manually)...Never saw or heard of anything like this..I played with the switch in the door jam and still it stays on..Do these things go bad ofter?? Dirty contacts?? I know its annoying and dont want to add anymore black electrical tape to cover these lights:grin:
  8. Great pics and video!!!!..Made me want to go take Bucky out for a mud spin.....then I realized he is only FWD with a slippy clutch now.
  9. You're welcome Paul..it was no problem at all. And Buckys clutch worked itself out on the highway on the way home:brow: (note to sell..pushing a turbo wagon up a hill with a FWD Loyale ...make clutch go smokey smokey:grin: ). Just keep working on Andrew for me about the coupe!!!Tell him I will love it and cherish it and name it and love it andtake very good care of it:D . I will get you those pics as soon as I get home onto my puter..which should be by tonight. Happy Easter Paulyburger!
  10. apology accepted ..at least on my end.. Sorry...sometimes I take things that are said to others personally. These guys are the best!!! And will bend over backwards to help another owner out. We all know how frustrating things can be at times ...and the funniest part about it all...is usually its something easy and stupid to fix the problem. You probably already know this...or have done it recently...when you are replacing the oil pump go ahead and replace the timing belts and cam seals. Since you have all that stuff opened up already...better safe than sorry. I forget...didnt you already do all that?? If so forget what I just said .. Hope the new oil pump solves the problem
  11. Umm I dont know if this is appropriate but if I were you I might drop the attitude a hair...These guys in here know more about Soobs than anyone else..They have been dealing with them for 20+ years or more.And grossgary has been very very informative to me many times....even with things that at first didnt seem to make sence. Plus..technically..you are wrong..HLAs are not up top..they are either side and oil pump is in the middle (boxer motor as I sit here looking at my spare motor that I have 75% tore down...in my kitchen) Anyway...I have 2 spare good oil pumps right here and I might part with one of them (both EA82s) cheap if you want to try to replace yours....but I would first start with the mickey mouse gasket.
  12. I feel the same way aprilspies.... Mine has 187,000 miles and still going strong...and this CT winter has KILLED my body (which when I moved it here from Pa a year ago ..it was pretty much rust free). Now if I dont keep my stereo up loud...I hear scarey noises . It is getting close to where I have to make a choice....To either sell my BABY and find another one (cause I can't afford everything that is in need of repair) or sell myself to repair Bucky. To do the later I still need to take him out of commission for a week or two which can't happen since he is my only car. I still want to keep mine till it has at least 300,000 though.
  13. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=6783&item=7962390597&rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW Someone has got to save it!!!! I would but I cant afford to have it shipped here to CT and dont know anyone who could pick it up for me and store it. I really want it but its too far...Someone please save it!!!!Its only $50...I was inches from bidding but reality hit. Even though its FWD I think its worth it. HELP IT!!!! Unless there is someone close who can help me out. I know the link has been posted before..but just thought I would toss up a reminder.
  14. What is it around here in CT???? What do ppl have against older Subarus????...Geesh...Now today,after work I decided to spend some quality time with Bucky and start working on some of his rust issues that popped up over this winter.....and my neighbor yelled out the window..."Why dont you stop working on that POS and sell it and buy a new one!!! All you ever do is work on it!! Let it die!!!" I about broke down in tears....I take pride in my Loyale....what has Bucky ever done to anyone bad to deserve being called a POS (OK by anyone else but me;) ). Bucky has jumped started my neighbors Blazer..he has given him rides to work when the Blazer was in the shop...and he has always been the first one to plow through the snow at the end of the drive so others can get out ( I am the first one to go to work in the morning). I want to keep my precious Bucky till he reaches 300,000 miles or there is nothing left of him...whichever come first.
  15. I actually try to stay away from dealerships just cause of this reason...the clueless people they get to work for them. On top of it all..its a Ford(ew)/Subaru and the Ford takes priority. It was still fun for this chicky to play with the parts guys head:grin:
  16. You guys are si right!!! It is so much fun calling the local dealership and asking for price on a part for an old Soob...by EA82 etc!!! I just called to see how much a new EGR sylinoid would be for Bucky ...I said " I need price and availability of an EGR sylinoid..NOT valve ..for an EA82 SPFI?" The guy on the other end of the phone was like "WHAT!??!?!?!? what kind of Subaru is that??" I (chuckling under my breath) gave out a disgusted huff and said " I am sorry thought you would know this...geesh...92 Loyale 1.8l SPFI...single port fuel injection??".... The guy was ..."OH! ok can you hold??????????" LOL..when he came back I was suprised at the price and that they actually had one in stock!!! $107.78 (not to bad from what I have heard). Well that was my fun for the day!!
  17. I dont blame you Lukas...I wish I could have put Bucky away for the winter..he was pretty much rust free but it caught up to him this winter...got alot of work to do soon to bring him back up to his glory. Glad you back into your Subaru glory:grin:
  18. Paulyburger!!!!! I have off work Friday...so if you do too and want to get some stuff done let me know..I will be more than happy to come down.Plus also over the weekend (Melis has candles for us too and I talked to her yesterday about coming down over the weekend). Also let me know if you need more boxes amd stuff (bubble wrap and stuff for anything you may be shipping) I can get Geneat work to save that stuff for you. I might call you tonight about it too..if I dont fall asleep (finally got the darn bug thats going around)
  19. I dont know how accurate mine is but Bucky runs barely off cold when its cold outside and between 1/4 and 1/2 when hot out.Closer to the 1/2 when he is pulling a hill or is under load (IE AC on). But I dont think he is accurate since I get good heat quick when its cold out and when its hot out he seems to be alittle too hot. My 88 GL wagon used to run 1/4 all the time though..dont know what temp themostat was or is in either..never changed it yet:)
  20. Paulyburger!! Might be able to give ya a hand tomorrow if the weather holds out..if not next weekend...I can even bring Tom along to help. Let me know..I can also store some stuff here for you if you need to. Might be able to help with some shipping too..can ship out from work.
  21. Hey Another B Day!!! ..Happy B Day Mudrat!!! ..I am still older than you and seems like a good bit of this group....OK geesh..just made myself feel old:rolleyes: .. Hope you have a good one
  22. Awwww Lukas You little sweetheart!! I love the Loyales and basically all EA82s for the reason Lukas just stated. My 92 Loyale I sware will run forever ...you show it love it shows it right back..Nice thing about the EA82s and all Soobs is they are SO easy to work on yourself..even if you have little to no mechanical knowledge...a couple manuals and this board can get you through almost any repair. Oil leaks are an issue but as long as they arent to bad you can let them go for awhile until you desode to spend a weekend doing timing belts (only a couple hour job) but while you are in there thats the best time to take care of the leaks. They have more room in them than the Imprezas (even though I have been looking at those to maybe retire Bucky to back-up/project car). Another one to look for are Gen1 Legacys...another great car. And Yes..I feel all Soobs have a soul...but the DL/GL and Loyales have a stronger one..just because they know they are not the Flashiest or the fastest.They dont have the best options and some they have are kinda odd so they have to make up for it in other ways. I picked mine up for $600 (from a dealer) almost 2 years ago..I have put around 25,000 miles on him with very very little problems. Now this winter has put a hurting on his appearance but I will take care of that in a few weeks,once it gets alittle warmer out. Good Luck ...they are out there and just waiting for the right person to come along to make them part of the family
  23. I know of a good Soob mechanic here in Danbury CT....its not a Soob garage but just a little gas station.but the kid Chris who works there is another Soob junkie and really knows his stuff.I dont trust anyone with my car since it is my baby,my love (ranked right below my boyfriend),my life,and did I mention my baby??But I would trust Chris with it for something I wouldnt do myself. Its a small family owned place that is very HONEST! If you are interested its ..Danbury Gulf Exit 4 (Lake Ave) off 84. Turn right and its right there on the right. But I agree with others..the more you learn to do yourself the less you have to worry about. As soon as it gets warmer out I am going to tackle timing belts on my 92 EA-82..going to try and do oil pump,water pump,cam seals,valve cover gaskets,all other belts,and a new radiator at the same time. Shouldnt take but a day or two..I know I can do timing belts on my practice motor now in about 15 minutes ..LOL of course there is nothing in the way on that.
  24. Happy B-Day Paul ..My sweetheart..love of all my Subaru dreams:D:brow: . Hope you have a great one! Drink one for me
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