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Everything posted by Bucky92

  1. Just draw a line with a marker through that top bolt ( at the bottom of the strut..make sure the mark is on the strut too) that is your alignment mark. I think you have to remove those bolts to get enough room there.. it will allow the strut to pull away. Its not so bad getting the bolts to realign...big pry bar helps. Thats the only way I could get my swap on.
  2. Doing some more work on it today. So far I got alot stripped down..surprising since I am doing this alone and only once in awhile. I was also pleasantly surprised when I pulled off the fender. alittle of the wonderful Seattle gunk..but it didnt cause any damage to it. I should be able to straighen the little biff in the fender myself now that its off. Anyway ..pics! LB as he sits at 1:30 in the afternoon July 4th: the inside of the fender ..where so many have problems: His new blacked out honeycomber nose..for when he is done: Just amazing..no rust here!: More pics can be found here: http://s50.photobucket.com/albums/f335/Bucky92/LBsRestore/
  3. If you give me alittle time.. I have a parts book for 1983 ..and I can look it up for you. I believe they are the same though..because everything else in the front is the same between FWD and 4WD..but to be sure I will look it up.
  4. I wonder if your Brat was talking the the ghost or my evil XT6. Never failed.. a week or 2 before I wanted to do something with it ( show etc) ..something major would break. And it was always something I couldnt figure out. I sware you could here Rocky giggle too every time. But he finally got his..he is sitting in a fielf in upstate NY, last I heard, on his side. As for gas tank coating... I have been trying a new product on the market , and so far I LOVE it. http://www.KBS-Coatings.com They have a Fuel Tank Sealer kit. I like this product alot. I am using thier 3 step rust block/repair stuff, Its like POR-15 but cheaper...and comes in colors. Just a thought.
  5. Jerry ..you should try backwoodsboys chicken..OMG drooly yum:grin:
  6. OK I will do my special burgers ..in both regular and turkey...and some jalapeno cheddar burgers ( home made) too.
  7. Someday ... when parts are much cheaper. Thats what I get for buying what I could afford and not getting the premium package and going further in debt. hehehe I might make 2 different types of burgers.. Jerry DeMoss gave me a great idea too... similar to something I used to make. Jess.. you want me to do Turkey burgers again also?? for us "would rather not eat red meat" people?
  8. Actually no.. I dont drive the Imp hard at all..its pretty much babied most of the time. Until I bought the beater with a heater..the Imp was getting 100 miles a day on it..and all back road..very very little highway. If it wasnt for the lego ..add about 6-7K to the 38K already on the Imp. hehehehehehe I use.. Drive fast.....take chances:grin:
  9. Kinda what Rob said... but the car has rear drums so the problem is in the front only. Seems that its a common problem with them...plus ..dont forget ..that car has 38K miles on it ( which still seems too soon to me) and its out of its original warranty and on extended now. Plus brakes are something I can do myself...have done it many many many times before. Soon I will start a list of the food stuffs.. and hoping that others can help by bringing something.
  10. I talked to Rob last night ...and he actually thought there was going to be working on cars involved..wanted to help me possibly do new rotors and brakes on the Imp.yea right... I thought we agreed..no working on cars. Geesh..y'all are addicted. Talked to moosens last night also and he wanted to make sure everything was still a Go..so he would make sure not to have other plans that day. OK bedtime for me
  11. I am not fond of it right now either...I like the front but the back I do not... but then I didnt like the new Impreza when they released the photos.But ended up being one of the first people in my area to buy one cause I loved it in person...even more after the test drive. So not going to hate on it like so many do/have with the new Imp...but Meh..its just Meh IMO. But I am a wagon person ..I still am not fond of the Imp sedans...but love the 5 dr. Legacys just arent my style I think...I mean I LIKE my 95 wagon..but I dont LOVE my wagon...to me its just a beater with a heater.
  12. We have been over this topic many many times over the past few years and we are aware of what causes the failures in these Digi dashes... and havent been able to find an alternative VR for them to replace when failure occurs. When there is an electrical problem in the system of the car it blows out the VR..and sometimes takes some other components out in the process ( I happen to build and work on circut boards and have for over 20 years along with other board members who are also electrical techs) we have studied this problem in depth extensively. We have been trying to repair them because an analog swap is not an easy task since it is not plug and play. I alone have been looking into a repair for over a year and a half now..and some have been searching longer. The only reason I am not doing the analog swap is cause my coupe is being fully restored and will be spending the rest of its life as a show car and living inside in the garage
  13. http://www.subaruxt.com its the new addy for the old sight
  14. Nice job! looking forward to seeing the final results. Doing the same to my 83 coupe... Hoping to have mine in the body shop by fall and back before winter snow..then spend the winter putting it back together. I know what you mean about the crappy weather and motivation... its raining again right now...it also doesnt help I work nights and spend all day sleeping When do you expect it back from being painted??:popcorn:
  15. This sucks cause I just tossed out about 5 bad ones of these and only kept my good one. What I do know is there is a VR behind the clock assembly that is the culprit for the failure. Problem is... if there was an electrical problem ( IE the alt going bad ) it usually causes this to blow. It will give you a warning buzz..but that gives you about 30 seconds to turn it off before it blows. You have to remember, these are 25 year old parts. Best bet would be to find someone who has a digi car and plug it in to test it.
  16. Here is a pic of mine lit up. The only thing that doesnt work on it is the clock...but the imprortant stuff does:
  17. I wouldnt bet it works either.. low mileage doesnt mean anything with them.. I had 2 to try.. 1 a 126K mile one..and another had 226K... the 226K one worked... the 126K ..nope no go. You cant say the ALL are bad..cause thats just not true... but MOST are. I have a working one... so that has to mean something.. but it took trying out about 8-10 of them first.
  18. Crabs roof basket can be found on Ebay. The price is awesome and one of these4 days I will be getting one similar for either my Lego or the Imp. The sedans looks great!!
  19. I have the impact/ screw gun combo..have had it now for about 3 years.The Impact gun comes in handy in Junkyard and yes it is not as powerful as an air Impact...but do you really think it would be? Not going to get a whole lot out of a Battery powered tool really. I have used mine numerous times on the smaller rusted bolts on my cars..but for big , heavily torques..I break out the air tools.
  20. Is it an XT .. and XT-T or and XT6? ..if its and XT-T I would say stay away. .. the XT and XT6 are OK Just OK IMO... I would never want another as a DD thats for sure. If its just the XT you will be dealing with the EA82 MPFI..XT6 ER27. XT-T EA82T. Also... is it FWD or FT-4WD? AT or MT? It all depends on what your plans are with it. Some will argue with me, but my XT6 was one of the worst vehicles I have ever owned and I will never have another. I was lucky cause mine had been swapped to coil over susension..the air suspension if an epic fail. The trim on all these cars ( interior) is a real problem to find and is almost always broken. Other parts can usually be found without a problem..via the subaruxt.com. Another is ...if its an XT6, its near impossible to find a radiator.. many list rads for them but they are NOT for the XT6, they are for the XT But for a $100 you could snag it up and part it out..you could recoupe your money on the rear disk set up ,if it has them, alone. These cars are OK and you either love them or hate them ( I actually hate them after what I went through with mine but others feel the opp )
  21. I agree with GD on the Justy.. I have owned one ( FWD 5 spd) and it was awesome. Great little car..if I would have known then what I do now I would never have junked it when we believed a bearing was going in the motor
  22. FYI.. the newer EJ25s N/A ( IE the one in my 08 Imp) pushes over 170 hp stock. Its alittle closer to that 200 hp mark then the older EJ25
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